Highlights of the Month
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September 5th
Labor Day
September 6th
Sixth day of the Mayan Calendar begins
September 11th
Victoria Virgo Workshop
September 12th
Full Moon in Pisces
September 16th
Victoria CCC AGM
September 21st
UN International Day of Peace
September 23rd
Fall Equinox
September 27th
New moon in Libra
September 29th
first day of Rosh Hashanah
Michaelmas Day
Voice America
Internet Radio |
Peter Tongue's Live Talk Show Schedule
September 7th
Devrah Laval
"The Magic Doorway into the Divine"
This is the title of Devrah's first book which is being launched on September 13th. It is an exceptional book and Peter will discuss the content with Devrah on the show. As we are being pulled in a certain direction by our souls and shedding our former traditional identity, people are finding themselves in a scary, lonely place, not knowing where thy fit any more. Devrah will offer insight, understanding and practical tools to help us through this place of chaos and confusion and out the other side into a new world of hope, love and serenity.
September 14th Zahra Lightway and Kellyann "Children of the New Earth"
The next Children of the New Earth conference takes place on September 23rd-25th in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada and representatives of the team will be talking about the conference on this show. The intention is to provide a forum for children to be heard, raise awareness of the misdiagnosis of the millions of highly sensitive, creative, right-brained children filling our schools and communities, examine current practices and share ideas for change. Are you ready to live in a world filled with limitless possibility, allowing our children to be who they are and fulfill their destiny for being here?
September 21st
Miriam Delicado
"Blue Star Prophecy"
Since childhood, Miriam Delicado, has been in touch with the other worlds and energies of life beyond our earth's dimension. During a physical encounter in 1988 with Tall Blond Extraterrestrials, Miriam was given insights and information from these beings regarding who human beings really are and the purpose of life on planet earth. We as a planet are moving through a time of transition into a higher state of awareness and consciousness. In todays program Miriam will discuss how to ease into this transition as an individual and as a collective. She will also share how and why the indigenous play a key role in this transition. The Great Gathering of Humanity is taking place as we move through ascension into a beautiful peaceful world.
September 28th Neil Kramer "Walking the Sacred Path"
Neil Kramer is an English writer and philosopher specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, shamanism and ancient mystical disciplines. "What does it take for an individual to move to the higher realms? How do you know what is "normal" when all our input comes from someone else? These are questions that Neil Kramer has studied and he says that only through embracing and knowing our full selves - the lower part of ourselves included - can we approach the steps needed to attain a higher self." Neil will discuss the process of spiritual transformation through inner alchemy on the show.
Join the
Coaching Program with Peter Tongue and Shari Chase
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This program is designed to support
you on your own personal awakening. Join us on our journey
Landscape Zodiac
Pathway to Enlightenment.
You will receive access to live coaching calls, interviews, webinars, meditations and weekly reflections. You will learn how to identify and release core limiting beliefs and how to set an intention and manifest your desires - processes that will lead you to living your life consciously on purpose.
For More Information
The Winged Messenger | |
A big sigh of relief as we clear the energies of the last three weeks of Mercury in retrograde motion causing all sorts of problems with communication, computers, travel and extremes of weather.
Mercury rules the astrological signs Gemini and Virgo and is associated with the intellect, the brain, coordination of the nervous system, the respiratory system, mental perception, the thyroid and day to day travel. Positive qualities include the urge to acquire knowledge and communicate with others, good reasoning powers. perceptive, clever, versatile, and attentive to detail. Challenges include inconsistency, hypercritical, lacking a sense of purpose, uncontrolled nervous energy that brings mental strain and a sense of cynicism. |
Gem Stone | |
Citrine takes its name from its yellow and golden hues, reminiscent of citrus fruits.
Citrine has a very special energetic quality: it does not absorb or transmit negative energy, but dispels it and therefore never needs to be "cleansed." It can improve mental focus and physical endurance. Citrine brings happiness and helps people laugh more, as well as feel fundamentally safer and more positive about reality. It is a stone that helps people find solutions and help with practical survival.
Its warm golden color dispels a feeling of "murkiness" and brings a sense of optimism for new beginnings. Someone who carries or wears citrine can find themselves with increased courage and inclination to take the necessary actions which lead to success. In mythology it was believed that keeping a citrine in your cashbox helped maintain your wealth. It also helps with digestive problems including stomach problems and circulation as well as activating the thyroid. During energy work, Citrine acts as a gateway between the auric field and the cellular structure so that deep healing can take place on all levels. |
Experience the Mystery of Ancient Egypt
Feb 17th - 29th, 2012 | |
Journey to Egypt on a spiritual adventure with Peter Tongue and Finbarr Ross, accompanied by Maha El Kadi, our Egyptologist guide. Finbarr is a ceremonialist, healer, and process facilitator of self discovery, unity consciousness and spiritual wisdom.
On this mystical journey we discover and experience the magnificent beauty and spirit of the ancient Egyptian people. We will allow this experience to open our heart. We fall in love with the sacred journey of life all over again as we quest this sacred land.
Our adventure begins in Cairo, we visit the Giza Plateau, the Great Sphinx enclosure, Cairo Museum, Coptic Cairo, Solar Boat Museum, Dashur and Medun Pyramids.
In Aswan, the "Jewel of the Nile", we visit the beautiful temple of Isis at Philae, the birthplace of the Goddess Mysteries. experiencing the beauty and tranquility of the Nile as we sail to Luxor.
In Luxor, we experience the feminine heart of ancient Egypt visiting the famous West Bank of Thebes, the Valley of the Kings, Valley of the Queens, and the great mortuary Temple of Pharaoh Hatshepsut. We also visit Dendera, the temple dedicated to Hathor, Goddess of Love, and Abydos, the cult center of Osiris and the first kings of Egypt and much, much more.
See Full Details and tour itinerary for our Sacred Sites of Egypt Tour Here. |
Victoria, BC Meditations
Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Victoria Truth Centre 1201 Fort Street
Archived Newsletters
To view past inSIGHTS newsletters go to:
MyHeartCenteredJourney or go to: PeterTongue.com and click on the month of the Newsletter you
wish to review |
September 2011 � Vol. 3 Issue 9 Welcome to inSIGHTS with Peter Tongue
I plan to give you updates on what is happening in the World of Spirit each month as well as brief introductions into articles that I have found useful with references to the full article for those who would like to pursue that topic further.
The ECETI Ranch!
by Peter Tongue
I was expecting August to be a significant month and that is exactly what it turned out to be. George Kavassilas did his first presentation in Victoria on the New Moon in Leo and his third and last, two weeks later at the ECETI Ranch on the Full Moon in Aquarius. www.georgekavassilas.org It was an intense two-week period providing transformational opportunities. George offers superb insights into what is happening in the world today and what we need to do to maximize our potential to reach heightened states of awareness. George believes that the most effective way to reach enlightenment is to acknowledge, accept and transmute our shadow side. It so happens that the ECETI ranch itself provides just this opportunity. www.eceti.org
It is located in a small community called Trout Lake, just a few miles north of the Columbia River Gorge on the border of Washington and Oregon states. The Ranch offers a magnificent view of Mt. Adams, just 13 miles to the north. In his opening remarks to the 200 people gathered, the owner, James Gilliland, warned us that over the course of our stay our "stuff" was likely to come up. We had the choice to create a drama vortex around it, or quietly observe ourselves and what had triggered our emotions. Whatever comes up is showing itself to be seen and healed. Most people think they are going to ECETI to skywatch for UFO activity and strange light phenomenon, but in reality they are being immersed in a healing vortex created by the land, mountain and the intention of the people anchoring the energy there.
The UFO phenomenon is certainly worth noting. There were three different elements observed. First, the light orbs that show up on people's digital photographs and the cameras were indeed flashing all over the place to capture these orbs. However way more exciting was looking through night vision binoculars under an infra-red light source at these orbs, where you can see them flashing through the air in real time and space. Absolutely no doubt whatsoever of their existence. The UFOs themselves appear very much like satellites crossing the night sky, then they start to change in brightness and while the crowd are thinking or even chanting, "Power up!", they do! A sudden expansion in size and brightness- a mini explosion of light and a return to looking like satellites again. Most traverse the night sky in straight lines, but others curve, some appear to blink on and off, while a few complete U-turns. What are they? What are they doing? Still unknown, although there does seem to be some conscious connection between the humans on the ground and the light structures in the night sky.
For me, the most fascinating aspect of the experience was the mountain itself. The full moon was behind us illuminating the mountain to the north. Tuning in to the mountain felt as if it was alive, fully activated, and then lights would blink on and off high up, well above the tree line, well beyond any region humans could reach at this time of year, as there is still thick snow on the approaches to the mountain. The phenomenon certainly deserves further investigation. James Gilliland has observed significant light structure activity on the side of the mountain and some reliable sources witnessed a bright green spiral of light flash out of the side of the mountain while we were there. It certainly was a transformational two-week period for me, spending time with George and James at ECETI and the experience was enhanced tremendously by my reading of the recommended book review for the month for September, "The Magic Doorway into the Divine", by Devrah Laval who is on my radio show on September 7th to promote her book launch on September 13th. This is a must read book for anyone on a sacred, spiritual journey. www.themagicdoorway.com I would also like to highly recommend two of my recent radio guests, Andrea Mathews, on August 17, who explained why the law of attraction is not working for many people and Dr. Jayanath Abeywickrama who was my guest on August 24th. He comes from an ancient 5,000 year lineage of Ayurvedic healers and he revered us with his profound knowledge, ease and grace.
We are deeply into the fifth night of the final level of consciousness of the Mayan Calendar and so just remember, whatever happens in the outer world, stay calm centered and at peace. |
Leo Workshop
In the Heart of the Lion
We had a slightly different approach to our Leo landscape workshop compared to our previous gatherings, as we had arranged a special treat for the afternoon. Katharine Maltwood, who was the brilliant woman behind the revealing of the landscape zodiac in Glastonbury, England, moved to Victoria in 1938 and lived in her home called The Thatch, which is in the "Heart of Leo the Lion" in the landscape. Her former home is now a restaurant called The Fireside Grill and so we decided to meet up there in her former sculpting studio which eventually became her library.
We had afternoon tea and desserts to celebrate our connection to the landscape zodiac and Katharine herself. We took the opportunity to sit and listen to Melanie talk about the astrological aspects of Leo and Mary to explain the features in the landscape as well as some of the really important elements of the Leo energy. Leo is represented by the Sun, Gold, leadership and shining your light in the world, at the same time keeping an eye on your ego and pride in full humility-a delicate balance to strike. The Leo Labor of Hercules is probably the best known, where Hercules kills the rampaging lion with his bare hands. This takes place inside a cave in the mountainside which is the lion's lair. This labor is really about Hercules' own ego running wild and he cannot proceed on to any of the other labors, until he can take control of his own pride and ego.
Well before the workshop, the Leonine energies made themselves known in a variety of different ways including the appearance of the lion in many different guises including dreams, visions, songs and synchronicities. We knew it was going to be a powerful month in the heat of the furnace in the hot "dog days" of summer.
Our starting point reconnected us to Cancer and our inner child where we were given a wonderful presentation by Kathy Arnason on the "Fountain of Peace". A magnificent structure of seven pipes, crystals and stones which she has taken into many schools across Canada promoting peace and awareness with the children. Music was to play an important role as we began the day listening and dancing to songs from the Lion King around the fountain of Peace.
Our first venture into the landscape was around the mouth of the lion, walking around the upper jaw with a magnificent view of our landscape, including the clear view of our final destination in the left front paw of the lion. This particular vantage point looked out over the Royal Oak Burial Park where a number of participants had poignant memories of friends and loved ones residing below, as we listened to the opening song from the movie "Born Free" in a powerful meditation.
Our plan for the day was to begin in the head of the lion, working with all of the senses of sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, feeling and knowing. Carry all of the energy from the head and upper body with us down into the heart of the lion. Gather these energies into the heart and concentrate them there as we celebrated at the Fireside Grill, before taking them out into the front paw of the lion, out into action in the world in service which is our next feature in Virgo. Stephen Courtin took us for a stroll around his "Space Bus" where he demonstrated the significance of the four fixed stars in Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus and REGULUS in the Leo constellation. As we were in Mercury retrograde, he also demonstrated how this motion takes place relative to the Earth in the night sky. Our main ceremony with Lisa Cole took place under an ancient and large oak tree on the grounds of the Fireside Grill, anchoring our heartfelt energies into the land, while linking in with all of the other sacred landscape zodiac sites activated thus far through the burial of lemurian seed crystals. Ted created another marvelous day of active participation in the landscape, finishing off on the Barker Farm where Richard "The Lion Heart" Layritz had cultivated the majority of trees not indigenous to Vancouver Island. He planted a Redwood seedling on the land in the late 1800s which is now over 150 feet high under which his and his wife's ashes reside. Another sacred site in the landscape. The front paw of the lion is in Layritz Park and the day finished with a gentle climb to the top and another magnificent view including the head of the lion where we had started our day. We planted sunflower seeds over the the hillside as we listened to John Lennon's Imagine, and three Turkey vultures did a victory fly by above our heads one after the other. While planting the sunflower seeds, members of the group found a Rastafarian T-shirt lying on the ground with a lion emblazoned across the chest. We knew that our day was complete and fully satisfactory. Our next venture into the landscape zodiac sees the return of the sacred feminine in VIRGO which will take place on Sunday September 11th.
Join our Victoria Landscape Zodiac Group on facebook
Sky WatchMonthly Constellation Transition at the Top of the Sky!
As summer comes to its end, the bright "spring star", Arcturus, still remains in good evening view. This pale orange point is the brightest star due west. Meanwhile Vega, the equally bright "summer star" stands very nearly straight overhead. East of Vega shines Deneb a little less prominently. Vega and Deneb symbolize the change from summer to fall. Right after nightfall in late summer, Vega is the bright star straight overhead, but as autumn begins, Deneb takes over at the top of the sky. Deneb also marks the tail of Cygnus the Swan.
For the planet's this month, Mercury has a good showing during dawn low above the eastern horizon. Mars rises in the middle of the night and by dawn is well up in the east near Castor and Pollux. Jupiter rises near the head of Cetus about two hours after sunset and dominates the eastern sky for much of the night. |
The Magic Doorway into the Divine
by Devrah Laval
The Magic Doorway into the Divine is the quintessential guide for anyone with the courage and the heart to embark on the journey to higher consciousness. It is poignantly crafted with the clarity, compassion, insight and wisdom of one who has walked the journey home. This book offers us simple and practical tools to move beyond pain and suffering into the light of our true nature. I highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to gain a greater insight and awareness. |
Astrological Signs
Virgo - I Serve
Interestingly the mythology around Virgo is that when the last GOLDEN age ended and MAN defied VIRGO's rule, she returned to the heavens in disgust!
Now is the time for us to welcome her back with open arms! She represents the three levels of womanhood; the young naive and innocent virgin, the mother in her full abundant blossoming
and the ugly old hag who most people pull away from, but is actually the wise one who has all the knowledge that we seek!
Virgo is a mutable Earth sign ruled by Mercury and the key words are critical and analytical. The inner world of Virgo is analyzing, solving and assessing, planning and working towards future goals. They use their talents in service to others. Virgos have a tendency to place impossible demands on themselves while at the same time being eager and careful to help and support those around them.
There is a quest for perfection in minutiae which can lead them to lose sight of the overall bigger picture. Very hard working and extremely practical they make great team players but rarely enjoy being in the limelight!
Monthly Animal Totem Bear
Introspection | |
The strength of Bear medicine is the power of introspection. Bear enters the womb-cave to hibernate, to digest the year's experience. The great void is the place where all solutions and answers live in harmony with the questions that fill our realities.
The answers to all of life's questions reside within us. Enter the silence and the stillness, allow your intuition to flow, so that your goals may become concrete realities. |