Jeff and Sharon March 2009
Dear Friends,
 I am forwarding to you this e mail from Jeff Doering sent to me in reply to my request about Sharon's health status.  I have talked to him by phone and Sharon's current condition is significantly worse than it was in my e-mail update to you last Fall.  Jeff never complained once but I prayed for information and it brought me to tears.  Sharon is now in a wheelchair on a part time basis and Jeff is having to do almost everything as a Mom and Father.  He is the clothes washer, cook, homework helper, house cleaner as well as having to do almost EVERYTHING for Sharon because of her inability to do some of the most basic things.  He told me [joyfully] about washing and combing her hair and I wished that I could be a tenth of the husband he is.  He has the best Spirit and considers the new duties that he takes care of for Sharon, both an honor and privilege.  Only through his strong commitment to God is Jeff able to stay strong and focused under the tremendous pressure he is now facing.  God is using him to show me what true love is all about and I still feel conviction. 
They need our prayers individually and as a family as never before!  Jeff has NOT given up and is still believing for Sharon's total and complete healing!  So am I!
 They also need continued financial assistance!!!!!!!!! So please pray about tangibly helping them through a one time or monthly gift!! 
Help Me- Help Them
Jay Lowder
Hey Jay:
We will be sending out a letter that is primarily for our mission trip.  The information is pretty general so I will respond to your question about Sharon's status more specifically.  As you know we arrived in Colorado Springs August 15th.  Sharon drove one of the cars up here; she walked into school on her own up the stairs into class, and had very little discernable speech problems.  At this point march 6th she is unable to walk on her own whatsoever, her speech is very difficult to understand, and she needs assistance with many of the most basic needs.  All that said her spirit is strong and determined.
    These are the facts------but facts are funny things.  Moses sent twelve spies into the land that God promised them.  They came back and 10 of the spies reported that there were giants in the land, high fortifications, and a strong people.  Two of the spies (Joshua and Caleb) said, "We are well able lets go take possession."  The 10 spies were not fabricating what they saw.  It was fact what they reported.  The other 2 rested on the word they received---------they believed what God told them.
We are standing on the Word and what God says He has already accomplished.  Everyday is a new challenge, so we take each day on as it comes but we will not give in, complain or grumble.  WE CHOOSE LIFE.
When I look at Sharon I think of what 1 Corth 13:7 says
                                   Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Gifts may be sent to : 
Jeff Doering
6584 High Knolls Grove
Colorado Springs Co 80923