have been told that other seminar companies and Federal newsletters do point
out "the good deals." We choose not to for several reasons. The
most important reason is that our background and resources are in Federal
retirement benefits. We are not life insurance, health insurance or mutual fund
representatives and we refuse to take referral fees of any kind.
We, too, have
noticed what appear to be recommendations in Federal e-mail and hard copy
publications on all these issues. In many cases, they even give you an
application or an 800 number in the publication or web site. We have been told
that fees are paid and, in fact, the article was written, by the offering party.
BE CAREFUL!!! Do your homework.
We sell nothing other than our
course. We do not accept referral fees. Our goal is to help Federal Employees
have a successful retirement. We allow our students to call us about Federal
benefits any time after taking the course without charge.
Next month we will discuss Federal Employee Health Benefits.
Thank you for reading! Lloyd D. Watnik Government Benefits Consulting www.lloydwatnik.com
View our open class schedule here!