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M A R V E L O U S   I N   M A R C H

Featured productions include "The Ballad of Betsy Paradise", "Divided Together", and "Four Little Injuns"
March 1-2 and 7-9, Nitery Theater in the Old Union, $5, Advance ticket purchase strongly suggested 

36th Annual Stanford-Berkeley Conference on Russian, East European & Eurasian Affairs 
Friday March 2, 9:30 am - 5 pm, McCaw Hall, Arrillaga Alumni Center, Free 

This youth leadership seminar will feature interactive workshops, networking opportunities, and speakers such as Kara's Cupcakes founder Kara Haspel Lind and Stanford professor Tom Kosnik. Sponsored by Stanford Women in Business.  
Saturday, March 3, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm, Stanford Black Community Services Center, $10, Advance registration required.  Contact with questions.

Professor Deborah Gruenfeld, one of the most respected and sought-after experts in the field of organization behavior, will draw on the art of acting and the science of psychology to show how nonverbal behaviors affect status, power, and the ability to move among different hierarchical roles.

Wednesday, March 14, 7:30 am breakfast, 8 am session, Stanford Faculty Club, $60, Advance reservations required.


Join experts from Challenge Success and other parents as we examine current research and learn strategies to promote physical and mental health, engagement in school, and overall well-being for children in elementary and middle school.  We'll also explore the daily challenges of finding time for play, handling homework, choosing extracurricular activities, and promoting healthier lifestyles and deeper connections for the entire family.

Six week course beginning April 25th at Stanford.  An on-line version of this course is also available.    


Integrative Medicine and Children

What Parents want to Know about Dietary Supplements and Mind-Body Therapies

March 13, 7 pm, Free, Advance registration required    


This informative, humorous and lively discussion of puberty, the opposite sex and growing up sets parents and their pre-teens on a straight course for talking with one another on these very important topics. Multiple dates available. $75

Please see website for complete list of classes available at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital and registration information.


Entrepreneurship Week 

E-Week is an engaging collection of events focused on all things entrepreneurial within the Stanford community. Most events are free and open to the public. 

Ongoing through March 7


Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Seminar  

Sandra Kurtzig, Founder, ASK Group; Founder & CEO, Kenandy and Andy Kurtzig, Founder, CEO & President, JustAnswer
Wednesday, March 7, 4:30 pm, NVIDIA Auditorium, Free

Dance Masterclass & Showing: Hope Mohr Dance Co.

Tuesday, March 13,  

4:15 pm, Roble Gym, Studio 38, Free



American Contemporary Music Ensemble Informance  

An engaging one-hour program of performance and conversation.

Saturday, March 3, 6 pm, Community School for Music and Arts, Mountain View, Free



Lionheart with American Contemporary Music Ensemble   Lauded early music vocalists Lionheart + NYC mavericks ACME in works by Ingram Marshall and Phil Kline.

Sunday, March 4, 2:30 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, $19-42



CCRMA Cabaret 2.0: Jaap Blonk   Dutch vocalist/improviser performs a set of solo music for voice and electronics

Thursday, March 8, 8 pm, CCRMA Stage, Free



St. Lawrence String Quartet

The SLSQ conclude their 2011-12 series with an all-Beethoven program.

Sunday, March 11, 2:30 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, $22-50


All ticketed Lively Arts shows are $10 for Stanford students with ID. 




Stanford Chamber Chorale

March 2, 8 pm, Memorial Church, $5-10


An Evening of Flute Music

March 2, 8 pm, Campbell Recital Hall, Free  


Stanford Woodwind Quintet

March 3, 8 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, $5-10, Free for Stanford students 


Benefit Duo Piano Recital: Frederick Weldy and Laura Dahl

March 4, 2:30 pm, Campbell Recital Hall, $25, $10 for students  


Early Music Singers

March 9, 8 pm, Memorial Church, Free


Stanford Wind Ensemble

March 10, 8 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, $5-10, Free for Stanford students  


Stanford Improvisation Collective [sic] Winter Concert

March 11, 8 pm, CCRMA Stage, Free 


Morton Subotnick: Lecture/Concert

March 12, 8 pm, CCRMA Stage, The Knoll, Free 


Stanford Flute Ensemble

March 13, 8 pm, Campbell Recital Hall, Free  



Stanford Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble

March 14, 8 pm, Campbell Recital Hall, $5-10, Free for Stanford students  


Christopher Marks, organ

March 21, 8 pm, Memorial Church, Free  




Feminist Humor

Thursday, March 1, 4:15 pm, Terrace Room, Bldg 460, Free


Schleppers and Shoppers Jews, Street Markets, and the Selling of Ready-to-Wear Fashion in Interwar London

Thursday, March 1, 4:15 pm, Lane History Corner, room 307, Free


The Environmental Costs of US Militarism

Thursday, March 1, 7 pm, Tresidder Oak Lounge, Free  


Despite the Best Intentions: Exploring Why Racial Inequality Persists in Good Schools

Monday, March 5, 12 noon, CERAS 100B, Free


Baudelaire's Time

Wednesday, March 7, 20, 7:15 pm, Bldg 260, Rm 252, Free


Ethics and War with Avishai Margalit

Thursday, March 8, 5:30 pm, Annenberg Auditorium, Free


The Castroville Mammoth Project

Thursday, March 8, 7:30 pm, Cubberley Auditorium, Free



Aren't All Intellectuals "Public"?

One Historian's Encounter with Academia, Education, and the World

Wednesday, March 14, 12 noon, Center for Educational Research at Stanford, Rm 300, Free


Environmentalism, Elitism and Food

Wednesday, March 14, 5:30 pm, CEMEX Auditorium, Free, Registration required 

Jonathan Safran Foer and Nathan Englander in Conversation on a new Passover Haggadah

Thursday, March 15, 7 pm, CEMEX Auditorium, Click here to reserve your seat, Free 


Former senator Russ Feingold on Philosophy Talk

In this live taping, the former senator joins Philosophy Talk co-hosts and Stanford philosophers John Perry and Ken Taylor for a conversation about the threat corporations present to democracy.

Thursday, March 15, 7 pm, Cubberley Auditorium, Free


Freedom and the Arts of Dissent

Monday, March 19, 6 pm, Humanities Center- Levinthal Hall, Free


Family Structure, Employment, and Income Inequality Among American Women

Wednesday, March 21, 12 noon, Bldg. 120, Free, RSVP required 


Ethics @ Noon  

Each week Stanford faculty tackle questions of ethics that arise in private and public life. 

Ethical Barriers to the End of AIDS 

David Katzenstein, School of Medicine   

March 3, Bldg 160, Rm 124

Courage vs. Culture 

David Demarest, VP for Public Affairs   

March 9, 12 noon, Bldg 110, Rm 112


The Energy Seminar
Mondays, 4:15 pm, NVIDIA Auditiorium, Huang Room 14C, Free

Back to Top 


Kizuna! New Forms of Social Capital in Disaster Japan 

Monday, March 5, 12 noon, RSVP required, Free


Refashioning the Self through New Therapeutics in Urban China

Thursday, March 8, 4:15 pm, Philippines Conference Room, Encina Hall, 3rd Floor, Free


Japanese Politics After 3-11

Friday, March 9, 12 noon, Philippines Conference Room, Free


Trauma and Healing in Stricken Japan

Monday, March 12, 12 noon, Please RSVP, Free  


Development of India's First 911 System: Stanford's Role and Hope for Other Nations

Tuesday, March 13, 12 noon, Encina Hall West, Room 208, Free


Women in Tibetan Buddhism

Thursday, March 15, 7:30 pm, Cypress, Tresidder Memorial Union, 2nd Floor, Free


Making the Historical Atlas of Tibet 

Thursday, March 22, 12:15 pm, Bldg 70, Room 72A1, Free


Forgotten on the Roof of the World - The Story of the Kyrgyz of Afghanistan

Thursday, March 29, 7:30 pm, Bldg 260, Rm 113, Main Quad


imageStanford Continuing Studies offers a broad range of courses that are primarily taught by Stanford instructors and open to everyone. 

Spring Registration Now Underway.  Featured classes include:



To send feedback or suggestions, please email

Photo Credits:   

Red tulips: (c)



During Stanford Summer Session, courses are offered for high school, undergraduate and graduate students.  


Specialty Programs    

Jazz Camp (ages 12-17) 

Education Program for Gifted Youth Summer Institute 
(ages 11-17)


Sports Camps  

Baseball                    Rowing

Boys Basketball          Sailing 

Girls Basketball          Soccer

Cross-Country            Softball

Fencing                      Swimming

Track & Field              Tennis

Field Hockey              Girls Volleyball

Football                     Boys Volleyball

Golf                          Water Polo

Girls Lacrosse            All Sports


American Graffiti 

Part of Driven: A Car Culture Film Series

Wednesday, March 7, 7:30 pm, Cubberley Auditorium, Free 


Oh, Bless Us, Gedun Drup: a Prayer Hall for the Dalai Lama

Thursday, March 22, 7:30 pm, Levinthal Hall, Stanford Humanities Center, Free 



The Ballad of Betsy Paradise

March 1 and 2, 8 pm and 10 pm, Nitery Theater in the Old Union, $5


The Ex-Trials

March 2, 7 pm, March 3, 2 pm and 7 pm, Roble Hall Theater, Free


Join Stanford's student sketch comedy troupe for their raucous end of quarter show.

Friday, March 2 and Saturday, March 3,
8 pm, Geology Corner, Room 320-105, $10, Free for Stanford students


Dustin Lance Black's "8"

Monday, March 5, 7 pm, Cemex Auditorium, Knight Management Center  


Four Little Injuns

March 7 and 9, 8 pm, Nitery Theater in the Old Union, $5



Divided Together

March 8, 8 pm, March 10, 8 pm and 10 pm, Nitery Theater in the Old Union, $5

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Get the latest news and views on Stanford Athletics? Visit or sign up for The Weekly Axe, Stanford Athletics official e-newsletter distributed every Monday during the academic year.  


Twenty one Cardinal sports teams are in action during March. For a full schedule of events, click here.


For a list of ticket promotions, click here.




Men's Basketball hosts cross-bay rival California on Sunday, March 4 at 2:30 pm in its final home game of the regular season. Don't miss out on this exciting match-up. Tickets start at $30.  




This spring the second-ranked Cardinal will take on the toughest schedule in the country. General admission tickets start at just $5 for kids/seniors and $7 for adults, and group packages are available.  For  group packages, call Ted Lopez at 650-724-9239 or email To purchase tickets online, click here.  




Women's gymnastics competes against Arizona State and California in a season showdown March 4.  Tickets are free. 



Stanford Football's 2012 Signing Day was a huge success.  Of the 22 players signing letters of intent, 13 were rated in the top 25 nationally in their positions.  For highlights and bios, visit 2012 Signing Day Central. 



My Health Toolkit: Research 101

Thursdays, 3:30 pm, To register, please call (650) 498-7826, Free

-  3/1:  Researching Chronic Diseases

-  3/15: Preparing for Surgery

-  3/29: Researching Drug Information 


Computers and Our Hearts            

In this 90 minute class we will explore ideas for how to keep a healthful balance between human and machine, with all due respect to both! 

Thursday, March 1, 12 noon, $30


Get Active and Take Action           

The course will begin with a classroom lecture followed by one-on-one session(s) with the instructor. 

Friday, March 2, 12:15 - 1:45, $60


Colon Cancer

Saturday, March 3, 9:30 am, Free, Limited seating   


Undiagnosed: The Gut, Grub and Gluten 

This class will address the difference between food sensitivities and food allergies and separate reality from hype.

Monday, March 5, 12 noon, $25


Why Did I Eat That - Again? 

Participants will gain useful tools to craft a personal plan to replace chaotic eating with more mindful and satisfying choices. 

Wednesday, March 7, 12:15 pm, $25


Rx: Exercise Moving Through Cancer  Thursday, March 22, 6:30 pm, Doors open at 6 pm with light refreshments, To register please call 650.725.9456. Space is limited, Free


Long Term Care Insurance

Thursday, March 29, 7 pm, Free
Preregistration is required for all classes.


Memory and Markets
Pueblo Painting in the Early 20th Century
Cantor Arts Center, Free

Walker Evans Photographs
American photographer Walker Evans (1903-1975), with his direct and unsentimental images of life on small-town streets, in New York subways, and on sharecroppers' porches, inspired generations of photographers and helped shape contemporary art.
Cantor Arts Center, On view until April 8, Free

Light Works: Dan Flavin and Robert Irwin, Art from the 1960s
Beginning in the 1920s, with the work of the Constructivists, electric light became a medium for art.
Cantor Arts Center, Free

Pieces by John Chamberlain, Sol LeWitt Claes Oldenburg and Martin Puryear, together with Carl Andre's Copper-Zinc Plain, a floor piece comprised of 36 tiles, and John Chamberlain's Bijou, a large early work made of crushed automobiles and paint.
Cantor Arts Center, Free


Thursdays, March 1, 8, and 15, Cantor Arts Center Auditorium, 4:15, $90, $75 for members, preregistration required


Artist Talk: Jeremiah Barber & Ellen Lake

Thursday, March 8, 5:30 pm, Cummings Art Building, AR2, Free


Friday, March 9, 2 pm, Cantor Arts Center, Free

Thursdays, March 22, 29, and April 5,
Cantor Arts Center Auditorium, 4:15, $90, $75 for members, preregistration required

To Mix or Not to Mix?  

"A Mestizo Planet" in the Musée du Quai Branly or the Historian as a Curator

Friday, March 9, 3 pm, Levinthal Hall, Stanford Humanities Center, Free


The Next American Revolutionary: A Lunch with Grace Lee Boggs
Thursday, March 1, 12 noon, Black House Community Room, 418 Santa Teresa Street, Free

Rafael Campo - Cultural Competence: Poetry and the Importance of Voice in the Illness Experience

Thursday, March 1, 6:30 pm, Cantor Arts Center Auditorium, Free 


Nelly Sachs: Migration and Memory, Poetry and Context

Thursday, March 8, 4:30 pm, The Bender Room, Green Library, 5th floor, Free 


Geoff Dyer - Zona Reading and Panel Discussion

Tuesday, March 13, 5:30 pm, Humanities Center, Levinthal Hall, Free 



Finance and Accounting for the Nonfinancial Executive
April 22 - 27

Executive Program for Women Leaders
May 6 - 11



Memorial Church

Ecumenical Christian worship featuring choir and organ music with speakers and preachers from diverse religious traditions
Sundays, 10 am, Memorial Church  
A reflective 30-minute service of hymns and chant sung in the tranquil candlelit ambiance of Memorial Church.
March 4, 11 and 18, 9 - 9:30 pm, Memorial Church.    

Event Calendar   




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Directions and parking information can be found on Stanford's on-line map.  

Many visitor parking places are metered, so don't forget quarters.  More tips are available at