Nov banner
Happy Thanksgiving!
Operation Inasmuch 
helps churches move out of the sanctuary seats and into the streets to serve their community's neediest with compassion. Visit 
to learn more.
Amazing Artist Graces Friendship Dinners
Match Your Gift!
What's the 21st State?
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December 1
David Crocker Speaking
Perspective Missions Course 
Fellowship Church
Knoxville, TN


December 2
David Crocker Speaking
Kiwanis Club
North Knoxville, TN


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4815 Santa Monica Road

Knoxville, TN 37918


Nov 1

Operation Inasmuch, Inc., hosts two Friendship Dinners each year for those donors who live in Knoxville, TN and Fayetteville, NC. The theme of this year's dinners? "A Compassion Revolution." David Crocker shared several stories (like one here) about the impact of our ministry, then the guests had the opportunity to pledge donations for 2012.


As the highlight of each evening (besides great food), Raquel Roy donated her amazing talent to paint an original work of art on the spot! Roy is an art teacher at Carson-Newman College and Maryville High School. Her canvases started with our motivating verse from Matthew 25:40. Roy added words depicting pain and suffering, then words of grace and mercy.


Raquel Ray Painting

Finally, in less than 30 minutes, Roy painted over the words with pictures of compassionate hands holding the cities of Knoxville and Fayetteville (at right).  You can see photos of the painting in process on Facebook here. Each of the paintings was sold at auction after the dinners. The high bidders graciously donated the paintings to our national and Fayetteville-area affiliate offices!  Thank you, Raquel, for your amazing gift of talent.

Nov 2

We are in awe that $70,000 of matching gifts were donated to the ministry for our fourth quarter fundraising drive! To date, those gifts have been matched by more than $43,000 in individual donations or pledges.


If you have a heart to see communities and churches across America transformed by A Compassion Revolution, help us reach the match totals and double your investment by donating here today. Or you can mail in your gift or pledge by year end. All donations are tax deductible.


Please know that your donations allow us to serve churches and communities at minimal cost. These videos and Stories of the Revolution show the impact your gifts have on many lives!

Nov 4

St. Luke Lutheran church in Slinger, Wisconsin held its very first Inasmuch Day on October 8, 2011. This makes Wisconsin the 21st State to join the Compassion Revolution! Congratulations & welcome to the Inasmuch family, St. Luke!