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![INFusion]( |
![nurseONE]( |
NurseONE is a personalized interactive web-based resource designed to support nursing practice. More...
INF-Fusion, c'est une ressource interactive personnalisée accessible en ligne conçue pour soutenir la pratique des soins infirmiers. Suite... |
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Help fulfill Pat Griffin's dream of having a Nursing Research Chair in Canada by donating now! |
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Nurse Educators' Conference 2010![CNSA pic]( Date: May 3rd - 6th, 2010 Theme: Traditions & Transitions: The Evolving Legacy of Nursing Education Scholarship Location: Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Val Caniparoli's A Cinderella Story *Tickets on sale NOW*
By the Royal Winnipeg Ballet This classic fairy tale with a 1950's groove features Ron Paley's liquid jazz arrangements of Richard Rodgers classic music. Since its Winnipeg premiere in 2004, the ballet has been performed across Canada to fabulous reviews. Click here for more information...
GANES Conference December 2010
CASN is pleased to co-host this conference with GANES
Louise Lévesque, professeure émérite de la Faculté des sciences infirmières de l'Université de Montréal reçoit l'Ordre du Canada
Canadian Nurses Foundation NURSING CARE PARTNERSHIP![](
La Fondation des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada Programme de partenariats pour la recherche sur les soins infirmiers
Aboriginal Nursing Scholarships Available Now! January 26, 2010 OTTAWA - TD Bank Financial Group and the Canadian Nurses Foundation (CNF) are partnering once again to offer scholarships for Aboriginal nursing students studying at the Bachelor, Master, Nurse Practitioner and PhD levels. Funds have been secured for the next two years, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. |
Doctoral Grants of FERASI Centre
2010-2011 Competition
Bourses doctorales du Centre FERASI
Concours 2010-2011
GANES Conference December 2010
Call for Abstracts
For information on the call for abstracts click here
2nd National Health & Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference Call for Posters
Bridging the Worlds of Practice, Research and Education
Call For Abstracts
Montreal, Quebec October 14-16, 2010
Cochrane Nursing Care Symposium The Early Years Conference 2010:
The Rights of the Child
February 4-6, 2010
Victoria, British Columbia
Society of Behavioral Medicine 31st Annual Meeting and Scientific SessionsApril 7-10, 2010
Seattle, Washington.
Philosophy in a Nurse's World: Politics of Nursing Practice May 16-18, 2010 Banff, Alberta, Canada
For more details, click here. Canadian Orthopaedic Nurses Association -
33rd Annual Conference
May 16-19, 2010 - Halifax, Nova Scotia
For more details, click here.
Atlantic Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing: 2010 Annual Conference Centre for Nursing Studies St. John's, NL May 20 & 21st, 2010
Call for Abstracts
International Clinical Nursing Research Conference
Conférence internationale sur la recherche clinique en sciences infirmières
June 14 to 16, 2010 - Ottawa - Canada /
Du 14 au 16 juin 2010 - Ottawa - Canada More...
VIII Conference of the Global Network of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery
July 28-30, 2010
São Paulo, Brazil
Philosophizing Social Justice in Nursing: The 14th International Philosophy of Nursing Conference September 20-22, 2010 - Vancouver, BC For more details, click here
2nd Conference on Positive Aging
November 26th & 27th, 2010
Vancouver, BC Canada
GANES Second International Conference for Nurse Educators December 9-11, 2010 Arlington, VA
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