The Executives' Club of Chicago cordially invites you and your guests
to join us for our
Friday, March 19, 2010
Women's Leadership Breakfast and Panel Discussion
"The Feminine Edge: You Don't Have to be
One of the 'Boys' to Succeed"
Women need to embrace their power! Why are women's cooperative and consensus building leadership styles suddenly valued and admired? How do companies that promote and support women leaders fare versus their competitors. Our successful panelists will share their experiences with the "old boys' network", learning to ask, taking smart risks and achieving work/life balance.
Tsi-tsi-ki Felix News Anchor Telemundo Chicago
After cutting her journalistic teeth on radio, Tsi-tsi-ki was hired by Telemundo Chicago as a weather reporter. In January of 2007 she became the anchor chair at the news desk of Telemundo Chicago's 5PM newscast. In November of the same year she won an Emmy for "Outstanding Achievement by a News Anchor." Today she is the sole anchor of Telemundo Chicago's 5PM and 10PM News.
The recipient of multiple Emmy Award nominations for her work on camera, Tsi-tsi-ki has also been recognized for her work in radio with an AIR (Achievement in Radio Awards) for Best Spanish News Presentation in Radio. She has also been honored by countless organizations for her contributions to the Hispanic community. She is a strong advocate of mentoring youth, she frequently offers up her time and treasure to help empower and inspire young women. Tsi-Tsi-ki Felix is originally from Michoacan, Mexico.
"The Only Woman at the Table -Thriving in a World of Men"
Kathleen Cronin
Managing Director, General Counsel
and Corporate Secretary
CME Group
It still happens too often -you walk into a room and there's no other woman there. When that happens, how do you ensure that you can be effective in your role? Will your role and contribution as a leader or participant be respected? You can be both if you're clear and confident and adaptive to the dynamic at play. Remember, it's hard for them to forget who you are when you are the only woman in a sea of dark suits.
"Passion: the fight inside of you"
Pam El
Vice President,
Brand Marketing
State Farm
What is passion? What does it mean to be passionate? What if you're passionate about the wrong things? Many of us are misguided, or we've simply bought into a skewed line of thought that keeps us strapped to careers and lives that attempt to drain the fight out of us. But, passion is the feeling that drives you to excel at what you do, whether you get paid for it or not. Passion is the fight inside of you. Don't let circumstances confine you to settling. Ms. El is a strong believer in having the courage to live your passion. |
"Determined Leadership: Traits for Success"
Lori Healey Principal The John Buck Company
Emerging as a leader in a male-dominated workplace can be an intimidating task. It takes resilience and strength to move forward in an environment that is innately challenging. Every day we're tossing aside stereotypes and overcoming obstacles to achieve our goals. But far too often, we act as our own enemies by maintaining an Us versus Them mentality. When this happens, we must step back and take a look at the universal traits that will set us up to be successful leaders. |
Corporate Table for 10 - $575.00
Individual Member Ticket - $36.50
Individual Guest Ticket - $57.50
Friday, March 19, 2010
Reception: 7:00 a.m. Breakfast: 7:30 a.m.
Hilton Chicago Grand Ballroom 720 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois