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Mobilizing Believers In Their Communities...Operating Beyond Denominations

Hands and Feet
February 2011

Dear Inasmuch Family,


We are so pleased to bring you our NEW NEWSLETTER FORMAT!! 
The new format will allow us greater control over content and subscribers.  We hope that you like it as much as we do.  If you have comments please let us hear from you.  If you prefer to not receive the newsletters please let us know that as well.

Thank you so very much for your service to your community in the name of Jesus!

Face of Inasmuch Dies


Roosevelt Williams of Sumter, SC, died February 9.  Because of Operation Inasmuch this humble, gentle, elderly man of very modest means has become known far beyond his community. 

Roosevelt Williams

Mr. Roosevelt Williams

Please Click Mr. Williams' Photo to View His Story

            Two years ago Joel Singletary of Alice Drive Baptist Church in Sumter discovered that Williams had not had running water in his old mobile home for 3 years and could not stay warm because the home was not underpinned.  There was also extensive water damage as pipes had burst in the winter cold.  He also suffered from medical issues the most severe of which was kidney failure and had to be on dialysis. 


He was barely existing until the good folk of Alice Drive Baptist "adopted" him in 2009.  The church completed several Inasmuch projects at Williams home and restored his quality of life.  More importantly, a deep relationship formed between Singletary and Williams as the former visited Williams several times a week taking him shopping, to the doctor, and more.  Upon learning of Williams' death, Singletary said:  "I have lost the one person I know God put in my life." 


The story of this relationship can be seen on a new video from the Inasmuch ministry.  David Crocker, Executive Director of Operation Inasmuch, Inc. calls the video "one of the most heart-warming stories of the 16 years of this ministry."


Roosevelt Williams has become sort of the face of Inasmuch as more people view the video produced by Inasmuch telling his story.  He represents all people in need for whom the Inasmuch ministry exists and equips churches to locate their own Roosevelt Williamses in their community and serve them as Alice Drive has done.  


Reflecting on his relationship with Williams, Joel Singletary says: 

"So just who is this Roosevelt (Rosie as we fondly call him)?  To some he's an elderly gentleman who lives in a run-down old trailer in the country. Some know him as meek, but a kind man who served as a school custodian years ago. To some he's a little rough around the edges. Some know him as a courageous victim of kidney disease who shares his garden vegetable with others around him. But Roosevelt and I have developed a special bond. We are close friends. We share a love for God. We speak often together about how God has worked in our lives, and still does. We share that miracle of God working in our lives.  Yes, Roosevelt is my 'God Friend'!!"

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Upcoming Dates...

David Crocker may be appearing in an area near you.  The following are upcoming dates for workshops and training events.  Let us know if you would like to schedule an opportunity for a workshop or training in your community.


February 19...OIAM Workshops for Savannah Presbytery-St. Simon's Island, GA

March 25-26...OIAM Workshop at North Carolina CBF-Asheville, NC  


And please let us know of your upcoming Operation Inasmuch event by emailing [email protected].  Then at the completion of your event, you can follow the link below or travel to our website to report your results.



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