july newsletter

Operation Inasmuch equips churches to move out of the sanctuary seats and into the streets to serve their communities with compassion. Learn more on our web site.


Help Send this Video Viral!!
Operation Inasmuch Feeds 50,000!
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Upcoming Events


August 16 - First Presbyterian Church (Florence, SC)


August 17 - Alice Drive Baptist Church (Sumter, SC)


August 18 (pending) - First Baptist Church (York, SC)


Want to schedule a workshop or training?

Click to schedule!


Holding an Inasmuch

Day or United soon?  

Click to let us know! 


Finished an event?

Click to report it! 


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Operation Inasmuch

4815 Santa Monica Rd

Knoxville, TN 37918 



send video viral
Have you seen the amazing "What Would it Look Like?" video by our board member Todd Troop yet? If not, take a look - it's on the left side of our home page.

In our desire to equip more churches to hold an Inasmuch event - we want churches to know about us and to visit our web site. You can help in this effort by sending this video viral!  Here's all you need to do. We'll send you an email over the next two weeks with a link to the video on YouTube and a link to our web site. Simply forward that email to YOUR email list (especially to folks in other parts of the country), asking your friends to view it and pass it on to their lists. Thanks ahead of time for your support in this effort!

Feed 50000
We didn't start out with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, BUT we did feed 50,000 people! How? 

Operation Inasmuch, Kids Against Hunger (the local affiliate: A Child's Hope), and the North American Christian Convention (NACC) co-hosted a service project at the recent NACC conference in Cincinnati.   


In four 1-hour shifts, about 250 men, women, and children worked together to fill bags with long-grain rice, vitamin-fortified crushed soy protein, dehydrated veggies, and chicken-flavored vegetarian vitamin and mineral powder. Those who receive the bags add the contents to boiling water, creating enough nutritious meals to feed six. Kids Against Hunger took care of the logistics. We recruited the participants and paid for the materials. And we all had a great time!

These 50,000 meals will be sent to countries like Haiti and even to the hungry in our own backyard -- in Appalachia.

What a blessing it was to serve others while having fun and fellowship at the same time!