Bentley Prince Street, Inc.
Beverly Hills Presbyterian Church
California Department of Housing
and Community Development
Cerritos Korean Catholic Center
Citigroup Foundation
City of Long Beach
Cliff Bar & Company
County of Los Angeles Office of the Assessor
David and Cindy Hoag
David and Anne Lin
Enterprise Holdings Inc.
Ernst & Young LLP
Garden of Eating Catering & Events
Gerard A. Bross
Hollywood Sierra Kitchens
iO West Theatre
Jack Lietzke Studio Rentals, Inc.
Jay H. Stark
JCL Barricades, Inc.
Jennifer M. Livingston
John and Cindy Smet
W.M. Keck Foundation
Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Congregation
Kerry Vermeer
Kohler Co.
L & N Andreas Foundation
Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Luna Bar
Malarkey Roofing Products
Mary Ann Canter
Masood Sohaili and Dina Tecimer
McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP
Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, LLP
Neil Canter and Cheryl Perkey
Phillips Van Heusen Corporation
Plastpro, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Randal and Cathy Farwell
Reel Waste & Recycling
Richard and Helaine Whilden
Robert W. Porter
Ronald and Eileen Frank
S & S Portable Services, Inc.
Schneider Electric
Sheridan Puffer
Simpson Strong-Tie Company, Inc.
Sony Pictures Entertainment, Inc.
St. Monica's Catholic Church
Starbucks San Fernando & Walnut, Burbank
The Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Tim Trimailo
Time Inc. Style & Entertainment
Tucker Ellis & West LLP
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Union Bank
Unitarian Universalist Church of
Long Beach
US Department of Housing and Urban Development
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Waste Management
Westwood Presbyterian Church
William Morris Endeavor Entertainment