of the Month

May 1st
May Day


May 6th

Taurus Workshop
Wesak Full Moon in Scorpio
May 10th
Ambassadors of Light Class
May 13th
Mother's Day


May 17th
 Ascension Day
May 18th
CCC Gathering
May 20th
New Moon in Gemini
Annular Solar Eclipse

May 21st
Victoria Day (Canada)

May 24th
Ambassadors of Light Class

Voice America 
 Internet Radio
 Airing live at Noon PST,
Listen Live or Archived at:  
Peter Tongue's

Live Talk Show Schedule


  May 2nd
 Mas Sajady
 "How To Connect To Pure Source"

Mas Sajady will discuss his two near death experiences which lead him to connect to the pure source of all that is and the ability to help people heal from all types of illness and disease as well as open up to their own spiritual gifts. He will explain how each of us can attain this connection with pure essence without having to go through the near death experience and why it is important to remain fully grounded to earth while engaging in this connection. Mas will describe some of the remarkable healings that he has been involved in as well as some of the surprising interactions he has encountered with the spiritual realms.


May 9th
Finbarr Ross
 "Exploring the Energies of the Divine Feminine"   

 France is deeply emerged in sacred feminine energy. There are underground waterways carrying this energy throughout the country including healing wells, sacred grottos, chapels and cathedrals and more. Finbarr Ross will discuss these energies and lead us on a spiritual adventure where we experience Mary Magdalene, the legends of the Holy Family, the Black Madonna, The Holy Grail, Cathars, Knights Templar and Troubadours! He will describe some of the many wonderful power sites held sacred by those who have sought the Holy Grail and the presence of Mary Magdalene including: Rennes-le Chateau, Grotte de Baume, Maries de La Mer, Montségur, the stunningly beautiful Chartres Cathedral, and Paris.



May 16th
Lorraine Cohen
"Powerful Living" 

You might be getting caught up in the conditions in the world, going through some personal and business changes and feel overwhelmed, scared, confused, stuck... or even excited because somewhere deep within you, you have a sense that something BIG is happening. You might have no idea what is coming and you want to be ready to actively play in this new leading edge experience. The time is now to harness the power within you to transform yourself, your life and the world; to create new life paradigms that are more aligned with your deepest soul yearnings, passions, and values.  



May 23rd
Dr. Henry Grayson
"Use Your Body to Heal Your Mind"    

Cumulative traumatic or painful developmental experiences are stored in our limbic system-our survival brain- and studies have shown a stunning connection between these and current illnesses. This knowledge has been the source of groundbreaking scientific fields which have changed the traditional reductionist view of medicine. Dr.Grayson draws on his understanding of this work and combines it with new insights to explore the core of what keeps us from embracing a healthy and productive life, Dr.Grayson will use examples to demonstrate how we can overcome chronic illness and disorders previously thought to be untreatable, return to good health and have the happiness that we fully deserve. 


May 30th
To Be Arranged


Join the
Coaching Program with Peter Tongue and Shari Chase


This program is designed to support

you on your own personal awakening. Join us on our journey


 Landscape Zodiac

Pathway to Enlightenment.



You will receive access to live coaching calls, interviews, webinars, meditations and weekly reflections. You will learn how to identify and release core limiting beliefs and how to set an intention and manifest your desires - processes that will lead you to living your life consciously on purpose.


For More Information




A Solar Ring of Fire


On May 20th the Sun, Moon and Earth align precisely with the Moon passing directly in front of the Sun at zero degrees of Gemini. Because the Moon is further away from Earth than on average, it will be an annular eclipse which means that a ring of sunlight around the Sun will remain. The two hundred mile wide path of this annular eclipse crosses the coast of North America in northern California beginning around 5.12pm, PDT on May 20th. The eclipse begins on the morning of May 21st along China's southeastern coast just after sunrise. People in Tokyo, Japan, will view the annular eclipse before it crosses the International Dateline. There are some interesting astrological interpretations of this event and one of these is linked below for your discernment.

 Gem Stone




Along with diamond, ruby and emerald, Sapphire belongs to the group of four most precious stones in the world. Tradition holds that Moses was given the ten commandments on tablets of sapphire, making it the most sacred gemstone. It is a stone of destiny, protection and prophetic wisdom. The term True Blue originates from sapphire as it represents loyalty and fidelity. It opens the mind toward beauty and intuitive understanding and is a symbol of Venus and heaven's joyful devotion. It is said that a sapphire necklace will cure a sore throat!


  Victoria, BC

  Mondays at 7:00 p.m.
Victoria Truth Centre
1201 Fort Street


Celtic Mystical Journeys invites you to experience the mysteries of Southern France!




This journey has great significance with additional highlights including a visit to the caves of Mt.Bugarach, the site of the Essene Community established by Joseph of Arimethea after the crucifixion and the landscape zodiac of Rennes Le Chateau where we have some important conections to make with the Glastonbury and Victoria Temples of the Stars!


I hope you can join us!


A Spiritual Tour in search of Mary Magdalene, Black Madonna

 and the Cathars


Sept 11th - Sept 23rd 2012 (13 Days)

A spiritual adventure where we experience Mary Magdalene, the legends of the Holy Family, the Black Madonna, The Holy Grail, Cathars, Knights Templar and Troubadours!



Journey to mysterious France to experience a land rich in tradition with Finbarr Ross and Peter Tongue. Finbarr is a facilitator on Mary Magdalene and the Grail legends.

Absorb the energies of this ancient European culture and its Celtic roots, where later Christian, Gnostic, Jewish, and Muslim traditions recognized the 'Sacred Feminine Ethos' with equal enthusiasm. Although you journey within the 21st Century, you will discover the threads of universal consciousness that predated Christianity and are still alive today.


You will experience many wonderful power sites held sacred by those who have sought the Holy Grail and the presence of Mary Magdalene including: Rennes-le Chateau, Grotte de Baume, Maries de La Mer, Arles, Avignon, Carcassonne, Montségur, Albi, the mystical Languedoc, the stunningly beautiful Chartres Cathedral, and Paris.





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May 2012  �  Vol. 4  Issue 5
Welcome to inSIGHTS with Peter Tongue

I plan to give you updates on what is happening in the World of Spirit each month as well as brief introductions into articles that I have found useful with references to the full article for those who would like to pursue that topic further.
The Questing Dog!
By Peter Tongue

Last year we started our landscape zodiac experience so quickly that we did not know that we were supposed to request permission from the "questing dog" to begin our journey. Over the last few months, Zia had seen the dog emerge in the landscape and so on April Fools' Day, we decided to go visit the dog and seek its permission for a second round of the "Temple of the Stars" journey.



In Glastonbury, it is the Girt Dog of Langport, situated well outside the zodiac disk with its tail in a small village called Wagg! The nose of the dog is at one of the sacred sites in the landscape on the Michael/Mary Ley line at a place called Burrowbridge Mump. I had been there on my sacred site journey with the "Saints of British Rock" just over a year ago.  Our dog stands on the east side of the Pat Bay Highway, extending south to Island View Beach and up to the head at Newman Farm Park, including the streets Arthur Drive and Lancelot Place- we knew we were in the right place !





To add to the synchronous journey, the mouth and tongue of the dog are across the highway on Mt. St Michael Road at Sea Cider Farm and Ciderhouse. No coincidences on this journey as Zia uncovers the ancient Somerset (Where the Cider Apples grow!) wassailing ceremony. After the cider has been brewed, this ceremony is held to honor Mother Earth and the Apple Orchard that produced the cider apples. In the ceremony, toast is dipped in the freshly brewed cider and placed in the fork of the Guardian tree of the orchard. Then the cider is placed in a circle around the base of the tree, to bring nourishment to the roots and connect the energies of the Earth into the star constellations of Canis Minor and Canis Major, including of course the "Dog Star" Sirius. Amazingly the Girt Dog of Langport even gets a mention in the wassailing song.  At the end of the ceremony, there is a celebration, with great merriment, dressing up, food and of course buckets of cider! 


"The girt dog of Langport he burnt his long tail
And this is the night we go singing wassail
O master and missus now we must be gone
God bless all in this house til we do come again


For it's your wassail and it's our wassail  

And its joy be to you and a jolly wassail"


Wonderfully, Sea Cider Farm allowed us to do a wassailing ceremony in their orchard and remarkably, for the first time, this year had actually produced a wassailing cider which we were able to use in our ceremony- a much more modest, yet significant occasion, compared to the the old days!


We had begun the day having fun on Island View Beach with all of the visiting dogs, children and families.  After a picnic pot luck lunch, we headed to the sacred part of the day. We opened sacred space on Saanichton Bay beach and then walked  the back of the head of the dog, seeking our permission to begin our "Temple of the Stars" journey, close to the nose of the dog in Newman Farm Park. We felt that we had been given our permission to proceed with the blessing of our Girt Dog in the landscape and so we moved on to our wonderful ceremony at Sea Cider Farm.          















A Tribute to Ted!




Our beloved Ted passed away on January 11th, 2012, and on Sunday May 6th, he would have been 77. On the occasion of the Wesak Full Moon on that day and Ted's birthday, it seemed to be the most appropriate day to hold our "Temple of the Stars" journey out in our sacred landscape in his honour and to also combine this with his celebration of life. We will begin our journey at 10.00am at Community Living Victoria and then come together at 1.00pm with all of Ted's friends at David Hunwick's "Sculpture Studio" at 211 Harbour Road, Victoria. Some of Ted's magnificent sculptings will be on display.



 Shelley, Zia and I have already carried out a ceremony with Ted on behalf of our landscape pilgrims. We visited all twelve sun sign effigies in the landscape zodiac, carrying out ceremony in each place with flowers and Ted's Holy Relics. We did this on Easter Sunday to support Ted's resurrection into the light, the resurrection of the landscape and our individual and collective resurrection. It took ten hours to complete the cycle, finishing in the hub of the zodiac at sunset. It was a remarkable day and an honour to be part of this so sacred journey. Ted had an intimate relationship with each of the places we visited and we could feel his presence as we moved around. We also had the opportunity to recall Ted's excellent adventures as we drove from one point to the next and his cheeky smile as if to say, "I am only telling you part of the story- C'mon C'mon! Its Perfect!" 














Spiritual Spotlights!

Another spiritually action packed month!


I strongly recommend listening to the Joe Dispenza radio interview from April 4th. His latest book is outstanding combining science and spirituality perfectly.



In a very different way, Christine Day also presented very important information through a powerful energy transmission on the radio show on April 18th.



I was recently a guest on the Sandie Sedgbeer radio show, "Conversations on the Cutting Edge" describing my own journey as well as offering an explanation of the landscape zodiac.




Finally the latest Hathor message through Tom Kenyon is really important to digest and embody. Powerful solar flare energies are reaching our beautiful planet and us, causing our Auric or etheric fields to ignite with electromagenetic energy. It is crucial to balance this energy between the etheric body and our internal physical cells. The Hathor message offers the tools through microportals to achieve this, calming our agitated emotional body and providing us with abundant revitalizing energy.



Aries Workshop
Igniting the Switch!  


Our Aries workshop offered a very special opportunity as we were invited to spend part our day at the magnificent home of Nadina and Maarten Schaddelee. We began the day in the head and upper body of the Paschel Lamb which is the Aries landscape effigy in Lambrick Park. The name is not a coincidence and in her research Mary Dowds discovered that there had indeed been a sheep farm in the park in the past. We found a beautiful natural oasis of trees and stones where we tuned into our day in quiet reflection and opened sacred space.




Community Living Victoria has become our home from home on the sacred landscape journies and we adjourned there for lunch and our informal round table discussion of Aries. Since our beginning one year ago, we have gained a great deal of insight and understanding and so we began this second round of the zodiac from an elevated awareness. We decided that we should transcend the lower aspect of each sign and seek guidance on a higher path. We were richly rewarded this day!


Our journey back out into the landscape took us to Arbutus Cove where the delightful pale pink blossoms guided our way. This felt very much like the feminine aspect of our landscape feature in the front leg of the lamb in contrast to the much more rugged and masculine energies of Glencoe Cove in the hindquarters. I must admit standing on the headland of Glencoe Cove, with a brisk wind blowing, reminded me of a mini version of Tintagel Head and Castle, the birthplace of King Arthur and the location of Merlin's cave.



The Schaddelees live on the ocean very close to Cormorant Point, the tail of the lamb in the landscape. In her original discovery of the zodiac Mary Dowds felt very strongly the energy flowing into our landscape at this point. Later our mathematician, Mat Geddes, demonstrated that a golden mean spiral fits perfectly on our landscape beginning at Cormorant Point and flowing into the hub of the Zodiac at Camrose Park.


Nadina Schaddelee is a representation of the sacred feminine energy connected through Uli, the original Lemurian Goddess of the Hawaiian Islands. She intentionally welcomes the first rays of the sunrise across the ocean and into her land and our landscape every morning with her beautiful pink marble sparrow songbird. What a remarkable gift for us all! Maarten has manifested through his work with stone and wood, magnificent sculptings of Nadina's intuitive insights creating their own heaven on earth on their sacred property. What an incredible inspiration they are to us on this journey of transformation.  Please visit Maarten's "Doorways To Spirit" to get a sense of their combined genius.



Fully charged with energy, we made our way to our final ceremonial spot where some dowsing demonstrated the ley lines crossing through the standing stone circle in Vantreight Park. This was the site of our very first ceremony last year and the burial of a Lemurian seed crystal. This year Zia decided to do ceremony with a sacred symbol connected to each particular sun sign. On this occasion it was to be red ochre for Aries!


As we finished our dowsing, Zia appeared out of nowhere, under the maple tree, with red ochre face paint and holly in her hair. It was a startling visual impact of the fire Goddess merging into the landscape! We all blessed the red ochre and Zia returned the intent by placing a spot of red ochre on our third eye. We completed our sacred ceremony with the red ochre and reflected on another wonderful day out in our landscape.


We will be enjoying our Taurus journey in honour of Ted on his birthday May 6th! 




Monthly Constellation




The Pleiades sit at 29 degrees of Taurus and are therefore closely aligned with the SOLAR ECLIPSE of May 20th. The nine brightest stars of the Pleiades are named for the Seven Sisters of Greek mythology: Sterope, Merope, Electra, Maia, Taygete, Celaeno and Alcyone, along with their parents Atlas and Pleione. As daughters of Atlas, the Hyades were sisters of the Pleiades. The name of the cluster itself is of Greek origin, though of uncertain etymology. Suggested derivations include: from plein, to sail, making the Pleiades the "sailing ones"; from pleos, full or many; or from peleiades, flock of doves.

Ancient civilizations looked to the heavens as guides for their daily lives. They attributed many things to these gods who were both good and bad - kind and harsh. They created mythological tales about those who came from the different star systems. They believed that the gods lived in the heavens and sometimes flew down to the planet bringing messages of teaching or warnings of disasters. These people communicated with their gods through meditation and dreamtime. They believed that the gods would one day return.

The alignment in the heavens is like a blueprint upon which those on the planet can plan their daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly activities. The heavens were also the way they plotted their seasons so they would know when to plant and when to harvest, when the waters would come and when it would be dry. In essence they worshipped those from the skies, the Pleiades being a major factor for many civilizations.

The Pleiades' high visibility in the night sky has guaranteed it a special place in many cultures, both ancient and modern.


Book Review
Do You QuantumThink? : New Thinking That Will Rock Your World
by Dianne Collins


The world is changing at a dizzying pace. We're all looking for new ways of thinking that can bring about real solutions to modern problems, from the pursuit of inner serenity to solving world conflicts. In Do You QuantumThink? author Dianne Collins shares her ingenious discovery that reveals a critical missing link to make sense of our changing times. Her discovery provides us with the understanding and methodology to rise above problems of today by laying the foundation for an entirely new way to think.

Part science, part philosophy, part spirituality, Do You QuantumThink? draws on a wide spectrum of sources, from cutting edge innovations in the sciences to the insights of the world's greatest spiritual leaders. This book will make you laugh, free you from limiting ideas, and introduce you to the most advanced principles and practical methods for living. Do You QuantumThink? will rock your world in the best of ways as you experience one revelation after another.

"When you master your mind, you master your life."

Astrological Signs 

Taurus is a fixed earth sign ruled by the planet Venus and has the symbol of the bull. It is the first earth sign and as such shows the fully incarnated spirit putting down roots. Practical, reliable and patient, Taurus requires harmony and security, particularly in the home which is usually attractive and somewhat luxurious, including good food. In fact satisfying all of the senses is important to this sign. Taurus has a possessive side and is slow to arousal, but can become ferocious and difficult to deal with(the bull in the china shop!) if confronted. The esoteric image of this sign is riding the bull which means "Mastering the Desires of the Earthly Plane."


Monthly Animal Totem




Elk medicine teaches that pacing yourself will increase your stamina. If you have taken on too much recently, it might be a good idea to look at how you plan to finish what you have started without getting burned out. Elk honour the company of their own gender in sisterhood or brotherhood and feel the camaraderie of this experience. Take time to replenish yourself and eat healthy nutritious foods as well as getting rejuvenating rest. Then Elk medicine will carry you the distance!