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I would like to welcome you to Idle Hour first one page electronic newletter. The electronic newletter allows us to communicate with our membership real time, reduce costs and enbles us to retian back issues at IdleHourTennis.comAs you will read in our Spring 2010 Newsletter Edition, things are looking up at Idle Hour. If you have a postive article for futrue newsletter, please connect with us on our web site e-mail address info@idlehourtennis.com. Sincerely Enjoy, Larry Knox IdleHourTennis.com |
Idle Hour Property Report
Carol Silberman Vice President, Property Chairperson
Here comes the Har Tru. The courts opened the week of April 19th on time and ready to go. This winter and spring has been extremely wet resulting in our drainage ditches working overtime. There are plans after this year's tennis season to rebuild the eroding ditches so they will function efficiently. The ditches channel water from our courts and the surrounding area. Our clubhouse for the most part has served us well since it was originally built in 1926. With age there is deterioration and our clubhouse is no exception! The joists, which support our floors, are rotting. This winter our floors were sinking in the kitchen, as well as under our ice and soda machines.

2010 REPAIRS TO THE CLUBHOUSE In addition, as you drive into our club, the exterior left wall of the clubhouse had slipped eight inches off the buildings foundation. With lifts we were able move it back five inches. We will have to live with the fact that it still remains three inches out of plumb. Thanks to Mike Kelly owner of Pro-Craft Inc. and a member of the board for a job well done. Mike and his crew replaced the joists and flooring with pressure treated lumber. Recently the exterior of our clubhouse and porch were given a fresh coat of paint by Taggart Custom Painting. Joe Taggart as you know has been a member of our club for many years. The Board welcomes the opportunity to give business to our members who provide quality work at a competitive price.
IdleHour Tennis
The purpose of this Club is to promote the game of tennis, fair play, good sportsmanship and social responsibility within the territory designated as the USTA/Middle States Section by the United States Tennis Association. The Club does, by these presents, adopt the precepts and purposes of the USTA/Middle States and the United States Tennis Association as its own and intends to maintain active membership and representation in such fraternal tennis organizations. |
 President's Message
On behalf of the Club, I'm pleased to welcome more than 80 new members to the Idle Hour family this year. While this achievement is a significant "win" for our marketing strategy, our focus going forward is about exceeding your expectations and enriching the Idle Hour experience for all members. The feedback we've received from the Spring member web survey has prompted a variety of new tennis events, social activities and underscores our commitment to listen and embrace your fresh ideas. Emilio Cortez, one of our newest Board members, deserves particular credit in facilitating these initiatives. The Property Committee has had a particularly busy offseason. The clubhouse exterior and porches were freshly painted and structural repairs were undertaken to remediate many rotted floor joists. Our clubhouse is over 80 years old and after repeated floods, building maintenance is an increasingly challenging task. Informal, exploratory discussions with interested parties regarding the replacement of the building with a new structure have been held; however, no decisions are expected in the near term. Remediation efforts of the drainage ditches adjacent to courts 1 and 8 and the corroded pipes leading to Darby Creek are also under review. Carol Silberman's dedication and commitment in fully examining these complex issues has been extraordinary. Our budget is in balance this year and through the first five months of the fiscal year I am encouraged by signs that we can improve our financial position year over year while making the needed investments in the club's infrastructure. The membership list will be distributed via e-mail as an Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) file for the first time this year. Remember to keep your e-mail address current with us, by contacting Minda James with any changes. For those without this "convenience", hard copies will be available at the Pro Shop. ldle Hour will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary next year, and, well, it sounds like an ideal opportunity to have a party! I hope you will join us in creating the themes and activities leading to the celebration by participating on the Centennial committee. I look forward to a successful 2010 season and encourage each of you to make the most of your Idle Hour experience by engaging in the many offerings available. This is YOUR club; if you have an idea, bring it to our attention. Faster, Farther, Together! Have fun! Best regards, Bob Celani |
Tournament and USTA and Interclub Team Update | |
Preparations are well underway for the Cliff Owen Idle Hour Men's Senior Clay Championships that begin May 22, 2010. This year we have added an 80's division and have already received several entries. Some of the top players in the nation and middle states have entered this year's event. These include last year's champions Ron Tonidandel in the 75's, #8 in the nation, and our own Jim Lipschutz in the 65's, #1 in the middle states.
The club tournament schedule for 2010 has been posted on the bulletin board with the sign up sheets. The men's B singles start June 13th. Check the board and find a tournament or two that you'd like to play in. It's fun and great competition. Many thanks to Dennis and Zdenka.
The USTA Adult League and Inter club teams have begun their schedules on the hard courts and har-tru. The 3.5 Ladies Spring team has been playing matches since April. The Philadelphia Cup 4 team, led by Jane Griffin, have started their season. And the Men's 60 Inter club team, Captained by Dave Rowley, begin May 19th. Good luck to everyone.
Courtside by Paul Painten, Chairman, Tennis Committee |