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Operation Inasmuch equips churches to move out of the sanctuary seats and into the streets to serve their communities with compassion. 

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Inasmuch Life is Coming to Life!
calendar links


September 18
Workshop on 
Inasmuch Life
First Baptist Church
Rome, GA


September 24
Regional Inasmuch Training 
for NC statewide '12 event
Trinity Baptist Church
Raleigh, NC

First Baptist Church

Wadesboro, NC


October 1
Regional Inasmuch Training 
for NC statewide '12 event
Corinth Baptist Church
Elizabeth City, NC


Want to schedule a workshop or training?

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Day or United soon?  

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4815 Santa Monica Road

Knoxville, TN 37918


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Thanks for sending our video viral!! Since our July eNewsletter asked you to view the video and forward the link via a follow-up email, it has been viewed 600 new times! 


If you haven't  yet watched "What Does Love Look Like?" do so now... and tell your friends to watch it, too  (especially those who DON'T know about us). 

inasmuch life title

Operation Inasmuch is moving in new directions. If you've visited the new web site or read recent eNewsletters, you know that we are piloting our new Inasmuch Life process by which churches can help more of their people enter lifestyles of compassion ministry, serving the neediest in their communities on an ongoing basis.


For many years, Operation Inasmuch has equipped churches to send their congregations out to volunteer on a single day of community service projects. In many cases, an Inasmuch Day project led to an ongoing ministry (for examples, see the Parkridge Harbor and Roosevelt's Story videos on the website). Moreover, Dr. Crocker's book The Samaritan Way has inspired many to enter into lifestyles of compassion ministry.


But sometimes it helps to have a plan. And that's what we are piloting: a process by which churches can mobilize many in their congregations to serve the more deeply and effectively.


So far, so good! Our first Inasmuch Life pilot is well underway. Over 150 volunteers from our pilot church of 1000 stepped up to move out and serve. Most of these people had never served in a compassion ministry! Already many are engaged in a local ministry or agency, while others are still finding the right fit, and still others are going through an application process. We are thrilled that volunteers are starting at least three new mercy ministries in the church, as well. 


The Senior Pastor of the first pilot church said, "This initiative has truly been an answer to my prayers for our church." We can only thank God for answering our prayers, too, and making the first Inasmuch Life pilot a success - and a great learning vehicle! We have already modified much of the process from this first experience and will use this feedback in our next two pilots, both of which are underway.  


If you are a donor to Operation Inasmuch, Inc., we want to especially thank you. We are spending a great deal of time and resources developing Inasmuch Life and have charged no fee to the pilot churches involved: your investment has made this new venture possible and is having an impact on many lives!