SPPG Alumni Newsletter
The SPPG Alumni Newsletter  |  Summer 2011      
In This Issue...
Important Dates
Jays Game with SPPGSU
We're Still Taking Shape!
New Alumni Welcome & Launch Event
Ontario Provincial Election Night
Next Network Meeting
SPPG on Twitter
Editor's Notes

Important Dates  


August 24th: Jays Game    

September 20th: Alumni Book Club 

September 29th: Alumni Reception 

October 6th: Election Pub Night October 13th: Alumni Network General Meeting  

October 24th: SPPG Employer Reception in Ottawa  



Jays Game with the SPPGSU

Join the School of Public Policy and Governance Student Union for loads of fun at a Toronto Blue Jays' game!


Looking for cheap entertainment, at least 3 hours to expound on your post-SPPG life and the possibility of being heckled by kids gone broke on over-priced beer?  See below!



Wednesday, August 24th

The Game @ 7:07pm against the Kansas City Royals. 

St. Louis for drinks from 5:30-6:30pm.



The Game @ the Rogers Center - MEET at GATE 1 @ 6:50pm.  

St. Louis Drinks: 313 Bremner Blvd 



Tickets are $11 (for 500 level tix). We'll buy tickets before the game.


Please RSVP for this event so we can make a reservation and can follow-up with those interested only!  Please email: sppgsu@gmail.com.


SPPG Alumni Network


Canadiana Gallery


Still in its formative stages, the alumni network is always looking for feedback from alumni and interested alums to help with planning and coordination.  


With this in mind, we will be sending out a survey in the coming weeks to gather your input.   


For now, to find out more about what the network is up to, please visit the SPPG Alumni Network Website


Quick Links
Adams Book Cover

Know your ABCs! 


The Alumni Book Club (ABC) is proud to formally launch after two successful introductory sessions:Arrival City (March 2011) and Disrobing the Aboriginal Industry (June 2011). The book club focuses on recently-published, high-quality, and policy relevant fiction and non-fiction. 


The first book that the ABC will be doing this 'scholastic' year is Stayin' Alive: How Canadian Boomers will Work, Play, and Find Meaning in the Second Half of their Adult Lives, which is the most recent publication by Canadian social-values expert Michael Adams, author of Sex in the Snow, Better Happy than Rich, Fire & Ice, American Backlash, and Unlikely Utopia. We are pleased to announce that Michael will be joining us for drinks while facilitating discussion and taking questions from alumni. This informal and exciting event will take place on Tuesday, September 20th from 7-9 PM at Nobody Writes to the Colonel (460 College Street). RSVP here.

The ABC will host a discussion every other month (October, December 2011, and February, April, June 2012). We'd love input on the booklist, so feel free to send in suggestions
. We'll follow up with a voting matrix to make sure that the literature selected aligns as much as possible with alumni interest. 

New Alumni Welcome & Launch Event


After more than a year of secluded planning in a Benedictine monastery, being kept warm by burning surplus copies of Sarah Palin's "Going Rogue," the SPPG Alumni Network invites you for cocktails at its official launch.  


When: 6-9pm on Thursday, September 29th


Where: The home & garden of Director Mark Stabile   


We will share in cocktails, welcome our new alumni and rub elbows with all those alums who've already made it big or, ahem, still have jobs.

We will also provide an overview of the Network to date and a look ahead by calling all alumni to join us at the next meeting to work towards building an action plan for the coming year. Expect further details in a follow-up message.  


 Pints, Policy & the Ontario Provincial Election

Ontario ElectionReprising its role as a snoozer that turns out to be a heart-stopper, the Election Pub Night returns to bring you the results, minute by minute, tweet by tweet and pint by pint of Ontario's fall provincial election.  


While we can't promise a municipal landside or the near-annihilation of a separatist party, we can promise cheap drinks, a big screen, feisty faculty, a generous crop of current students, and all your old SPPG chums. 


When: Thursday, October 6th, 6.00 PM 


WhereVictory Cafe581 Markham Street, second floor. 


Please RSVP by clicking here.  


Upcoming Alumni Network Meeting  


The next Alumni Network meeting will be held on Thursday, October 13th at 6.00 PM in CG 150. We will review our governance structure, take new ideas from alumni, and set our 2011-2012 events calendar and objectives. Save the date!  

 SPPG is on Twitter!

While not as prolific as Justin Bieber and only remotely as witty as Martin Sheen, the SPPG is on Twitter.


Follow us: @SPPG_UofT for tweets about upcoming events and new scholarship coming out of the School.  

Save the Date: Employer Reception in Ottawa - October 24th  

Editor's Notes