"Gain a profound understanding of the human condition and make a difference in the World in ways most people don't even know exist!"My main
newsletter article this month is going to be a little different. I have come to
the realization that it is time for me to share all that I have learned about
the intended development of the human being.
spent thirty years of my life working this out, I now know that a magnificent
shift is upon us and we need to prepare ourselves for it. You don't have thirty
years to prepare because the time is NOW!
I have every
confidence that we have a wonderful future ahead of us so long as we attend to
some really important tasks.
My intention is
to offer a seven week teleseminar class to reveal all that I've learned about
the coming changes and what we need to do in our lives to be fully aligned and
ready to play our part.
There are four
levels on which we need to operate and master.
The first
is our own INNER WORLD. One of the realizations that I have had over the last
few years has been the awareness that the majority of people on the planet are
making daily decisions about their lives unconsciously. These are usually the
result of automatic reactions to life situations based upon early childhood
programming. Just consider for a moment all of the repeating patterns that keep
coming up in your life. Do you sometimes wonder how you made a really important
decision in your life? Why you react so strongly to certain people or
situations? Continually sabotage your great potential?
We need to gain
a clear understanding of these patterns and become fully conscious of what we
are doing and why.
unconscious reactions can often spill over into our relationships with family, friends and our fellow workers. As we become aware of our inner repeating patterns, we can see how this impacts those around us.
This leads us
into the second level of awareness which is our RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS. It
becomes necessary to shift into our heart-center and recognize that we are all
interconnected and on the same team called humanity.
relationships have been mastered, we can then focus our attention on our larger
community. This can be the COMMUNITY in which we live, work or connect. Here we
shift to a place of collaboration rather than competition, recognizing that by
working together, we can consciously create something special.
The final step
is to take this mutual support on to a GLOBAL scale. This may seem too big a
challenge, but it isn't. There are already millions of people across the planet
ready to take this step and make this change. We can quickly establish large
numbers of people connected through this common goal.
My own belief is
that we have no choice. These steps must be achieved if humanity is going to
make the transition into the next level of evolution.
In many parts of
the world, corruption, greed and looking after number one have become the norm.
This approach is not sustainable. It will lead to inevitable collapse like many
other human civilizations of the past. We have the opportunity to begin anew
and consciously create a new balanced golden era of peace by working together
for the greater good of all.
ancient civilizations and new science are giving us the tools and insights to
bring this about. The ancients left us clues and codes in symbols. We will
discover what their common message was by studying ancient megalithic sites and
cultures. Understanding the new sciences of quantum physics and epigenetics,
empowers us to take full responsibility for our own success and well being.
Together, we will navigate this seven week process to gain mastery of our own lives in preparation for our role as ambassadors of light in the
world to come.
You will have the opportunity to interact live on the Wednesday teaching class. On Saturday mornings we will be hosting a live coaching, question and answer call where participants will be able to interact with me personally. If you are interested and want to know more, please submit your e-mail address to sign up for the FREE introductory teleclass, which will
take place at 5.30pm PDT on Wednesday, May 26th and/or to reserve
space for the 7-week Awaken to Your True Purpose teleseminar starting June 2nd.
Submit your e-mail addresses and/or inquires to Charly Baron at charly@myheartcenteredjourney.com