Operation Inasmuch helps churches move out of the seats and into the streets to serve the needy in their communities. Learn more at
How Many Ramps Can You Build in a Day?
Virginians to Unite for Statewide Inasmuch
A Story of the Compassion Revolution
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Operation Inasmuch, Inc.

4815 Santa Monica Road

Knoxville, TN 37918



328 (at last count)!


Nearly 3000 volunteers built 328 wheelchair ramps across the state of North Carolina - setting a state record! Because decent ramps cost at least $700, many of those who need a ramp cannot afford one and instead cobble together makeshift ramps, scoot up stairs, or rely on others to carry them into their homes.

Photo credit: Melissa Lilley,  
BSCNC Communications
Most of the volunteers came from Baptist churches, but other denominations, ministries, and civic groups joined in. Many ages served, too. A six-year old picked up wood scraps. Teenagers pre-built ramp sections. One ramp team averaged 79 years old!


The wheelchair ramp initiative was part of North Carolina's statewide Inasmuch United which took place on two weekends this year: April 28 and May 5. 


Can other churches top this record next year? Read more about North Carolina's Inasmuch event here.

On May 3, 2012, Executive Director David Crocker met with members of the Network of Association Workers comprised of Directors of Missions and Association support staff from across the state of Virginia.


By the end of the meeting, the group decided to work together to conduct an Inasmuch United Virginia in the spring of 2014!


The group anticipates that 1400 churches from across the state will serve their communities with compassion on a single day. This event makes Virginia the third state to experience the blessing of a statewide Inasmuch event, following North Carolina (Southern Baptist) and South Carolina (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America).


Cliff Hudgins, Director of Missions of the Pittsylvania Association was a strong advocate of a statewide Inasmuch Untied at the May 3 meeting. He said... Continue reading here

Cindy Bush, Inasmuch Coordinator from John Sevier Baptist Church of Knoxville, TN shared this story about the church's participation on April 21 with Inasmuch United Knoxville:


Our 3 and 4- year olds baked cookies and delivered them to our railroad security people, fire department, and rescue squad. The children also shared cookies with a few shut-ins.  At one home, they sang a song they had performed in church the previous week.  It's so wonderful for our little ones to be able to learn the importance of serving our community. 


It was really amazing that our children were excited because they remembered serving last year! They just expect that this is what our church does on a regular basis. Their excitement was contagious: it was difficult for the adults to not feel the same way!