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The 2011 Stanford Jazz Festival, now in its 40th season, runs through August 6. Click here for a complete  

Festival calendar or browse the themes below.

Rising Stars:  Our younger SJF artists are making a huge impact on the world of music.

Jazz Legends:  We think of jazz differently thanks to the work of these artists, who are still at the top of their game.

Celebrating Standards:  If the song is you, and if it
don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing, then you'll
be delighted with these performances.

Game Changers:  Once in a while an artist or group comes along with such a unique approach that they redefine what jazz is. Here are some of those artists.

Global Grooves:  Like your jazz with the added spice
of a world perspective? We're proud to present the
leading lights of world jazz.

Family Friendly: Your kids will sing, dance, and join in the fun at our Early Bird concerts.





San Jose Earthquakes at Stanford Stadium 

Featuring a postgame fireworks extravaganza

Saturday, July 2, 7:30 pm, Stanford Stadium, $15-50    




Family Films at the Cantor Arts Center 

imageEnjoy free films for the whole family outdoors at the Center. Come early to pick a spot on the Center's South Lawn and bring or buy a picnic.  Films start at 8:30 pm.

  • July 15: The Wizard of Oz 
  • July 29: Charlotte's Web

Early Bird Jazz for Kids 

Keith Terry and the Crosspulse Percussion Ensemble

Saturday, July 9, 10 am, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Kids free, Adults $5 in advance/$10 at the door   


Everything You Wanted to Know About Jazz

Sunday, July 10, 2:30 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Kids free, Adults $5 in advance/$10 at the door



Heart to Heart: A Seminar on Growing Up

This informative, humorous and lively discussion of puberty, the opposite sex and growing up sets parents and their pre-teens on a straight course for talking with one another on these very important topics. Multiple dates available. $75


Classes for Expectant and New Parents  

Please see website for complete list of classes and registration information.


Free Car-seat Fitting Station

carseatLucile Packard Children's Hospital offers a child passenger fitting station for patient families as well as for the immediate community.


                                                     Back to Top



7th Annual Mood Disorders Education Day

Six of Stanford and Berkeley's most well-regarded doctors will speak about the mood disorders which afflict more than 20 percent of Americans.

Saturday, July 9, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm, William R. Hewlett Teaching Center, Complimentary breakfast and lunch will be provided.  Please register in advance. Free


Living Well with Chronic Conditions
Six week class beginning Monday, July 11, 1:30 - 4 pm, Free, Pre-registration required

RARE: A Documentary Film
RARE follows an extraordinary mother in a race against time, as she unites a group of isolated people from around the world in a quest to cure her daughter's rare genetic disease.
Wednesday, July 13, 6 pm, Clark Center Auditorium, Free


The Stanford Health Library provides free health and medical information on-line and at 5 locations.  





Harold Pinter's Old Times 

Thursday - Sunday, July 7 - 24, Pigott Theater, $15-25



Seneca's Oedipus 

Thursday - Sunday, July 28 - August 14, Nitery Theater, $15-20 


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St. Lawrence 

St. Lawrence String Quartet Free Noon Concert
Friday, July 1, 12:15 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Free

International String Quartet Showcase 

Saturday, July 2, 7:30 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Free 


SLSQ Chamber Music Seminar Finale Concert 

Sunday, July 3, 11 am, Campbell Recital Hall, Free


Robert Huw Morgan Organ Concert

Monday, July 4, 2:45 pm, Memorial Church, Free

Alison J. Leudecke Organ Concert
Monday, July 4, 4 pm, Memorial Church, Free

Bay Brass and Robert Huw Morgan
The Bay Brass join Stanford University Organist, Robert Huw Morgan, for an exhilarating evening of brass and organ.
Tuesday, July 12, 8 pm, Memorial Church, Free

Stanford Summer Symphony Orchestra
Friday, July 15, 8 pm, Dinkelspiel Auditorium, $9-10, $5 for students 



Perusing the Printed Page
This special afternoon program will highlight various book exhibitions on view this summer at the Cantor Arts Center
Saturday, July 30, 1 - 4 pm,
Cantor Arts Center Auditorium, Free 

The Art of the Book in California: Five Contemporary Presses 

imageAn emerging, dynamic art form -- the "new book," is defined by contemporary art practices, successful experiments with media, and innovative structures in book production.

Cantor Arts Center, Free  


Waru! Holding Fire in Australia's Western Desert 

This exhibition marks the lived relationships among indigenous Martu of Australia's Western Desert; their foraging economy, ritual arts, the expression of these on the landscape, and their links to desert biodiversity.  

On view through July 31, Thomas Welton Stanford Art Gallery, Free 


imageTrue Colors 

Greco-Roman sculpture was never intended to be white, and this exhibition features the once-lively colors of sculpture from that era.

On view through August 7, Cantor Arts Center, Free   

imageIllustrated Title Pages: 1500-1900
This exhibition traces the development of the title page from the 16th to 19th centuries.  

Cantor Arts Center, Free

For more information on exhibits and tours, please visit The Cantor Arts Center. 



Specialty Camps  

Baseball                    Rowing

Boys Basketball          Sailing

Girls Basketball          Soccer

Cross-Country            Softball

Fencing                      Swimming

Track & Field              Tennis

Field Hockey              Girls Volleyball

Boys Volleyball           Water Polo

All Sports

Girls Lacrosse             


Fireworks:(c) Sponslor 

Bikers:(c) / chichi  



Event Calendar   




For a daily email update on Stanford news, events, and research, subscribe to the free
Stanford Report.




 Hear about cutting edge research on the lawn adjacent to the Cantor Arts Center.  Please come early to wander through the museum, have dinner at the Cool Café, or bring your own picnic.   


imageShark and Awe
The Extreme Life of the Sea, with Stephen Palumbi
Thursday, July 14,  

7 pm, Free


imageInfinite Reality
Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution, with Jeremy Bailenson  

Thursday, July 28, 7 pm, Free




Innovation Ecosystems Summit

Media X at Stanford invites you to celebrate a new era of insights, alliances and advocacy for innovation ecosystems.

July 11, 8 am - 5:30 pm, $395, $95 for Students


Gen Y Decoded: Insights and Tactics for Leaders 

imageBreakfast Briefing featuring Kit Yarrow, Professor of Psychology and Marketing, Golden Gate University

Wednesday, July 13, 7:30 am breakfast, 8 am program, $60


Japan - U.S. Innovation Day Conference 

Friday, July 15, 2-6:30 pm, MacKenzie Room, Jen-Hsun Huang Engineering Center, $60, Registration required by July 8.     


Excellence Is No Accident 

imageThis highly practical workshop will teach you to apply the mental training techniques used by the world's greatest athletes, performing artists, and business professionals to enhance your performance at work, in sport, and in life.  

Thursday, July 28, 7 pm, Stanford Blood Center, 3373 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, Free  


For additional lectures, please see the Stanford Events Calendar   




Football Tickets on Sale Now 

Want to guarantee your seat to the Big Game, Oregon or Notre Dame, but can't commit to a full season?   Starting at just $70, 2011 Lotsa Luck 3-Game Mini Plans provide fans a guaranteed seat to one marquee game (Cal, Oregon or Notre Dame) of their choice plus tickets to two other games.



Team Cardinal Kids Club 

2011-2012 Team Cardinal registration is now open! For just $25, kids 14 and under can experience the best of Stanford Athletics' sporting events including women's and men's soccer, women's volleyball, women's basketball, baseball and select men's basketball and football games.


2011 Tickets for Kids Program

You or your company can help fulfill the dreams of disadvantaged youth by enabling them to attend a Stanford football game this fall. Our goal is to enable 3000 kids to attend the October 1 home game vs. UCLA. For information, please contact Cory Shakarian at  

(650) 724-5527 or



Out of the Past Film Series
imageEach film will be followed by a discussion led by a member of the Stanford faculty or Stanford Summer Theater Company.
  • July 11: Out of the Past 
  • July 18: Spellbound
  • July 25: La guerre est finie
  • August 1: Memento
  • August 8: The Music Box

Mondays, 7 pm, Annenberg Auditorium, Free  


A World of Laughter: Summer Film Festival 

  • July 14: Raise the Castle -  A cross between Kurosawa and Python!   
  • July 28: Peculiarities of the National Hunt

Thursdays, 7 pm, Bldg 200, Rm 002, Free   


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Register now to reserve a spot in  

classes at the Cantor Arts Center.


Exploring the Figure 

Explore different versions of the human figure in Cantor Center galleries and then use a variety of fun materials to create drawings and sculptures.  For students in grades 1 - 3. 

July 11 - 15, 9:30 am - 12 noon


Drawing People and Drawing Ourselves 

Discover the wide variety of portraits in the museum and experiment with drawing pictures of yourself and othersFor students in grades 1 - 3 

July 18 - 22, 9:30 am - 12 noon


Ultra Line and Color 

Investigate the endless possibilities of painting and drawing using the Center's newly installed contemporary art gallery, "Extreme Makeover", as inspiration.  For students in grades 4 - 6. 

July 18 - 22, 1 - 4 pm   


Family Book

Create a one-of-a-kind book with the theme of "family." Children and adults will work together, exploring the basics of bookbinding as well as drawing, painting, collage, and monotype. For students in grades 1 - 5. 

July 25 - 29, 9 am - noon, $150 for members, $200 for non-members 


Comic Book Workshop

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a comic book! Make your own comic book inspired by superheroes (POW!), people depicted in paintings and sculptures in the galleries (BANG!), and you (WHAM!).  For students in grades 4 - 6.

July 25 - 29, 1 - 4 pm     


Basic Painting

Learn the basic concepts of color and paint-mixing using acrylic paint on canvas. Be inspired by the museum's permanent collection as you create your own work.

August 1 - 5, Grades 1 - 3:  9:30 am - noon, Grades 4 - 6: 1 - 4 pm   


Except for "Family Book", each session costs $140 for members and $180 for non-members. 


University Public Worship
Ecumenical Christian worship featuring choir and organ music with speakers and preachers from diverse religious traditions.

Sundays, 10 am, Memorial Church

imageEnter the labyrinth and discover that walking in circles can actually put direction in your life!
Fridays, 8 am - 1 pm, Memorial Church, Free


Directions and parking information can be found on Stanford's
on-line map.  
Many visitor parking places are metered, so don't forget quarters.  More tips are available at 
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