HaShofar Masthead

Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs

Involving Jewish Men in Jewish Life
May 2008......Celebrate a modern miracle:   Israel at 60!
In this Issue
Greetings from Norm Kurtz
News of our Regions
Shomrei Ha-aretz
Quality Club Award
Recipe of the month
Foundation for Jewish Life
Sefer Haftorah
The BIG Picture
Convention 2009
The Advantage
Kosher Wines

Greetings from Norm Kurtz

FJMC President



Celebrating Unity


As we mark the State of Israel's 60th birthday, we are reminded that despite our differences, Jews everywhere unite to celebrate this wonderful and remarkable milestone in our people's history.  Against great odds, the State of Israel was established.  And against greater odds, the State of Israel has flourished in all aspects of development ... educational, medical, social justice, environmental, political, military, financial, etc. 


It gives me great pride to celebrate, as well, unity here at home in North America among the major arms of the Conservative / Masorti Movement.  At the upcoming Leadership Council for Conservative/Masorti Judaism, it will be announced that, against great odds,  the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Women's League, the Rabbinical Assembly, United Synagogue, The Jewish Theological Seminary and The Ziegler Institute have agreed to a movement-wide statement on keruv.  Using the FJMC's approach to keruv, a statement has been crafted, under the guidance of Rabbi Bob Slosberg of Louisville, Kentucky, chairman of the newly constituted R.A.'s keruv committee, which will be presented to the L.C.C.J. for ratification on June 5th.  In celebrating Israel's 60th birthday, let us all remember that unity is a wonderful thing.  May we all go from strength to strength. 


Norm Kurtz
FJMC President

[email protected]
News of our Regions
From Northern New Jersey:
A wonderful event on Sunday, May 18th, 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM at the YM-YWHA of North Jersey, 1 Pike Drive, Wayne NJ.
YIDDISH FEST 08 - A full day of fun with Yiddish.
Admission to the Festival is free.
Shows are $7 each or $18 for all 3 if purchased in advance.
11:30 AM:  The Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus
2:15 PM:  The National Yiddish theater - the Folksbeine presents "Mamas Lukshen Kugel"
4:15 PM:  Margot Leverett & The Klezmer Mountain Boys with special guest Naomi Miller
Harvey Miller, co-chair

FJMC Table Siddur
Courtesy of Richard Gray and the New England Region, a Siddur has been developed for FJMC use.  This is an excellent companion document for retreats and leadership traing events as well as club meetings involving meals.  For detailed information, contact Richard Gray:

Table of Contents


Blessings 3

Kiddush for Friday Night 4

Kiddush for Shabbat Afternoon 6

Z'mirot / Shirim 8

Birkat Hamazon 10

Havdallah 16

Weekday Mincha 18

Weekday Maariv 31

Hatikvah 58

Star Spangled Banner 59

Oh Canada 59

Prayer for Travelers Back Cover

Is your club or region embarking upon a wellness intiative?  If not, why not?  Meet the Challenge presented by our Past President, Dr. Bob Braitman.  We will be presenting some of the responses clubs have made to this challenge in upcoming issues of HaShofar.  If you want your club or region to get noticed and be eligible for a Torch Award, let us know about what your are accomplishing.  In upcoming issues of HaShofar we will be featuring highlights of this new FJMC initiative.
From Beit Emunah, Santiago, Chile:
The following item has been sent to us from our Brothers in South America.  We do not have an English translation available at this time but we thought we'd pass it along for those who are Spanish literate or can puzzle out the meaning.  The Shabbat Kit enables an easier observance of Shabbat including everything needed to celebrate The Day.  The global value is that we have now "extended" our FJMC sphere of influence from the Great White North to below the Equator.  (Ed.)
Kit de Shabat
En Beit Emunah hemos asumido el compromiso de promover la
observancia vivemcial de nuestras mitzvot.  Una de las mas bellas que nos ofrece la herencia judia es la posibilidad de y observer el Shabat.
Por ello hemos creado especialmente un kit familiar que incluye todos los elementos necesarios para clelbrar, prender, compartir y snatificar Shabat en el hogar.
Thanks to Richard Gray for this item.


If a club in your region has a great program idea, please let us know so we can share the information with our members.
Shomrei Ha-aretz 
an ongoing program for Men's Clubs
A Men's Club Response to Stewardship and Environmental Awareness


Project Shomrei Ha-aretz is the FJMC project to fulfill our Biblical tradition as Stewards or Shepherds -  Guardians of the Land.



Richard Gray

[email protected]

Shomrei Ha'aretz Chairman


http://energy.fjmc.info/StewardNewsletterV2I2.pdf   (note the title is volume 2 issue 2 = V2 I2) to read the latest issue of of the Stewardship Newsletter in pdf format.


Just remember, every time you fill your car's tank with gasoline , there is something you can do to make a difference and acclerate a world wide trend to reduce dependence on petroleum and related products.


FJMC is initiating a program to assist you in making energy conservation  a meaningful Jewish activity in your synagogue community.  We have a special newsletter with programming ideas, links to other organizations and designs for the FJMC signature Solar Ner Tamid.  To get on the list contact Richard Gray at [email protected] .

FJMC Quality Club Award:
Your club stands out in the crowd

Brushing Up Your Club's Resume to Win the Quality Club Award

May 31

is the deadline for this year's Quality Club Award competition.  That means that all of your club's programming that you want to qualify for this year's calculations must have taken place by that date.  Here are a few of the criteria that you shouldn't overlook

FJMC Dues Payment.   You must be paid up in your Men's Club dues by May 31 to qualify for the award.  But since that is a Saturday, you should aim to get your dues in to the New York office by May 29.

Membership List.   While it's not required, your club should have submitted an updated membership list in the past year.

Purchasing FJMC Materials.    If you still need one more of the criteria to qualify for the award on the international level, you should order some FJMC books or other materials from the on-line FJMC Store.  Candles and build-a-pair kits do not count toward this.

Attend a training session or regional retreat. If your region is bringing in an FJMC consultant during the month of May, be sure that you send one of your members.  It's a required element that your club be represented at one of these sessions during the year.  If the session or retreat will be in June, that will count toward next year's competition, so you'll need it for the 2008-09 competition.

Region-wide events.   If your region is having an end-of-the-year event, like an installation dinner or president's dinner, be sure to send a representative.  If it's being held during May, it will count for this year's Quality Club Award calculations.  Otherwise it will count for the 2008-09 competition.

Local club programming.  There's not much time before the deadline, but you could still squeeze in a couple of local activities to help you qualify for the Award.  You could hold a synagogue service project or a community service project.  And your club could also make some kind of contribution of funds or books to foreign congregations or other Masorti institutions.  If you do this by May 31, you'll get credit for this year's Quality Club Award.

What is a MUST is that you need to complete the attached form on your local club programming during the past year and send it to

Quality Club Award
Chairman:                                                                                       Bob Kaplan at [email protected]. 

Last year we had 37 clubs to win the Quality Club Award, and we'd like to at least double that this year - with your club in the mix.



Recipe of the month - food by men's clubbers for all to enjoy! 

Marinated Chicken on the Barbecue




6 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Thighs

1 Red Pepper - cut into strips

1 Cubanelle  Pepper - cut into strips

8oz  Sliced white mushrooms or Cremini mushrooms

3 cloves of garlic - finely chopped

3 slices of Red Onion - chopped

3oz Olive oil

1 tablespoon of paprika

black pepper to taste

salt to taste

3 tablespoons of oregano

Note:  Veal Kabobs may be used instead of Chicken




Combine the olive oil, paprika, salt, pepper and oregano and pour over the chicken. Marinade for a few hours.

When everything is ready, go and barbecue.


Once your veggies are prepared, put some olive oil in a pan, heat the pan and add the garlic and the chopped onion. Once the onion is cooking add the other veggies and your choice of spices, such as salt, pepper and oregano. Paprika is always good to add with this dish.


Once the veggies are cooked add the chicken to the mix and let simmer for about 30 minutes on a low heat. Cover the pan.

To finish off the dish serve it over either brown rice or roasted potatoes.


Al Mervin

LakeOntario Region

This is a monthly series of recipes of Men's Club favourites - food prepared by men's clubbers for family and friends!  If you have some fun, tasty and filling recipes - send them in to HaShofar.
Foundation for Jewish Life 

Yad  Shel Chai

(The Hand of Life)


The Yad Shel Chai program was developed to provide a challenge for students to continue reading Torah after their bar or bat mitzvah.  The requirement is that they read at least 18 (chai) Torah portions from a Torah scroll, not a Humash, from their bar/bat mitzvah through high school graduation.  Having achieved this goal, the synagogue Men's Club recognizes the individual by presenting a Yad and a certificate commemorating the achievement. 


A program package will be available shortly with all of the materials needed for the program and a detailed manual outlining the procedures and award criteria.  The package will be available on the FJMC website. 


Yad Shel Chai is a Win-Win-Win program for any Men's Club.  The bar/bat mitzvah is encouraged and rewarded for their accomplishment.  The synagogue is strengthened by the participation of youth in the service in the near term and for years to come.  The Men's Club has an ongoing program that produces excellent visibility in the congregation and provides a venue for the congregation youth to shine, at a very moderate cost to the club. 


For further information, contact Randall Smith, Jacksonville Jewish Center, [email protected] or PO Box 54593, Jacksonville, FL   32245




Future articles will show you how to participate and will feature the grants already awarded.  For further information you may contact either


Myles Simpson, Chair at [email protected]  or


Robert J. Mandel, MD, Treasurer at [email protected]

Sefer Haftarah

A Great Fundraising Idea!!!!!

The Complete Sefer Haftarah Scroll


1.  Raise thousands of dollars for

     your synagogue

2.  To be read from on every Shabbat & Holidays

3.  Convenient payment plan

4.  84 Haftarot

5.  Handwritten on Parchment by Sofer In Isreal

6.  Personal dedication on each Haftarah



For further information contact: Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs - 1-800-288-FJMC (3562)

New York Area: 212-749-8100

Email Al Mervin  at [email protected]

Hit the red button
To make a contribution to the FJMC in honor of somebody or in memory, PRESS THE RED BUTTON. An FJMC acknowledgement card will be sent by the next business day.


The BIG Picture

May-Nisan/Iyar - a month of contrasts


We start with Yom Hashoah and mourn the loss of 6 million Jewish souls. 

Then, we observe Yom Hazikaron - the day of remembrance for Israel's fallen heroes.
The pace quickens with the celebration of Israel @ 60!
Yom Ha'atzma'ut





Join Our Mailing List 
Contact me:
Neil Melman

 International Convention 2009

Visit the FJMC Convention Site for the latest news on the 2009 convention to be held in Philadelphia, PA.
Photos are online
Are you interested in volunteering?  Send us an
e-mail and we'll get you started!

Need more information?  Contact:

Stan Greenspan

The FJMC Advantage

The Advantage is a newsletter aimed at club presidents and offers tips and advice on how to improve the way clubs operate.  Everyone can benefit from the information provided - not just presidents.  Check out the Advantage at the following LINK:

FJMC Kosher Wines

FJMC has affiliated with KosherWine.com to bring to our members the opportunity to purchase fine kosher wines through the Internet. 

Visit www.KosherWine.com for more information.
We will be providing reviews of selected wines in upcoming issues.