200 hr. Yoga Teacher Training
San Diego STARTS September 24th, 2010!
200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with Nature's Whisper School of Yoga It's not just any ol' teacher training~It's a LIFE TRAINING!
San DiegoONE (to two) WEEKEND(s) A MONTH for 4 months Friday's, Saturday & Sunday 7:00am-5:00pm Plus ONE mandatory practice a week Monday 6:30-9:30pm with NWSY Faculty Mentor Teacher, Kristina CabreraSeptember 24th-26h October 8th-10th November12th-14th
November19th-21st December
For more information visit
Nature's Whisper School of Yoga
Interviews for admissions are being scheduled by phone NOW! Call Jolie at (760)213-1110