Children's Book Events - for Sydney Members


Open Spaces Dinner

Come for an entertaining evening at the Hughenden Hotel, meet our interstate members in Sydney for the Open Spaces Retreat for picture book creators and hear Tohby Riddle talk about his latest work, Unforgotten.


Illustration by Tohby Riddle

When: Thursday 25 October 2012

Where: Hughenden Boutique Hotel, 14 Queen Street, Woollahra NSW

Time: Drinks and book launch 5pm - 6.30pm, dinner 7pm

Cost (including wine and food): ASA members $60; Partner organisation members $80; non-members $100

Bookings: call (02) 9211 1004 by Friday 19 October


"Tohby Riddle's beautifully composed and lyrical picture books have a rare, unforced authenticity" (Sydney Morning Herald). Tohby Riddle is an award-winning creator of picture books such as Nobody Owns the Moon, The Singing Hat and My Uncle's Donkey, two cartoon collections and a novel. He is also the illustrator of the acclaimed Word Spy books. His new book is an ambitious 128-page picture book titled Unforgotten - about which Bookseller+Publisher have said: "A book as impressive, mesmerising and thought-provoking as this deserves to become a classic."



Open Spaces Picture Book Creator's Retreat


25 - 28 October 2012


Open Spaces is a three day creativity retreat for picture book creators with an indoor/outdoor focus featuring a workshop at Sculpture by the Sea and several group workshops where participants are encouraged to develop and collaborate on work, open up their creative practices and thinking, and develop and learn new skills. A talented group of picture book creators from South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria have already booked. We would like to offer a limited number of places to Sydney members who would like to take part as a day participant.


Prices do not include accommodation at the hotel.

The hotel has free wifi if you wish to bring ipads or laptops. 

Thursday: $125 including the member dinner

Friday or Saturday: $190 per day

Three day package: $480






THURSDAY 25 October 2012


1pm Lunch

Once everyone is settled in we'll have a light lunch in the Sun Lounge and all can join in setting up the display of our current work projects and folios etc. Then we will introduce ourselves and our work and maybe mention what input, support or feedback you are each looking for during the retreat.


1.30pm Work Collaboration Session 1

This will be one of our first work collaboration sessions. Essentially these are safe environments for workshopping, brainstorming and breaking through blocks. There will be discussion, creative exercises, sharing, and developing skills and ideas. It will be a time to mentor and a time to learn, to identify your strengths and weaknesses, absorb new ideas, pass on old ones, offer or find solutions, brainstorm and identify sticking points.


3pm - 5pm Micador Workshop

Micador is running a workshop to show their latest products, let you have a play and offer a 20% discount on all purchases made on the day. This is an opportunity try out new and favourite products from Micador. Check out their website


5pm - 6.30pm Drinks 

To be served in the hotel lounge

Book Launch Amanda Niland and Christina Booth


7pm Dinner

An ASA member dinner at the hotel with guest speaker, Tohby Riddle

"Tohby Riddle's beautifully composed and lyrical picture books have a rare, unforced authenticity" (Sydney Morning Herald). Tohby Riddle is an award-winning creator of picture books such as Nobody Owns the Moon, The Singing Hat and My Uncle's Donkey, two cartoon collections and a novel. He is also the illustrator of the acclaimed Word Spy books. His new book is an ambitious 128-page picture book titled Unforgotten - about which Bookseller+Publisher have said: "A book as impressive, mesmerising and thought-provoking as this deserves to become a classic."


FRIDAY 26 October 2012


6.30am Breakfast

The dining room will open early so that there is plenty of time for breakfast before departure at 7.30am.


8am - 12pm Sculpture by the Sea

We will be walking along the spectacular coastline from Bronte to Bondi. It is roughly 4kms with sculptures the entire length of the coastal path. An early start will give us great light and fewer crowds so we can linger as much as we like. Be sure to bring your walking shoes and camera!


2pm - 4pm Creating with the Non-Dominant Hand by Bruce Whatley

Bruce is inspiring in his knowledge, research and practice of (for him) working with his left hand. He will run this fascinating workshop in the Sun Lounge - sure to be a catalyst for creative output whether writer, illustrator or both!


4pm - 6pm Work Collaboration Session 2

See description Work Collaboration Session 1.


7pm Buffet dinner

This is Skill Share night! This will be a fun dinner with a focus on creativity exercises and games and group sharing of creative practices.


SATURDAY 27 October 2012


7am Breakfast

Centennial Park, opposite the hotel, is open from sunrise. Take the opportunity for a morning walk! Departure is at 9.30am


10am - 11.30am Visit the Brett Whitely Studio


12pm - 2.30pm Picnic and Open-air Workshop 

This will take place at Kirribilli at the park created by Wendy Whitely.


3pm - 5pm Work Collaboration 3

Everyone is invited to bring along one object to add to the group sculpture project which will be dicussed and created over the course of the workshops with the finished sculpture being given to the Hughenden Hotel.


5pm - 6pm Visit the Dr Seuss Gallery

One of only two Dr Seuss Galleries in the world. Original art and prints for sale as well as a fascinating insight into one of the world's greatest children's book creators.


7pm Tapas Night at the Hotel

Wear something colourful and catch up on the day's events. We will be performing Work Collaboration 4 during the dinner.


SUNDAY 28 October


7am Breakfast


8.30am Work Collaboration 5

Our final work collaboration for the retreat.



What to bring

  • A camera
  • Good walking shoes
  • Sun protection
  • A visual diary or notepad to record your activities and share with the group
  • Something to contribute to the Group Sculpture Project
  • A creative activity or exercise to share with the group 
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Australian Society of Authors
Suite C1.06 22-36 Mountain St Ultimo NSW 2007 Australia
T: (02) 9211 1004 | F: (02) 9211 0125