Operation Inasmuch helps churches move out of the seats and into the streets to serve their neighbors in need. Learn more at
Merry Christmas!!!
Call to Ministry Follows an Inasmuch Day
What an Impact this Year!
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More events to come in the New Year!


Want to schedule a workshop or training in 2012? Click to schedule!


Did you have an Inasmuch Day or United in 2011?  

Click to report it! 



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Operation Inasmuch, Inc.

4815 Santa Monica Road

Knoxville, TN 37918


David Crocker, Becky Blankenbeckler, Janice Emge, and Lorraine Kalal - the staff of Operation Inasmuch - wish you a Joyous Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

We also want to thank you for the many ways you have supported the ministry during this very difficult, yet exciting year. Your kind words and friendships have encouraged us greatly and we look forward to working together in 2012 to further expand the Compassion Revolution.

Thank you, too, for your generosity. We have now received enough pledges and donations to double our matching gifts of $70,000 -- to $140,000! And more much-needed contributions continue to grace the Inasmuch ministry daily. Read the articles below to see how your gifts have had an impact on many lives!

From near death to a ministry calling - that's the short version of Dr. Frank Smist's story.  In October, his church -- Leawood Baptist Church, Leawood, Kansas -- conducted their third Inasmuch Day.  Frank participated. And the result was far more than he or anyone else could have expected.  


"God used our Inasmuch Day to call me into full-time ministry where I can do more of what I did on that day," says Smist.  He is currently a seminary student preparing for professional ministry.


The back-story is what makes Smist's journey so amazing. A few years ago, Smist was a well-respected college professor and author.  But his life took an abrupt turn...  

Operation Inasmuch has received ministry reports so far this year from 405 churches that conducted an Inasmuch Day or participated in an Inasmuch United in 2011.   


These reporting churches collectively sent out  22,000 volunteers to serve 116,000 people through 1,600 projects!! In total, these 405 churches expended $3M in volunteer labor and materials!


Moreover, many of the reporting churches collaborated via one of 18 Inasmuch United events this year!