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Bhuvaneswari teachings stimulates the evolution of human consciousness through teachings that uplift and support your natural state of being. We stand for inner freedom, integrity, and maturity of human values. We facilitate courses, retreats and workshops for individuals and groups around the globe. www.bhuvaneswari.ca
- Dec 2011 News (12/5/2011)
- This newsletter is about prayers. Learn all the hows, why and when to pray. Enjoy prayers from different traditions.
- Nov 2011 news (10/31/2011)
- this newsletter is dedicated to unconscious and better sleep
- October 2011 News (9/30/2011)
- This issue is about community
- September 2011 newsletter (8/29/2011)
- about acidity and 14 tips to alleviate
emotions, acidity and self-creation
How to eliminate disappointments
What is energetic subdivision
community - summer 2011 newsletter (6/28/2011)
- About the perfectionist,
oleation therapy,
meditation for inner affection,
honoring the divine mother,
Pitta dosha and tips to cool it down,
salty lassi, natural cream for eczema,
video to free our oneself from self-judgments. - May 2011 Newsletter (5/2/2011)
- April 2011 Newsletter (3/28/2011)
- March 2011 Newsletter (3/14/2011)
- Feb 2011 Newsletter. (2/5/2011)
Bhuvaneswari.ca Ottawa Location: 36 Simcoe Ottawa, ON, Ontario K1S 1A4 1 613 231 11 62
Wakefield Quebec Location: 22 Hillcrest cr. Wakefield, la Peche Quebec.
Lady Smith Location: 18 Cosgrove st. Lady Smith Quebec. 1 819 647 2557
info@bhuvaneswari.ca www.bhuvaneswari.ca www.bioenergeticsinstitute.ca