SEASON 2010 FALL ED, ISSUE 2  |  |
I would like to welcome you to Idle Hour's second edition of Idle Hour Electronic Newsletter. The electronic newsletter format enables us to communicate with our membership in real time at a reduced cost and allows us to retain back issues at our web site IdleHourTennis.com for your future reference. As we expand electronic offerings, we are looking for interested sponsors. If your business would benefit from an advertisement on our newsletter or at our web site, please let us know by e-mailing us. If you have an interesting Idle Hour article for a future newsletter, please connect with us on our web site e-mail address info@idlehourtennis.com. Sincerely Enjoy, Larry Knox IdleHourTennis.com |
2010 Idle Hour Annual Meeting
October 17th @ 7:00p
First Presbyterian Church of Springfield
356 Summit Rd
Springfield, PA 19064
From Idle Hour Tennis Club turn right onto Township Line Road. Get into the left lane to turn left (at the light) onto Rolling Road. Continue on Rolling Road to the third Street. Turn right onto Summit Road continue 3 or 4 streets. The Church will be on the left side of the road. Turn into the parking lot park in the back parking lot. |
Idle Hour Property Report
 Vice President, Property Chairperson
As many of you know our tennis courts and clubhouse are built in a flood plain. As a result Idle Hour uses a unique system for removing excess water from the courts and property during court watering and heavy rains. Two ditches run parallel from courts 7- 1 and court 14-8 collecting the water as it flows through the ditches and exits under the road spilling the water into Darby Creek.
Over the years two problems have developed:
1 There are two galvanized storm drain pipes which run under the driveway back to the hard courts and serve to remove the water from the courts into Darby Creek. Due to the significant deterioration of these pipes the structural integrity of the road is being compromised. The road could collapse if corrective measures are not taken.

2. The drainage ditches that remove water from the courts and property have eroded to the point where the court foundation is exposed. If not corrected, the concrete foundation that supports the har tru courts could be subject to damage.
The property committee studied these problems and came up with a scope of work to repair the galvanized storm drains as well as a long term solution to stabilize the existing drainage channels.
Our study indicated that over 4-5 years the sides of the ditches collapse into the bottom of the channel, making it necessary to once again excavate the soil to reestablish the proper slope. This process is a temporary fix until the soil once again erodes with the repeated flow of water, taking soil with it as it flows into Darby Creek.
Idle Hour is fortunate to have Gus Houtman, a partner in G.D. Houtman & Son, Inc-Civil Engineers, and a club member, who has volunteered his time working with the property committee. We have developed a long term solution for our storm water management. The design will stabilize the channels with an underground piping network that will replace our existing eroded channels.
The Board has contracted with No-Dig Pipeliners, Inc. to slipline the deteriorated pipes under our road leading back to our hard courts. The existing ditches will be excavated and accurately graded for water to drain into Darby Creek. HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) perforated piping will line the channels, backfilled with stones and covered with River Rock. Work is to begin later this calender year.
This project and its direction are a result of two years of study and many hours of consideration. In addition to Gus Houtman, there are three engineers on the Property Committee who fully endorsed this project. Many thanks to Gus who we conferred with on many occasions and our committee consisting of Dom Sciubba, Fred Southron, Mike Kelly, David Rowley, John Ferrigno and Bob Celani.
Carol Silberman |
IdleHour Tennis
The purpose of Idle Hour is to promote the game of tennis, fair play, good sportsmanship and social responsibility within the Delaware Valley. |

As we enter the Fall, it appears that Idle Hour has had a very successful "core" summer season. New and established members alike have made their acquaintance brought together in part through the various social and tennis events we have hosted throughout the summer. Hopefully, these relationships will endure and strengthen as we move ahead into our Centennial Year.In the next few weeks, we will elect three Directors and a new Club Secretary. In bidding goodbye to Mike Kelly, Abbie Rowley, Minda James and Barb Massaro, I would like to express our thanks for their generosity of their time, the wisdom of their experience and their dedication to improving the Idle Hour experience for all of us. Minda has performed the duties of our Membership Chairperson for 10 years and deserves our gratitude for her exemplary performance. Barb has served as an officer since joining the Club in 2005. All have performed admirably. We are currently considering candidates for the position of membership chair. Please join us at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, October 17, 2010 at 7 P.M. All members are encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there!
Idle Hour's current three-year court maintenance contract with Sport Builders, Inc. expires in November. This has been a successful collaboration providing good value to the Club. Our plan going forward is to solicit bids for a new comprehensive three-year contract covering all hard and soft court maintenance with an option for an additional two years of service and materials. Lastly, Maryrose Sheppard has developed our financial statements, paid the bills and managed our website, e-mail list and electronic correspondence this year. Her performance has been nothing short of extraordinary and I commend her performance to you. If one of you has an interest in becoming our Webmaster, we'd be pleased to talk to you. No special skills required (perhaps an interest in computers). We have a web hosting service that provides a robust tool suite and, as a final note of encouragement, if I can do it, you can too! Enjoy the Fall. The soft courts are closed until further notice, the hard courts are currently open. If you have a suggestion, comment or gripe, feel free to call me and express yourself. I've learned to listen in this job! Best regards, Bob
Tennis Committee Report
Centennial Celebration In 2011, we will be celebrating our 100th year as a tennis club. To honor this wonderful achievement, all our activities will have a centennial theme. To begin with, you'll want to have a commemorative T-shirt as a keepsake for this happy event. They will be available through the Pro Shop soon. Get one or two and show your pride in our great club. We will start the 2011 season in grand style in May with an "Old Timers Day". So dust off those vintage clothes and rackets. You will have the opportunity to play like Bill Tilden and Suzanne Lenglen with wooden rackets and white balls. We will have hitting sessions and a few matches. There will be music, food, drink, and plenty of photo-ops. Dennis and Zdenka will be hosting the same great BBQs and Alice will have her usual fabulous theme days. We will also have a Century MXD round robin tournament and BBQ. At the end of August, around the beginning of the US Open, we hope to have a "Hit With The Pro" day featuring some ATP and WTA players. Details on this event will be forthcoming. We will end the celebration in September with a dinner party bash to honor our club and you the membership. Look for details on all these exciting events in future emails, on the bulletin board and the web site. If you have any suggestions to help us celebrate our 100th birthday, please contact Paul A. Painten at ppainten@aol.com. Paul A. Painten |
| Dennis' Tournament Result Report
I just finished drying our Tournament sheets. Here are the results for 2010 season. Men's A Singles Winner: Gary Solomon Finalist: Tony Patarino Men's 45 Singles Winner: Gary Solomon Finalist: Bob Grande Men's A Doubles Winner: Joe Taggert/Kevin Pattinson Finalist: Bob Celani/Tony Patarino Men's 60 Singles Winner: Jim Lipschutz Finalist: Andy Yates Men's 60 Doubles Winner: Jim Lipschutz/Mike Torrence Finalist: Will Coyle/Nick Mirolli Women's Singles Winner: Audrey Reinsel Finalist: Vicky Pecunia Mixed Doubles Winner: Vicky Pecunia/Tom James Finalist: Bob Celani/Linda Mullin
Welcoming Eighty New Members by Emilio Cortez
Our very dedicated Vice President, Carol Silberman, asked me if I would help in greeting our new members. I agreed and thus the Welcoming Committee was under way.
The first goals of the Welcoming Committee were to contact new members personally, welcome them, and begin a benign orientation. I personally spoke to over forty new members via telephone. It was interesting to learn that several wives were enthusiastic about their husbands spending quality time away from home.
On May 1, 2010 the first "New Members' Get-Together" was well attended. Pastries, coffee, club rules, and "Dennis Tennis" were well received. Our tennis director, Dennis Olenik, also provided free tennis sessions for the new members and many of them have been coming back for more.
On June 5th , 2010 the New Members' Coctail Party took center stage and was a great success, followed several weeks later by a "Mixed Doubles" gathering of 35 members.
Here are some notable comments made by several new members: "The best money I've ever spent."
"I can't believe it; you folks actually care."
"In my old club, I could never get a game right away."
"The only time my old club contacted me was to send me a bill."
Such comments are a testimonial to the graciousness of our seasoned members. Thank you on behalf of the new members , and I would like to express my gratitude to the Welcoming Committee volunteers.
It would seem that many new members may be joining us this coming season. I look forward to communicating the following:
Welcome to Idle Hour Tennis Club! You are now part of a tennis tradition that has spanned a century. We hope that you experience many years of enjoyable tennis, good health, and lasting friendships. |
2010 Board of Directors Election
During our Annual Meeting, we will hold elections to fill the following positions: · Club Secretary (2-year term) · 3 Directors (3-year terms) · 1 Director (1-year term if needed) The voting process will consider candidates who have applied for the open positions as well as any direct nominations from the floor. Qualifications for and Duties of the office of Secretary: (1) Good written communication skills, (2) Provide prompt turnaround of meeting transcripts and coordinate with other Board members to ensure accuracy, (3) Provide secure record-keeping of transcripts as a part of the club's historical record, (4) Provide (or coordinate) prompt posting of the minutes from most recent Board meetings on the clubhouse bulletin board, (5) Responsible for providing notification of the Annual Meeting to the membership, furnishing sufficient copies of previous years' meeting minutes, (6) Communicating other issues to the membership as directed by the Board. Note: This position is afforded a free club membership for the duration of the term of service Candidate: Audrey Reinsel Hughes Audrey is presently a Director. If elected as Secretary, an additional Board position must be filled in addition to the three indicated below. DIRECTOR POSITIONS: Candidates for three (possibly four) open positions include: * Elaine Boswell Elaine is a new member to the club in 2010. She has expressed interest in contributing to the Social & Membership Committees * Lynne Grace Lynne is a new member to the Club. She has served as chairperson of other club's events and is employed at the Healthplex. * Alan Soffer Alan has been member of the Club for 35 years. He has served on the Board of Directors in previous years. * Wing Joseph Soohoo Joe has been a member of the Club for 15 years. He has served on the Board of other organizations.