Highlights of the Month
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June 3rd
Victoria Gemini Temple of the Stars
June 4th Lunar Eclipse
Full Moon in Sagittarius
June 5th
Venus Transit
June 7th
Ambassadors of Light Class
June 17th
Father's Day
June 19th
2nd New Moon in Gemini
June 20th
Summer Solstice
June 21st Ambassadors of Light Class
June 24th
St. Jean Baptiste Day (Canada) Victoria Cancer Temple of the Stars June 25th Saturn turns direct
July 1st
Canada Day
Voice America
Internet Radio |
Peter Tongue's Live Talk Show Schedule
"Raise Your Vibration and Align Your Life"
Norma Hollis will discuss her life's work and findings. The key is Authenticity - being sincere, honest, trustworthy, real, caring for others and generally living a more satisfying and rewarding life. Authenticity resonates with the deepest part of your being and reflects your passion for your core values. It's your natural style that utilizes your natural gifts and talents and shares them with the world. When you apply authenticity to communication, wellness, career, leadership and life, you create a world that others embrace and want to be a part of. As a result individuals and organizations attract customers, friends, associates and opportunities that connect with their authentic success.
June 13th Glenn Broughton "Whispering From A Ley Line"
Glenn Broughton will discuss his experience travelling the length of the Michael/Mary ley line in England, sleeping on the energy flow and visiting numerous sacred sites. He will discuss the importance of our sacred water from different sites around the world and some of the lost ancient wisdom associated with our water. He will also discuss the crop circle phenomenon, the symbolic meaning within the geometry, their connection to sacred sites and ley lines, and how we can communicate with the circlemakers.
June 20th
Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D
"Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future"
Building upon his revolutionary theory that the Sphinx dates back much further than 2500 BCE, geologist Robert Schoch reveals scientific evidence of advanced civilization predating ancient Egypt, Sumeria, and Greece, as well as the catastrophe that destroyed it nearly 12,000 years ago and what its legacy can teach us about our own future. Combining evidence from multiple scientific disciplines, Schoch shows how the last ice age ended abruptly in 9700 BCE due to coronal mass ejections from the Sun. These solar outbursts unleashed electrical/plasma discharges upon Earth and triggered volcanic activity, earthquakes, fires, and massive floods as glaciers melted and lightning strikes released torrential rains from the oceans. He explains how these events eradicated the civilization of the time and set humanity back thousands of years, only to reemerge around 3500 BCE with scattered memories and nascent abilities.
June 27th
Robert Bauval
"Breaking the Mirror of Heaven"
Well known prolific author, Robert Bauval, who wrote the alternative history ground breaking book, "The Orion Mystery" discusses his next book to be released later this year with co-author Ahmed Osman. It exposes the many cycles of monument destruction and cultural suppression in Egypt from antiquity to the present day. He details the vandalism of Egyptian antiquities and suppression of ancient knowledge under foreign rulers who sought to cleanse Egypt of its "pagan" past. He reveals the real reason behind Napoleon's invasion of Egypt: to revive ancient Egyptian wisdom connected to Freemasonry. Called the "Mirror of Heaven" by Hermes-Thoth and regarded as the birthplace of civilization, science, religion, and magic, Egypt has ignited the imagination of all who come in contact with it since ancient times. Clearing cultural and historical distortions, the authors reveal the long-hidden and persecuted voice of ancient Egypt and call for the return of Egypt to its rightful place as "the Mother of Nations" and "the Mirror of Heaven." |
Join the
Coaching Program with Peter Tongue and Shari Chase
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This program is designed to support
you on your own personal awakening. Join us on our journey
Landscape Zodiac
Pathway to Enlightenment.
You will receive access to live coaching calls, interviews, webinars, meditations and weekly reflections. You will learn how to identify and release core limiting beliefs and how to set an intention and manifest your desires - processes that will lead you to living your life consciously on purpose.
For More Information
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Early astronomers noted this planet's speed and elusiveness. In Greek myths, Mercury was Hermes, the winged messenger god and in Roman times, he was portrayed as a trickster. This planet's movements are said to influence communication here below. Mercury rules the signs of the intellect Gemini and Virgo. Mercury has one foot in the physical world and another in the realm of the unseen. Likewise, your Mercury crosses mental boundaries into the mysteries of the imagination and the memories of the past. In the fertile landscape of the mind, your Mercury harvests and interprets your personal experience of life.
What is Mercury retrograde?:
A few times per year Mercury slows down in its orbit around the Sun, creating an illusion of backward movement. Imagine being in the "way back" of a station wagon, watching another car on the highway. If the car is going slower, it'll appear to be going backwards, when actually it's going forward. The retrograde of a planet is this kind of optical illusion.
When Mercury is in retrograde, communication can seem to slow down, misfire or go haywire with missed calls, missed flights, technological challenges and having to RE-do things. This is why there's a warning against signing contracts or starting a project during Mercury retrograde.
Gem Stone | |
Mercury Metal
Mercury rules Gemini and is a toxic metal to the human body. Its minerals are also quite toxic and so have to be handled with extreme care. There are however strong metaphysical qualities associated with the element which contains the trickster energy called "quicksilver"! The main Mercury containing mineral is Cinnabar.
It is known as a stone for manifestation and wealth creation and has been labeled the 'Merchants Stone'. The energy of this stone may bring an increase of wealth into your business. This stone is also powerful for awakening mystic vision and this may empower you to complete your Divine purpose for incarnating at this time. It is a stone of transformation; of magic, alchemy and healing. It aids enhanced communication and inspired thinking and may be used to align all of the chakras and release fear and resentment.
The meaning of the name Cinnabar comes from the Persian word meaning 'Dragons Blood'
Victoria, BC Meditations
Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Victoria Truth Centre 1201 Fort Street
Celtic Mystical Journeys invites you to experience the mysteries of Southern France!
This journey has great significance with additional highlights including a visit to the caves of Mt.Bugarach, the site of the Essene Community established by Joseph of Arimethea after the crucifixion and the landscape zodiac of Rennes Le Chateau where we have some important conections to make with the Glastonbury and Victoria Temples of the Stars!
I hope you can join us!
A Spiritual Tour in search of Mary Magdalene, Black Madonna
and the Cathars
Sept 11th - Sept 23rd 2012 (13 Days)
A spiritual adventure where we experience Mary Magdalene, the legends of the Holy Family, the Black Madonna, The Holy Grail, Cathars, Knights Templar and Troubadours!
Journey to mysterious France to experience a land rich in tradition with Finbarr Ross and Peter Tongue. Finbarr is a facilitator on Mary Magdalene and the Grail legends.
Absorb the energies of this ancient European culture and its Celtic roots, where later Christian, Gnostic, Jewish, and Muslim traditions recognized the 'Sacred Feminine Ethos' with equal enthusiasm. Although you journey within the 21st Century, you will discover the threads of universal consciousness that predated Christianity and are still alive today.
You will experience many wonderful power sites held sacred by those who have sought the Holy Grail and the presence of Mary Magdalene including: Rennes-le Chateau, Grotte de Baume, Maries de La Mer, Arles, Avignon, Carcassonne, Montségur, Albi, the mystical Languedoc, the stunningly beautiful Chartres Cathedral, and Paris.
Archived Newsletters
To view past inSIGHTS newsletters go to:
MyHeartCenteredJourney or go to: PeterTongue.com and click on the month of the Newsletter you
wish to review |
June 2012 � Vol. 4 Issue 6 Welcome to inSIGHTS with Peter Tongue
I plan to give you updates on what is happening in the World of Spirit each month as well as brief introductions into articles that I have found useful with references to the full article for those who would like to pursue that topic further.
Solar Eclipse Extravaganza!
by Peter Tongue
It's really interesting how the interconnectivity of all things is being demonstrated to us at this time. A focus that has been placed before us is the ability to measure consciousness. The em Wave machine developed by the Heartmath Institute www.heartmath.com to measure heart coherence has been around for a while. It is a great device to
train yourself to move out of the mental plane and into the heart. The machine very quickly lets you know when you have dropped out of high coherence-instantaneous feedback!
Last year on the occasion of the 11:11:11, Carmen Boulter lead a sacred pilgrimage to Egypt and experimented with the Dr. Konstantin Korotkov's aura and chakra reading instrument(EPI/GDV) www.korotkov.org . The medical diagnostic aspects of this machine are deemed to be so accurate that it is used in the Russian Health Care system. Carmen brought the machine to our gathering on the Solar Eclipse to measure the auric fields of the people present, before and after having their Lucia Lamp experience, as well as taking measurements of consciousness during the actual solar eclipse. Results still to be interpreted!
Then there is the Lucia Lamp experience itself! http://www.gesund-im-licht.at/
A stroboscopic lamp, with flashing light frequencies, which stimulate the pineal gland to release natural DMT, the chemical in the brain responsible for the psychedelic experience-the effect created is like "cruising through a kaleidoscope in your minds eye." It is a magnificent display of bright colors, sacred geometrical patterns, and an opportunity to travel to the edge of our reality. The lasting effect of the lamp seems to be a beautiful, loving, light heart! My hope was that a number of people experiencing the same frequency program with the lamp would all drop into a beautiful heart-centered coherence.
The plan was to have the em Wave, auric field machine and Lucia Lamp available on the afternoon of the solar eclipse on May 20. An opportunity for us to come together and experiment. It worked wonderfully! Thirty six people experienced Lucia and a number also had chakra and auric field readings done, while others practiced heart coherence with the em Wave.
The atmosphere was calm, relaxed and happy as we set off to Madrona Farm for the solar eclipse ceremony. We chose this sacred spot in the landscape for its natural beauty, energy and closeness to the reflection of the Pleiades in the landscape. The annular solar eclipse conjunction between the Sun and the Moon on this occasion was also conjunct the Pleiades and we wanted to align ourselves with this alignment in the landscape. The Pleiades constellation brings the energy of unconditional love into play.
We joined in meditation as the Moon eclipsed the Sun, to release all structures and paradigms of the old patriarchal domination and control exerted over the last 5000 years. We then uploaded the new balanced and harmonious programs for the future in the exact still point of the eclipse and then we rebooted the whole "Solar" system, as the sun was rebirthed from behind the moon. It really does feel as though the whole system has been rebooted.
Everyone present then took some seeds to be blessed, scattered and planted, symbolic of spreading and rooting seeds of the new consciousness, as well as actually planting the physical seeds to grow and flourish in the rich and fertile soil of the new Mother Earth.
In Victoria, the skies were gray and overcast throughout the ceremony, but on our way back through the forest, we caught a glimpse of the Sun! With the clouds acting as a natural filter, we were able to look directly at the Sun which actually looked like a silvery crescent Moon- a marvellous conclusion to a magnificent day!
There are so many and varied ways in which we can branch out in developing the measuring of consciousness using these instruments to help us understand, without losing sight of our main task, to raise awareness and the consciousness of humanity.
It's going to be very exciting! |
Taurus Workshop
Manifesting Heaven on Earth!
Sunday May 6th promised to be an energetically powerful day. Not only did it coincide with the Wesak Full Moon just a few hours before, but it would have been the 77th birthday of our beloved Ted. We decided to take the opportunity to embrace all of the energies and incorporate the celebration of Ted's life into our Taurus "Temple of the Stars" pilgrimage. It was a great decision!
It also gave us a new insight to reflect upon. Ted's celebration happened to be taking place in The Sculpture Studio which is in Scorpio in the landscape and where we held our indoor discussion in Scorpio last October. Scorpio is the opposite sign to Taurus and the ley line that links them reflects the fixed stars in the sky of Aldebaran in Taurus and Antares in Scorpio. We started the day in Taurus, drove the line to Scorpio, and back again, linking the fixed polar opposites together. The same opportunity arises with the other two fixed stars in Leo(Regulus) and Aquarius(Fomalhaut) which might lead us to travel the opposite fixed signs again, anchoring in the four fixed signs of the cross in our sacred landscape.
We started our day at Community Living Victoria which has become a regular indoor venue for us, but on this occasion it actually resides in the head of the Bull of Taurus, as discerned by Mary Dowds, just over a year ago. Melanie, Zia and Peter lead the discussion with some wonderful contributions from the circle.
The archetypes of Taurus are closely aligned with Venus, including the qualities of harmony and beauty, with an appreciation for and embracing of all of the senses through beautiful surroundings, luscious food and celestial music. The shadow side is the unconscious belief that these beautiful surroundings and belongings create security and so there is a tendency to hoard material things including money. To transcend this, the Taurus personality needs to appreciate the sumptuous surroundings, while finding personal security from within.
We opened space in the landscape between the horns of the bull in the north-east corner of Cedar Hill Golf Course. A beautiful spot amongst the trees, with fairways and greens guiding our eyes towards Portals in the sky including a disguised dragon residing in the top of a tree! We then moved up to the top of the ridge into a hidden gem in the landscape, Jennifer Park. This spot marks the sun disc often depicted between the horns of the bull and the Goddess images of Isis and Hathor. We meditated in quiet reflection here, as we surveyed the magnificent landscape displayed in front of us and prepared ourselves for Ted's celebration of life.
We made our way to The Sculpture Studio in Scorpio to join in the celebration of life where Zia read a beautiful piece she had prepared for the occasion, which you can find in the Taurus hand out, pages 15 and 16.
It was neat to hear the different reflections on Ted's character, humour, passion and considerable talent from so many of his artistic colleagues, as well as gaining an understanding of the ups and downs of the highly sensitive, creative mind of the artist.
We made our way back to Taurus and into the neck of the bull. As we approached the back entrance of Madrona Farm along the beautiful forest trail, Zia appeared out of nowhere, wearing the full face mask she had created for this Taurus journey. A quite remarkable achievement and vibrational match for the energy of Venus and the sacred feminine. She gave us all a flower to take to the magnificent ancestral Red Maple Tree on Madrona Farm where we paid our own tribute, in ceremony, honouring our dear Ted.
We then walked the bull's head moving though our own chakra system from the sacral at Glendenning, through the heart at the junction of an eight pointed ley line star at Mt.Doug X-Road, up into the throat along Livingstone and finally the third eye in the Bull's Eye at Bow pond. An amusing aside is the carving of a bull on the stump of a tree just along Bow Road. We wondered why the owner carved that bull in Taurus? Hmmmm!
This is the transformative energy of Taurus; from the desire body in the sacral, through creativity in the throat to illumination in the third eye, the transformation being engineered through the heart. Our final ceremony followed which included; toning, an open eye meditation peering into the surreal waters of the reflecting Bow Pond, and the release of blessed native copper into the pond, another symbol of Venus, by the masked Zia.
Another moving and transformative adventure setting us up for the Solar Eclipse on May 20th on the cusp of Taurus moving into Gemini under the Pleiades.
A co-host on the 7th wave network of Voice America, Simran Singh, asked me to write an article on the Landscape Zodiac for the May edition of her online magazine called 11:11 and this is a link to her excellent magazine, The article is on Pages 34-35. Enjoy! http://online.1111mag.com Free registration through your e-mail address.
Our next "Temple of the Stars" pilgrimmage in Gemini will be on Sunday June 3rd
Sky WatchMonthly Constellation Venus Transit
The last Venus Transit for over one hundred years takes place from 3.00pm until sunset on the west coast on Tuesday June 5th. This transit is rather like a solar eclipse as Venus moves between the Earth and the Sun, but it is so small it appears as a black dot silhouetted against the Sun's brilliant surface, or a beauty spot moving across the northern face of the Sun for about a seven hour period. Venus transits always occur in pairs, eight years apart, and so it is useful to reflect upon what happened in your life in June 2004 when the first transit of this pair occurred. Looking back in history over the last several hundred years the common theme associated with Venus Transits seems to be some sort of revolution! The common belief for this particular event in 2012 has been predicted to be a spiritual revolution. During the eight years between the transits the Sun and Venus have had five conjunctions creating a perfect five-pointed star or pentagram which is the geometry associated with Venus and the sacred feminine. Just imagine Venus beautifying the Sun as she moves across his face with all of her feminine qualities heralding in a new Golden Era of Peace on the planet.
This may be your one and only chance to enjoy this stunning phenomenon!
Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind: Revolutionary Tools to Release All Barriers to Health, Healing and Happiness
by Dr. Henry Grayson
In his research, psychologist Henry Grayson has found that despite people almost universally saying they desire a healthy and happy life, virtually everyone subconsciously feels they're not worthy of being fully happy or healthy. This negative mindset has a direct impact on our ability to resist and overcome chronic illness, disease, and unhappiness.
Drawing from quantum physics, neuropsychology, world spiritual traditions, research on the effects of negative and positive emotions, and powerful new trauma treatment methods, Henry's book teaches highly effective ways to
- Identify, confront, and eliminate self-destructive frames of mind
- Clear common obstacles to healing, health, and happiness
- Get to the root causes of problems, not just the symptoms.
While it has long been known that the mind plays a primary role in healing, Henry has developed a revolutionary new approach to achieving optimal health based on removing old, encoded negative experiences, paving the way for dramatically improved health and emotional stability.
Astrological Signs Gemini
Gemini relates to talking! It is a sign that strives, above all, to connect. It is the sign of gathering and passing on information, networking, socializing, telephoning, instant messaging, gossiping, and generally keeping society buzzing and humming. Coming out of this May and June, we're looking for new avenues for all of these things.
Communication skills are increasingly prominent, as is interacting with people with whom you share a mutual understanding and intellectual rapport.
The double dose of New Moon energy in Gemini combined with the Venus retrograde and Venus Transit in Gemini indicate the making of powerful new connections this spring and summer- connections from the soul. Gemini is a sign that enjoys intellectual stimulation and rapport. Forming new relationships, and enhancing existing relationships, will be increasingly important. The isolation that has been so prominent for so many during the past years starts to be alleviated with all of this Gemini emphasis.
Gemini is a sign related to context and the understanding of one's own context. It can be very challenging to keep up with this, considering the times of exponential change in which we are living. With these New Moons and the Venus Transit sandwiched between, we burst forward into a new understanding of our own daily context and relevance. The connections being made and the information and perspectives cross-pollinating help to enhance this understanding, particularly of how we fit within local societies, new networks and the local community. These new moons provide new mental circuitry which finds connection points and starts to hum. Old communication patterns are shed, and natural social regrouping and re-organization takes place as we move into new intellectual and societal frequencies.
Monthly Animal Totem
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Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness to touch the hearts and minds of wounded beings who are trying to keep us from reaching our connection to source. Like the dappling of Fawn's coat, both the light and dark may be loved to create gentleness and safety for those who are seeking peace. You are being asked to find the gentleness of spirit that heals all wounds. Love everyone exactly as they are. Allow the warm summer breeze to bring a calm, centred awareness and in this serene space, spirit will guide you to your perfect outcome. |