
of the Month

June 12th
New Moon in Gemini
June 20th
Father's Day

June 21st
Summer Solstice
4:28 am PST

June 24th
St. Jean Baptiste Day

June 26th
 Full Moon in Capricorn
Lunar Eclipse


Voice America Internet Radio

Airing live at Noon, PST, Wednesdays.
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Peter Tongue's
Live Talk Show Schedule

June 2nd
Richard Flyer
 "Weaving Conscious Community"
Peter discusses the latest developments in the quest for Conscious Community worldwide with guest Richard Flyer. He will share how the new Social Media Platform, Start Where You Live: Weaving Conscious Community
can be an integral part of a new Global Awakening, starting with each of us, our street, our community and then linked together throughout the world.

June 9
Aros Crystos
  "Message from the Dolphins"

Aros will discuss with Peter his powerful connection with the Dolphin energies of the Hawaiian Islands and how we need to restore our connection to the Galactic energies. Aros speaks of a sense of great change that is swelling in peoples' subconscious across the planet. As this is happening, individuals are choosing a response somewhere along the scale from fear of what's coming, seeing an outcome of apocalypse or the opposite of fear which is joy and an outcome of ecstasy and love as we transcend fear and move into a heaven on earth.

June 16
"Wake Up!!!! - It's Time!!!!"

The discussion will revolve around the astrological significance of the current planetary positions, alignments and aspects which are having a profound effect on awakening humanity. This summer promises to be one to remember and this show will provide clear insights into the influences that are upon us. 2012 will be too late. 
The time is now!!!!

 June 23rd

Kathleen McGowan
"The Time Returns"

Author Kathleen McGowan discusses her novels and work which focus on the truth behind the roles women have played throughout history with specific examples relating to the spiritual development of humankind. For example, Kathleen spent twenty years researching the legends surrounding the Gospel of Mary Magdalene on four continents and will discuss her findings. She will also discuss the significance of the labyrinth as a powerful spiritual tool. For those with ears to hear, let them hear....

June 30th

Christina Pierson

"A Knowing-Living with Psychic Children"

Peter discusses with Christina Pierson her book which contains fascinating information about living with, supporting, understanding

and helping her psychic children. Christina will talk about her research and  experience of the metaphysical and spiritual realms as well as psychic phenomenon related to children.

All shows are archived including the previous series which attracted so much attention and can be accessed through Peter Tongue's website:

Crystal Connections


Calming, balancing, and nourishing, emerald helps ease emotional upsets. Emerald is useful during transitional times in your life. It assists understanding changes and new directions taken. It can also be used as a cleanser to rid yourself of any lingering negative energies. It offers bliss and loyalty to its owner. Emerald will help you discern information that comes your way, it is knowing that way. Especially helpful as a tool when facing choices. Enhances focus and reflection during meditation.


Awaken To Your True Purpose Teleseminar
June 9th - July 21st, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sign up to attract magic and miracles into your life! Click Here to learn more.

Ambassadors of Light
FREE Trial Offer: Become an Ambassador of Light! Join Peter in our exclusive monthly membership program designed to help you discover your connection to the universe. You will receive archived interviews, monthly reflections, two interactive coaching calls and much more to guide you throughout the year. Sign me up!

Join Dr. Leonard Laskow at Esalen Institute
June 20th - 25th in Big Sur,  "Awakening Your Healing Heart" a Holoenergetic training intensive for health & healing practitioners and therapists. For details go to

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Peter Tongue:



Archived Newsletters

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June 2010  �  Vol. 2  Issue 5
Welcome to inSIGHTS with Peter Tongue

I plan to give you updates on what is happening in the World of Spirit each month as well as brief introductions into articles that I have found useful with references to the full article for those who would like to pursue that topic further.
Power Up to the Summer Solstice!!!!!
by Peter Tongue

First of all I would like to thank all of you who were involved with the free "Awaken To Your True Path" teleclass on May 26th. It was a great success with wonderful energy generated from the people who joined in from all over the world. It is not too late to get involved! You can still listen to the archived teleclass free and there is still time to register for the seven week teleseminar series which begins on Wednesday June 9th. 

Transform your life in just 7 weeks!
Please go to for all of the details.


I want to pass on some very important information this month about the planetary alignments which are taking place, providing us with the opportunity to shift in awareness and consciousness.


For almost two years we have been under the influence of a powerful T-square formation. This involves the planets Saturn and Uranus in direct opposition, with Pluto at ninety degrees to both. Saturn governs structures and systems and the old way of doing things through institutions like government, church, hospitals and schools. Uranus governs change, innovation, thinking outside the box and new discoveries.


Pluto is the destroyer breaking down structures that no longer work. Its influence creates the phoenix rising from the ashes, but first there has to be destruction. I don't think I need to explain how this is playing out in our World today which appears to be in a fragile and precarious position. It is! It is supposed to be happening this way so that we can build a better world for the future.


These planets are slow moving and so the influences continue for some time. In addition to this Uranus moved through a very significant point on Thursday May 27th, just two hours before the beautiful golden full moon. At this time, Uranus moved into zero degrees of Aries which is the first sign in the zodiac. In other words it began a new cycle - a rebirth. It takes 84 years for Uranus to complete its cycle and so this is a very important moment in time. The last time it occurred was in April 1927. It is worth looking into the major events of 1927 to see what happens under the influence of Uranus beginning a new cycle. It is very interesting!

  • The first experimental electronic TV pictures were observed by scientists.
  • Lindbergh's first solo non-stop transatlantic flight from New You to Paris took place.
  • The first transatlantic telephone call took place between London and New York.
  • CBS went on the air with 47 radio stations which also became regulated during the year.
  • Finally all women over 21 got the vote in Britain bringing them into equality with men.
  • There were numerous political rebellions and labor strikes worldwide which were squashed.
  • Political concerns raged between the west and the east.
  • New and exciting developments took place in the movie industry and musical theater.
  • There were numerous natural disasters including earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados.
  • The German scientist, Heisenburg, came up with the UNCERTAINTY principle - I love that one!

Typically Uranus influences sudden and unexpected change and this time I am anticipating major breakthroughs and discoveries in new and improved energy systems not involving fossil fuels. I have no doubt that it is going to be a bumpy, challenging and exciting ride.

A really positive element this time is that Jupiter is conjunct Uranus. This alignment amplifies the energy of both and Jupiter governs expansion and spirituality. Here lies our opportunity. We can set the intention during this period to really focus on our purpose for being here on the planet now!


Most of us won't be around when Uranus returns in 84 years!


There are a number of other powerful planetary alignments coming up over the next two months to assist us in our awakening process. June 13th sees a major alignment of planets relating to the Sun, which connects through to the full moon on July 25th. In the midst of this is the summer solstice on June 21st when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky in the northern hemisphere. It is a day to spend outside in nature, bathing in the sunlight, confirming your intention to be a channel for the light.


I believe that we are in for a summer that will be the most powerful that we have ever experienced with lots of changes, surprises and beneficial opportunities to open up to our true spiritual nature.


 Have fun!!

Monthly Constellation Summer Triangle

The huge summer triangle now on the rise is made up of three stars, Vega, Deneb and Altair.

They can be viewed by spotting Vega in Lyra, the brightest star high in the east, down to its lower left is Daneb in Cygnus the Swan and down to its lower right Altair in Aquila the Eagle.

It is said that when pondering upon this heavenly trinity, a transformational gateway appears, leading you on the path of the Gods to Divine Unity.

Venus continues as the bright evening star in the North West at twilight aligned closely with Castor and Pollux around the 11th of the month. Mars glows bright high in the west after dusk far to Venus's upper left. Saturn also shines high in the south west at dusk. A very significant conjunction occurs between Jupiter and Uranus which can be viewed from June 5th-9th through binoculars just before dawn in the south east sky!

May Book Review
Secrets in the Fields-The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles by Freddy Silva
As the new crop circle season begins in the U.K., this is a timely reference to the entire crop circle phenomenon. Freddy Silva has done extensive scientific research on the genuine and hoax circles looking at the technology that created them, and the message the genuine ones are bringing to humanity. Silva studies the history of crop circles, human interactions with them, their probable implications and their effects on our current world view. He discusses the "Acoustic Alchemy" that is integral to the shapes and he shows how the designs have resonance with the symbols of ancient cultures and secret societies. A beautiful selection of color and black and white photos include spectacular examples of recent crop circles with schematic silhouette renderings showing their symbolic language. This book has something for everyone interested in the crop circle mystery.
To view the most recent crop circle formations and daily updates go to
Monthly Animal Totem
WOLF - Teacher
Wolf teaches us to be part of family while still embodying our individual dreams and ideas. Wolf is represented by the "Dog Star", Sirius, and is
also connected to the moon and intuition. Wolf medicine empowers the teacher within us all, to come forth and aid the children of the Earth
in understanding the Great Mystery and life.

Take time to be alone and connect with your teacher within and look for teachings wherever you go!