Happy Passover


                       Involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life
March 2010/5770

Greetings from Mark Berlin

FJMC President

  Mark Berlin

One of Our Best Ideas

Mark Berlin, FJMC President


To many it's obvious that we should be visiting our various clubs.  After all, if it weren't for our 240+ clubs, there wouldn't be an FJMC.  But in the past the FJMC has largely left such visits to our various regions to do.  That would allow the international officers and Board the ability to focus on the development of programs that have made us a shining star in the Conservative Movement.


Many have expressed doubts that we could visit all of our clubs.  After all, many are relatively distant from the central hubs of our regions, as with St. Paul, San Antonio, Portland, and North Bay, Ontario.  With some clubs it is one man who is holding everything together, so a telephone call would be a lot easier.  And traveling to all of our clubs doesn't come cheaply either in dollars or in time.


But we now feel that visiting each of our clubs is the best way to let the thousands of club officers and workers across the continent understand what the FJMC does and how we can help our clubs improve on what they already have.  And these visits are our way of thanking each of you out there who is working to make your Men's Club a strong arm of your congregation.  Visiting our clubs is one of the best ideas we ever had.


And the FJMC is reaping big dividends from these visits.   I am hearing club presidents and rabbis amazed that we are visiting their small club, when no person on the international level of any organization has ever done so in the past.  I am hearing club officers who were questioning the wisdom of remaining affiliated now sold on the fact that the FJMC does a lot more than the World Wide Wrap and Yom Hashoah candles.  And I am seeing club presidents who once resisted such a visit as unnecessary now happy to have been made more a part of things.


Indeed, it is our goal to visit every club during the course of this administration.  Sooner or later, we'll get to your club, but if you want us there sooner, contact your regional president.  We want you to have every opportunity to excel, and we want to be a part of helping you down that path.


Mark Berlin
President, FJMC
[email protected]

What's Happening in our Clubs

From "Building a Ga Ga Court" to "Walking for Israel"

Over the past months, FJMC officers visited Men's Clubs in seven states.  Some have more than 100 members; others have fewer than 20.  Some have a long list of activities; others are having difficulty getting attendance at their few programs.  Most clubs yearn to attract younger men, while other clubs are looking for a niche in a congregation that already has a lot going on.  Wherever we go, we provide program ideas and membership tips to help the club grow. 


Here's a taste of what's going on out there:


The Men's Club at Agudas Achim in San Antonio built a Ga Ga Court, which is a glorified kickball/soccer venue. . . . the Beth Sholom Men's Club in Roslyn Heights, NY, sponsors a Defensive Driving Course, and if you take it, you can save on your insurance rates and take up to 4 points off any driver's license violations. . . . the B'nai Israel Men's Club in Albuquerque is going in for wellness in a big way with a walking club and a physical trainer speaking on "Getting Ready to Exercise". . . . the Ohavay Zion Men's Club in Lexington, KY held a wine and cheese welcome for FJMC International President Mark Berlin. . . . the Men's Progress Club in Fair Lawn, NJ compiles a synagogue directory, which serves as its big fund raiser. . . . 


The Agudath Israel Men's Club in Caldwell, NJ provided marshals for a congregational Walk for Israel. . . . the Or Shalom Men's Club in Orange, CT has an award-winning softball team. . . .  the Har Zion Men's Club in Scottsdale, AZ hosted an FJMC Executive Committee meeting and also runs a Family Chanukah Latke Party. . . .  the Men's Club at Shaar Hashalom in Houston sells bagels and challahs and purchasers are automatically entered into a raffle for an MP3 player. . . .  the Anshei Israel Men's Club in Tucson is holding a series of "Hearing Men's Voices" programs on whether men are defined by their occupations. . . . the Men's Club at Shelter Rock Jewish Center in Roslyn, NY built a 4320 square-foot sukkah for the congregation big enough to cover 300 for dinner. . . . the Beth El Men's Club in Phoenix has a sukkah squad that helps families build their own sukkah.


Look for someone from the FJMC to visit your Men's Club in the months ahead, and we'll showcase what your club is doing.

Convention 2009 - Memories and Observations
If you weren't in Philadelphia this past June 30th, you missed the best FJMC International Convention ever. From the reception at the United States Constitution Center with President George Washington and a great dinner, it was an incredible day.
If you weren't in Philadelphia on July 1st, you missed the best FJMC International Convention ever. From the Opening Ceremonies to Coach Bruce Pearl and the Gold medal winning USA Macabbia Basketball Team to Benjamin Franklin and John A MacDonald, the Ma'asim Tovim Award winners and the Regions Party, it was an incredible day.
If you weren't in Philadelphia on July 2nd, you missed the best FJMC International Convention ever. From the ecology based Shomrie Ha'aretz presentations to the Men's Health initiative Shomrei HaGuf to the fabulous Safam concert, it was an incredible day.
If you weren't in Philadelphia on July 3rd, you missed the best FJMC International Convention ever. From the Yellow Candle/Yom Hashoah presentation by Dr Sarah Horowitz to Moving Traditions young men's presentation to the Geffen Academy with world class sessions to our own Friday Night Live and on the International Kiddush Club meeting on the 33rd floor of the hotel, it was an incredible day.
If you weren't in Philadelphia on July 4th, you missed the best FJMC International Convention ever. From multiple choices for shacharit to Dr Arnold Eisen's Shabbat D'var Torah, to the Geffen Academy (again) and on to Saturday night's Fourth fireworks, it was an incredible day.
If you weren't in Philadelphia on July 5th, you missed the best FJMC International Convention ever. From the Torch Awards to the Closing Ceremonies, it was an incredible convention.
If you weren't in Philadelphia for the 2009 convention, you really need to come to the next one, July 2011 in Orange County, California. It will be even better!
Stan Greenspan
International Vice President, Programming
FJMC Consultant
Editor's note: I am continuing to post links to various sites containing pictures. If you have any to share, please let me know.
Here sites to start with:
FJMC Programs
Around the Regions
I continue to profile one region per issue. The following article is from Neil Melman, president of the Lake Ontario region, and my predecessor as HaShofar editor.

The Lake Ontario region is unique among all of the regions in FJMC.  We are the only region that spans an international border and we carry on financial activities in both U.S. and Canadian currencies. With ten clubs comprising over 2000 members, Lake Ontario is a large and active region and a strong voice for and within FJMC.  We have two vice-presidents and 4 additional members of the Board of Directors as well as a number of very active men involved in committees and FJMC activities at the international level.
As with most regions, we have a number of signature events throughout the year.  We are always active participants in LDI.  Our annual Retreat is a very popular event and our Man of the Year Brunch is a valuable fundraiser to support regional activities.  One of our goals for the current administration is to increase the number of clubs in the region - on both sides of the Canada/US border.  There are a number of small but active congregations that could make use of our programming and leadership training services and we are working on getting them involved with FJMC.  Our member clubs are active in World Wide Wrap with an interesting range of programs for that event.  Also, the Yom HaShoah Yellow Candle Program is a cornerstone of our region's outreach efforts.  This program was actually started by one of our member clubs:  Beth Tzedec, in Toronto.  Several clubs won Torch awards and Quality Club awards at the recent Convention in Philadelphia. 
We continue to move forward and encourage our clubs to go from strength to strength with FJMC programming and unique and interesting club and community oriented programs.  We exemplify the fact that Brotherhood knows no bounds - or boundaries.  The Jews of Canada and  the United States share so much common history - including family ties.  Yet, we remain two distinct societies sharing mutual trust and respect.  It is, indeed, and enviable situation
Neil Melman, President
Lake Ontario Region
Around the FJMC 
So you may understand what clubs within the FJMC are doing, I present a club program from across the organization, so you can see what types of program other clubs are having success with. The intent is to share programs across our clubs. The following program won a silver Torch award at the recent convention in Philadelphia under the category of 'Health and Wellness' programs and a bronze Torch award under the category of 'Shomrei Ha'aretz' programs.
Community Health Fair and Green Festival Program - Torch Award
Bnai Israel Men's Club, Rockville Maryland
Club President - Jeffrey Fredman & Wayne Berman
Summary Information
In 2007, the Men's Club at B'nai Israel sponsored the first "Healthy Choices Health Fair" for our congregation and the community. Over 350 people registered for event. We worked with local health care merchants, doctors, and service providers to enable the Fair to be as diverse as possible. As a result nearly 40 health care-related vendors set up exhibits in the main social hall; nearly 100 flu shots were given; and about 24 doctors and fitness experts participated in a unique "Ask-the-Doctor" speaker and demonstration series. Lots of "healthy" snacks were donated by a local grocery store. In addition, about 200 coronary artery screenings were done, 90 hearing checks were given, and over 40 children were finger printed courtesy of the police. Building on the success in 2007, the Men's Club partnered with the B'nai Israel Green Committee to expand the health fair to include a "Green Festival" in 2008. "Healthy Choices for you and for our Environment" was our motto of the "Healthy Choices Health Fair and Green Festival" event in 2008. Again, nearly 400 people attended this successful 4-hour event. Congregational interest in these events has been phenomenal and support for more such programs is high.
Assessment of Entry
Achievements of program goals, publicity, marketing and advanced planning -
The health fair programs over the last two years evolved out of a desire by the Men's Club to be more active in the synagogue in promoting health and environmentally friendly awareness among the members of the congregation. The Men's Club also wanted to motivate the congregation membership and others in the community, to make "healthy choices" lifestyle decisions to help themselves and the environment. We started small in 2006 by offering flu shots. With the success of that early effort, and a lot of support of a Men's Club planning group, the health fair programs became a reality and a great success. The goals were achieved and now the congregation has grown to expect more such events from us.
How does the program enhance the image of the FJMC, region and/or your club
This is a very visible program for B'nai Israel's Men's Club and the Men's Club gets a significant amount of recognition from the clergy and gratitude from synagogue members. It does a lot to enhance our image and promote a larger awareness of the Men's Club activities in the synagogue and with the larger community in which we are a part. This is a very visible program for B'nai Israel's Men's Club and the Men's Club gets a significant amount of recognition from the clergy and gratitude from synagogue members.
Include information so other clubs can use this program -
Advertisement for the event and a photo of the fair are available from the FJMC website.
What is its value in club building - number of named club members participating vs. club size and synagogue/congregation size -
About 25 percent of the men's Club members participated in planning and conducting the health fair / green festival events. In addition to a planning group of about 12 members of the Men's Club, about 25 percent of Men's Club 109 members participated the day of the event as organizers and helpers, speakers, and/or exhibitors. One of the interesting outcomes of the programs was that they helped to attract new members to the Men's Club. People who were impressed with the programs and who knew very little about the Men's Club want to join. The programs are generating participation and awareness from our membership.
Identification of source of program or practice and description of unique aspects. (Help us understand where it came from). -
While attending the 2005 FJMC International convention, our President and Vice President learned about health fair programs in use by other FJMC clubs. Upon their return, the program was discussed at a Men's Club meeting as a great way for the Men's Club to become more visible and active in our synagogue. A few members, some of whom are doctors, picked up on the idea and developed it. We started small in 2006 by offering flu shots and some simple screenings. We got a lot of positive feedback and interest from the congregation from the effort that enabled us to evolve to a much larger program in 2007 and 2008.
Identification of this program as an adaptation of a previous Torch Award entry or other program. -
From the FJMC International Convention as well as FJMC Seaboard Region meetings we learned of the idea. The idea evolved to a concept that was adapted to meet the needs of the diverse membership and available sets of skills within our congregation.

The Unraveller

Understanding and Unravelling the Weekly Haftorah
At the Convention in July, Rabbi Simon mentioned that he would do a weekly mailing along the lines of what you would get from JTS or AUJ where each week where there is an interpretation of the weekly torah portion.
Rabbi Simon, being the creative thinker that he is, suggested something unique: instead of the 510th different torah portion letter, the FIRST weekly Haftarah e-mail. 

The Unraveller has been enlightening members of our FJMC Clubs for several months, and you, too, can join us as we read the weekly commentary on the haftarah from the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. The mailing, written by Rabbi Charles Simon and others, is intended to give us insight into and help understanding the reading from the Prophets that accompanies the weekly Torah portion. The commentary offers an explanation of the context of the writing and, on occasion, discusses why our ancestors selected it to accompany a given Torah reading.
Nobody is currently doing this, and it is a great way to add to our knowledge, especially since the FJMC has been involved in the Sefer Haftarah project for the past several years.
If you'd like FREE HOME DELIVERY, visit this page and sign up!
Signups for the newsletter are now open to you, our loyal readers of the HaShofar newsletter. Feel free to suggest it to your friends and colleagues!

FJMC is proud to announce that it is publishing another exciting new electronic magazine called "Mentschen". Mentschen is different from other FJMC publications in that it is a place for YOUR voice, the voice of the Jewish Layman to be heard in an online forum of ideas.


Mentschen will ultimately be housed at it's own site hosted by the FJMC website but as we are doing maintenance on the FJMC site now, we wanted to give you a preview by referring you to its temporary location.




Please go to  the link and read Mentschen. Comment directly on the articles through the "add comment" links. 


We would also love to get your feedback. Send it directly to [email protected].


Finally, if you'd like to help write, edit or otherwise work on this project get in touch.



Shomrei Ha-aretz 

The FJMC project to fulfill our Biblical tradition as Stewards or Shepherds -  Guardians of the Land


Richard Gray

[email protected]

Shomrei Ha'aretz Chairman

FJMC has initiated a program to assist you in making energy conservation a meaningful Jewish activity in your synagogue community.  We have a special newsletter with programming ideas, links to other organizations and designs for the FJMC signature
Solar Ner Tamid. 
To get on the Shomrei Ha'aretz mailing list contact Richard Gray at [email protected] 

You are invited to open the link below for ideas and programs on environmentalism for your personal interest and to use to create programs for your clubs and synagogues.


Please copy this email or the link to send to your family, friends, and anyone in your community who is involved in environmental activities. 

Shomrei Haaretz Newsletter Link 


Send a note to [email protected] with your insights and ideas for bringing Jewish
environmental awareness and activism to your community.
Eco Shabbat Gift Packages are available at www.ecoshabbat.com
For more information check www.fjmc.info/sh/gift09.pdf or
email [email protected] attention Richard Gray
Delight your family and friends with soy Eco Shabbat candles sent directly to their
homes with your personal greeting in a gift wrapped package.  
FJMC in conjunction with JNF is offering guest speakers for your club's 
environmental events.  Contact Ira Bartfield at [email protected] for more information
Now is your chance to make Shabbat a bit more green. 
Check out the Eco-candle website:  www.ecoshabbat.com  
Get your synagogue on the path to a more sustainable Shabbat.
Have an "Energy Star" from now until the next Convention!
There is a lot you can do with your family and club between now and your next regional retreat or the next FJMC Convention.   Start by making a personal committment to living a greener, more sustainable lifestyle.  Then join in rebuilding the economy by acting responsibly, through Jewish values.

Lots More
Wellness Challenge 


The Wellness Think Tank has started a group to take the President's Challenge together:
the name of the group is FJMC. And you're invited to be part of it!

The President's Challenge is a series of programs designed to help improve anyone's activity level. Joining this group is a great way to make staying active easy.

To learn more about the President's Challenge, go to:

Staying active with others can be a lot of fun. They'll help keep you motivated - even when you
don't really feel like it. AS you know groups are a great way to interact with  people. There are
even programs for people at different activity levels: the Active Lifestyle program aimed at beginners, and the Presidential Champions program for those who are already active.

Signing up for our group is simple. And you can join other groups if you wish. You can join or leave at any time. All you have to do is register. It's quick, and there's no cost just to participate!



1) Send an email to [email protected] with your region and club name and a personal user name that you will use to sign in - first and last name plus middle initial should be ok. Doing that will help us contact you if need be so please don't make up a cute one that you might use for annonimity on a blog.


You will then be sent a member number so:

2) Go to http://www.PresidentsChallenge.org/login/register_individual.aspx 
Note: If you have already joined the President's challenge as an individual just log-in, click on the "Your Groups" tag, and proceed to 3.b below. 

3) Fill out the registration form.
   * Be sure to include the following info during registration :

 a) The personal user  name that you sent in
 b) Your Group ID Number: 88870
 c) Your Group Member Number which has been sent back to you.


4) After registering, start logging your activities. As you log activities you'll be able to track your progress toward winning a President's Challenge Award or Medal,as well as recognition from the FJMC.


Have Fun - l'briyut and l'chaim.


At the FJMC Leadership Development Institute, the Wellness Initiative was introduced and reinforced with excellent participation from the attendees.  There was much time and discussion devoted to this program at the 2009 Convention in Philadelphia. There was the "Walk to the Convention" program and other theme programming throughout the convention. But the Wellness Initiative doesn't stop there; it lives on - check the FJMC web site for more information.  What better way to "help Jewish men live Jewish lives", than by helping them LIVE longer lives to practice our faith?

Is your club or region embarking upon a wellness intiative?  If not, why not?  Meet the Challenge presented by our Past President, Dr. Bob Braitman.  We will be presenting some of the responses clubs have made to this challenge in upcoming issues of HaShofar.  If you want your club or region to get noticed and be eligible for a Torch Award or Quality Club award, let us know about what your are accomplishing.  In upcoming issues of HaShofar we will be featuring highlights of this new FJMC initiative.
If a club in your region has a great wellness program idea, please let us know so we can share the information with our members.
Chilean Relief

Fellow Men's Club Members:


As you know, the country of Chile has suffered through one of the worst earthquakes ever recorded.  The FJMC has recently affiliated a Men's Club in a congregation in Santiago, and fortunately there was little, if any, damage to that synagogue or to the properties of its congregants.  We have received word, however, that a Masorti congregation in Concepcion, close to the epicenter of the earthquake, was severely damaged.


In response to the damages incurred for our Masorti brothers in Chile, the FJMC Foundation for Jewish Life, which has funded many FJMC activities over the years, has approved a grant of $1,000 for relief efforts for the Jewish community in Chile, and those funds are being sent to Masorti Olami to be distributed through its Chile Earthquake Relief Fund. 


The Foundation also requests that those of you wishing to make a contribution send it through Masorti Olami at its website www.masortiworld.org

Mark Berlin                             Myles Simpson

Mark Berlin, President                                    Myles Simpson, Chairman

Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs                FJMC Foundation for Jewish Life

Report on FJMC's recent Mission to Panama


Ernie Smolen, from Congregation North Suburban Synagogue Beth El, Highland Park, Illinois sent us the following report on the FJMC's recent mission to Panama.

Six days may not seem like a long time, but it gave those of us who visited Panama time enough to see the important sights and begin to understand life in Panama.  Arriving from various cities in the USA, our group began our venture on Wednesday, January 13.   

Each day provided an in depth look at the country and the people.  Our guide had an excellent command of English and was most knowledgeable of the country and its history.  We toured an Embera Indian village in the depths of the forest, negotiating very challenging and difficult trails as well as wading across a river.  In some ways little has changed for many generations.
We spent time in the "Old City" where a total renovation is taking place, similar to that of the French Quarter in New Orleans, and of course visited and toured the Panama Canal  watching huge freighters and mega cruise ships.  Viewing Panama City from the bay is almost like the skyline of Chicago or New York.  The new construction taking place is breathtaking.
The Gamboa Rainforest gave us a glimpse of the most beautiful and colorful "jungle" area.  Gliding along the river, cruising in and out through back channels viewing exotic birds, monkeys and other wild life, rounded off the nature part of the trip.
But now comes the real story, Shabbat at Congregation Kol Shearith Israel with Rabbi Gustavo Kraselnik, a Masorti Rabbi.  The congregation has a very modern, new building (four years old) with a sanctuary that can seat 275 people, and a maximum seating of 900.  Founded in 1876, it is a congregation of 200 families, some with as many as five generations born in Panama. All of us felt extremely comfortable in the service and the appreciation of the community to our visit was overwhelming.   Ninety nine percent of the services was in Hebrew, with siddurim in Hebrew, Spanish and English.  We were hosted on Friday night by approximately 100 congregants, including many young couples with children.   Rabbi Chuck Simon addressed the community from the pulpit in Spanish and had the opportunity to explain a little about the FJMC and the Masorti Movement.
Shabbat morning services began at 9:00am, and the congregation used the Silverman siddur in Spanish. This siddur was printed in the 1980's and needs to be updated. Like many of our congregations they follow the Triennial format of the Torah Service, and most of our group were honored with aliyot.  Following the Kiddush we were hosted for lunch and spent several hours learning about the culture of the community, its needs and ways we can assist them to be more effective. In order to fulfill our mission we brought one of the young adult leaders of our congregation in El Salvador to Panama to meet his contemporaries. This interaction represents one additional step towards uniting Central American young adults with one another. It is our hope to link them in the near future with MAROM in Chile, Mexico and Argentina.   The visit also provided us with the opportunity to deliver Yom HaShoah candles and mezuzot to each congregation. Like all FJMC/Masorti Olami experiences it was a most enjoyable and satisfying experience.


In Rabbi Simon's Mailbag:
Tucum�n 1270 - Lan�s Este - Tel�fono ( 4241-9685 )

October 15, 2009.
Tishrei 27, 5770.
Rabbi Charles Simon, Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs
"Birshut Rabotai" judaism teaches to magnify the life�s actions. We live in an ordinary world and globalize, which despite the media, whenever we disconnect more a more losing the chance to say thanks. Our prophet Ishaiu said 38:19 : Yodecha Kamoni Hayom, Chai, Chai, Hu. "When we appreciate and value to another, we know we are alive".
Not accidentally, we are known as Yehudim. A Yehudi is by definition a person who should live in constant gratitude and appreciation of the benefits that receive, primarily those of God, and obviously also from the neighbor.
We find it necessary to inform you that we received a pair of phylacteries. The Torah tells us "And you shall bind them as a sign on your arm, and they shall be as frontlets on your head between your eyes" (Deuteronomy 6:8). We have pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your gift, because from now we could bring to people the opportunity to comply Mitzvot.
We greatly appreciate the attitude, because by these little facts we strengthen our identity. Dreaming on more opportunities to grow together, to thank, to give, to receive and to exchange...
Yours sincerely,
Alberto Kraus
President Achdut Israel
Lan�s, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Support MERCAZ  

MERCAZ USA is the American Zionist organization of the Conservative Movement and MERCAZ-CANADA is the Zionist voice of Conservative Judaism in Canada.  We are asking you to show your support for Israel, and in particular for the pluralistic and egalitarian approach to Judaism that our movement exemplifies there by joining MERCAZ at this time. 


From the Editor
It is a pleasure to be the editor for the HaShofar email magazine. This newsletter exists for you, the members of Men's Clubs and Brotherhoods across the United States and Canada. If you have club information you would like to share or have a question about FJMC or men's club in general, please let me know and I will endeavor to get it answered for you and published in a subsequent issue. If you have an item you would like to see here, let me know that too.
On behalf of my family and myself and the board of the FJMC, best wishes for a Chag HaPesach Kasher v'Sameach.

Jeff Moss
HaShofar Editor
[email protected] 


The FJMC is committed to protecting your privacy. 
FJMC understands your desire to protect the privacy of information you provide and will only use such information for FJMC related purposes.
This includes, but is not limited to e-mail addresses, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and FAX numbers.
Any personal information provided to us will not be disseminated to any party outside of FJMC.
In this Issue
Greetings from Mark Berlin
What's Happening in our Clubs
Convention 2009 - Memories and Observations
Around the Regions
Around the FJMC
The Unraveller
Shomrei Ha-aretz
Wellness Challenge
Chilean Relief
FJMC Panama Trip
Rabbi Simon's Mailbag
Support MERCAZ
From the Editor
FJMC Privacy Notice
Key Dates
Sefer Haftarah
FJMC Talit
Yad Shel Chai
Kosher Wines
Key Dates to Remember
29 March - 6 April
11-12 April
Yom HaShoah
18 April
Yom Hazikaron
19 April
Yom Ha'Atzma'ut
2 May
Lag B'Omer
11-12 May
Sefer Haftarah
     A Great Fundraising Idea!!!!!
The Complete Sefer Haftarah Scroll
1.  Raise thousands of dollars for your synagogue
2.  To be read from on every Shabbat & Holidays
3.  Convenient payment plan
4.  84 Haftarot
5.  Handwritten on Parchment by Sofer In Isreal
6.  Personal dedication on each Haftarah
For further information contact: FJMC - 1-800-288-FJMC (3562)
New York Area: 212-749-8100
New FJMC Website

The new FJMC web site is is now live!  It looks fantastic - check it out NOW.

Contact Allan Kahan
[email protected]

Order your FJMC Talit

Each one is individually made to order with the FJMC design and our logo on the band in your regional color. The Talit is made in Israel by Gabrielie and takes 6 to 8 weeks. You must order now to have it when you need it.

You may order on-line from the FJMC Store!


Yad Shel Chai 

FJMC's Newest Program
Yad Shel Chai
Honor teenagers when they read 18 aliyot

 Go to YadShelChai
FJMC Kosher Wines

FJMC has affiliated with KosherWine.com to bring to our members the opportunity to purchase fine kosher wines through the Internet.  Be ready for those festive meals! 

Visit www.KosherWine.com/fjmc
for more information.
Join Our Mailing List  
Contact me:
Jeff Moss
[email protected]