The Art of Joe Vel�zquez   

Fall 2011
Edition V
Newsletter from the studio of Joe Velzquez
Summer Events   
 Our summer has been very busy this year with two major trips in July and one in August.  We would love to share all of the adventures we encountered, but thought perhaps some exceptional highlights would be best. 

In our last e-Newsletter, we told you about the West Lives On Gallery Grand Opening in Jackson, WY and the Coeur d'Alene Art Auction in Reno, NV.  We would like to give you a follow-up on these events and tell you about a very special trip we made to Grand Portage, MN in August. 

Coeur d'Alene Art Auction

by Pam Velazquez
July 23rd - Reno Nevada
Snake River Expedition
Snake River Expedition

Snake River Expedition was

Joe's submission to the auction and it sold very well.  We were honored by the reception of the painting and enjoyed meeting many auction patrons who shared their enthusiastic appreciation of Joe's work. 





Although this is the third year of Joe's participation in the auction, it is the first year we attended.  It was truly an exhilarating experience.

Friday afternoon and evening, auction patrons were treated to a sumptuous buffet while they toured and previewed the auction lots.
CdA preview
A patron peruses items for sale during Friday night's preview party.
 Saturday afternoon found the
auction directors amidst hustle and bustle as they prepared for the evening's challenges.
Getting ready for the auction
An auction director prepares for bids on-line and by telephone.











Saturday auction
The auditorium filled with excitement as the auctioneer and his assistants took bids from the floor, by computer and by telephone.

The auction ended as one of the more successful sales in several years with over sixteen million dollars in receipts.  The majority of the lots were works by deceased artists such as Charles Russell, Frederic Remington, Enger Irving Couse and Albert Bierstadt.  A Bierstadt brought the top bid of one-million, six-hundred and fifty thousands dollars.  There were a few re-sale lots by living artists with only 20 to 25 new pieces submitted by artists at the invitation of the auction directors. You may read more details regarding the auction by visiting the Coeur d'Alene Auction web site. 


We were truly honored to have the opportunity of participate in this exceptional event and we're looking forward to attending next year's auction.  

Grand Portage Rendezvous
by Pam Velazquez
A re-enactor's paradise - an artist's treasure trove

Grand Portage, MN on the north shore of Lake Superior 


Gene Joe
Joe gets input from history expert, "Henri".

The success of an artist's endeavors is predicated on his knowledge of his subject matter along with his technical ability and expertise.  A couple of year's back, Joe had the great fortune of meeting an exceptional historian at a Colorado rendezvous. This expert just happened to have a passion for the Canadian fur trade, which is also one of Joe's passions.  A "for ever" friendship resulted. "Henri" - known in today's world as Gene Tesdahl, a history professor pursuing his doctorate at CU, is a consultant for many historical re-enactments.  He volunteered to orchestrate a special photo opportunity for Joe at this year's Grand Portage rendezvous in MN.  What an "out of this world" experience.  

We have visited many re-enactments over the years, but this was an exceptional gathering.  The criteria for participants in this event included historically accurate costuming, accoutrements and living quarters.  Re-enactors participating in events such as this, are passionate about their roles in the depiction of an era gone by; so when an artist creates a painting of historical events, he can rely on the accuracy of what he sees and hears.
voyageurs camp
Voyageurs relax and have a "pipe" while chatting about their extensive travels. Joe captures their repose.  White shirts and red toques (knit wool caps) were the typical dress for the voyageurs.  Blue toques were also worn and occasionally a colored shirt.  Large silk scarves were also typical head wear.

This event took place over a four-day period with activities designed specifically for Joe's documentation on Thursday afternoon. 
Joe in canoe
Joe embarks in a "chase" canoe to capture images of voyageurs paddling their crafts as they approach the trading post. He was heard to declare,
 "I think we'll need a bigger boat"!
Joe amidst canoes
Joe's photo shoot amidst a voyageur brigade on Lake Superior

Over the next few days, there were many activities re-creating the actual events that would have transpired during a voyageurs rendezvous at Grand Portage.  The rendezvous took place once a year and would last only two weeks.
canoe landing
Voyageur brigades remove their canoes from the lake once the trade goods have been unloaded.
The arrival of the brigades was announced by the drone of the bagpiper. He would then escort the "Bourgeoisie" and the Clerks to the Grand Hall for their business meeting.





lacrosse game
Lacrosse was a popular game with the voyageurs and Indians once the work was done. Joe captures some  action - and didn't get run over!
camp cooking
Cooking fires were prevalent across the encampment throughout the day. The aroma was wonderful, the food incredible.

As a "thank you" to the gracious re-enactors who put up with our clicking cameras for days, "Henri" engaged a local fisherman friend to bring fresh caught lake trout to his camp for his authentic preparations.  No five star restaurant has ever presented such delectable fare!
smoking fish
Fresh-caught lake trout being smoked for the evening meal. Note the "grill" made from green boughs.
In addition to the smoked fish, one was filled with a wild rice stuffing, wrapped in a pastry shell and baked in an authentic clay oven.

The various foods prepared and shared by many of the re-en-actors were amazing.  All dishes were authentic foods of the era.  I'm ready to scrap my kitchen and cookbooks, drag out all of my old iron cook ware, build a clay oven and a grill of sticks and learn the "old ways" of food preparation.  But then I wouldn't have time to write this newsletter. 

This event was truly an incredible experience and one we will never forget.  Many thanks to our dear friends Gene Tesdahl, his wife Jasmine and her family, Casey, Peggy and Summer Criswell for making this event so very special.  The Criswells are the owners and publishers ofThe Journal of the Early Americas .We've mentioned their exceptional publication in previous e-Newsletters.  In the upcoming issue of the Journal, Joe will have an article discussing the value of this type of research for the creation of his paintings. 
Current Shows - Coeur d'Alene, ID; Jackson, WY

"Miniatures by the Lake" 

Coeur d'Alene Gallery, September 9 - 24

canoe voyageurs
Bound for Grand Portage
9" x 17"
Buffalo Hunter
Buffalo Hunter
11" x 14"











New miniatures available at the

Coeur d'Alene Gallery in Coeur d'Alene, ID

Visit their web site for more information. 




Fall Arts Festival,  Jackson, WY

West Lives On Gallery,  September 8 - 18


24" x 18"

The gallery will be featuring new paintings  

by gallery artists during this year's  

Fall Arts Festival.  Here are the new  

works Joe will have in the show.  


sm canoe
The Ojibwe
9" x 12"

West Lives On Gallery - Grand Opening 

July 2nd - 4th, Jackson, WY
New Hat
New Hat

New Hat was one of four door prizes (paintings contributed by four different artists) awarded to an Open House attendee at the end-of-day on the 4th.  


It was fun meeting many new gallery visitors as each placed their entry in the drawing box hoping they would be the "lucky one" winning the painting.


 The Gallery Grand Opening introduced gallery patrons to the new contemporary gallery two doors up the street from the traditional gallery.  It is a beautiful addition to West Lives On Gallery.   




Quiet Leader

Quiet Leader



Quiet Leader was a new painting with its debut at the grand opening. It sold within a couple of hours on opening day. 





Upcoming Shows and Events

The Tesoro Foundation

The Fort Restaurant, Morrison, CO; September 17 


The Tesoro Foundation has invited Joe to give a presentation on the development of a painting during the Foundation's fall event - the 1830's Rendezvous and Spanish Colonial Market. The Foundation's mission is cross-cultural education on the history of our nation.      



The Great American West Show
Settler's West Gallery, Tuscon AZ - November, 19  


This show will mark the gallery's 40th anniversary.  The gallery artists are working diligently to create their best works to help celebrate this special occasion. 



Mountain Oyster Club Show   

Tuscon AZ - Nov.  20 - Jan. 7, 2012 


The works for both of these shows will be posted on our web site and introduced in our next e-Newsletter.   

Contact Information
phone: 303-770-5639
email: [email protected]
          [email protected]
