In this issue...
Tips Newsletter

March 27, 2012
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In this week's newsletter you'll learn 3 ways to seal the deal with clients and prospective employers. 



3 Ways to Seal the Deal     


Sealing the deal means coming to an agreement with your potential client or prospective employer.  Perceptive marketers use subtle ways to nudge prospects into taking action to seal the deal.  Here are three ways for legal nurse consultants to move potential clients and employers to seal the deal. Read More



Save the Date!  


Join me on Saturday, July 21, 2012 at the Annual Southeastern LNC Conference, hosted by the Atlanta Chapter AALNC. There's a fabulous line-up of speakers, and I hope to see you there!  Click here for more conference information.   


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About is dedicated to helping new Legal Nurse Consultants achieve the foundation skills they need to become successful LNCs.

 Katy Jones Photo2010 and 2011 All Stars 

Katy Jones, RN, BSN, MSN
Legal Nurse Consultant
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