Highlights of the Month
Jan 1st Happy New Year!
Jan 15th New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn and Mercury goes forward
Jan 18th Martin Luther King Day
Jan 30th Full Moon in Leo
Voice America Internet Radio
Airing live at Noon, PST, Wednesdays. Listen Live or Archived at: VoiceAmerica.com I continue to be encouraged by my sustained weekly listenership and impressive guest discussions. As a result I will begin a new 13 week series beginning on Jan 20th with the line up of guest still to be confirmed.
Peter Tongue's Live Talk Show Schedule
Jan 6th
Howard Martin of the HeartMath Institute
"Activating Global Heart" What information can the intelligence of the heart provide us with and how can the collective power of the heart generated by humanity help change the World.
Jan 13th
Richard Le Blanc
"Creating Homefulness" Learn about the way in which one conscious community is solving the homeless people problem by providing opportunities to go back to the land, grow food and heal from life's challenges.
Jan 20th
A new series of shows begin with guests to be announced.
All shows are archived including the
previous series which attracted so much attention and can be accessed through
my website: PeterTongue.com
Events Sign up for the archived Shift Your Vision Webinar series or other webinars, retreats and workshops at: g MyHeartCenteredJourney
Crystal Connections |
Rose Quartz Rose Quartz is the quintessential stone of Love. It stimulates and opens the heart chakra, clears the emotional body, and assists in
the integration and resolution
of old emotional programs. Rose Quartz can help one feel more open to receiving and sharing Love, Compassion and Kindness.
Archived Newsletters
To view past inSIGHTS newsletters go to: MyHeartCenteredJourney.com
or go to: PeterTongue.com
and click on the month
of the
Newsletter you
wish to review.
January 2010 · Vol. 2 Issue 1
Welcome to inSIGHTS with Peter Tongue
I plan to give you updates on what is happening in the World of Spirit each
month as well as brief introductions into articles that I have found useful with references to the full article for those who
would like to pursue that topic further.
Happy New Year To You All
by Peter TongueI sincerely hope that you had a wonderful holiday season with friends and family. And now its back to reality.
There are some intense energies present in the first half of January with three planets in retrograde motion; Mercury, Mars and Saturn. This is NOT a time to be beginning new projects or putting plans into action.
Typically barriers will be put up, sparks will fly and things will have to be RE-done. This is a time for INTROSPECTION. Take the time to go within, truly and deeply explore your heart, and spend a little longer over those New Year Resolutions.
Wait until after the 15th of the month before putting them into action. This is a good time to reflect on and release all issues from the past, retaining the lessons learned and the wisdom gained, while releasing the pain and suffering in full forgiveness of yourself and all others.
Release any remaining negativity with ease and grace. Once this has been completed, in profound contemplation and surrender, discover your crystal clear intentions for the year to come. Resolve what it is you want to create in your life and manifest it. As our World speeds up and changes rapidly, it might be wise to include those unchanging PRINCIPLES rather than
specific goals. For example you might focus on bringing more love and compassion into your life, follow the signs and signals of nature, or meditate and pray peace every day. On that note, outstanding scientific data has been collected by the HeartMath Institute and Global Coherence Project to clearly demonstrate
how practicing Heart-Centered Coherence impacts us
individually, humanity as a whole and the planet itself. I firmly believe that engaging in this project will impact our future peace, abundance and happiness. You can listen to interviews on my radio show www.petertongue.com with Rollin McCraty (Dec.30th) and Howard Martin (Jan.6th), or to learn more visit www.heartmath.org or www.glcoherence.org "Let us Create Heaven on Earth for the Highest Good of ALL!"
SkyWatch Monthly Constellation Canis Major-Great Dog and Sirius
As night falls in the south-east portion of the sky, just above the horizon, look for Sirius, the brightest star in the sky which is in the eye of the constellation Canis Major.
Follow Orion's belt to the south west to view it. It is actually a binary star system containing two stars, Sirius A and Sirius B, appearing as one to the naked eye. The heliacal rise of Sirius marked the flooding of the Nile, close to the summer solstice, and was identified with the Egyptian Goddess, Isis.
Note that the only heavenly body brighter than Sirius in the sky this month is JUPITER seen emerging at dusk in the south-west. The fiery orange MARS can also be viewed in the eastern sky.
Spontaneous Evolution introduces the notion that a miraculous healing
awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility to collectively tend the Garden
rather than fight over the turf.
This is a deep read from two authors who combine analysis of history,
new-edge science and wisdom to offer a hopeful look at the unfolding destiny of our species and how we
can play an active role as co-creators of the World to come.
Monthly Animal Totem HAWK The Messenger -
Hawk is akin to Mercury-the messenger of the Gods.
Hawk medicine teaches you to be observant,
to look at your surroundings as life is sending you signals.
Circle over your life and examine it from a higher perspective.
Hawk has a keen eye and a bold heart. |