Contagiousjoy4him.com // Needs a helping hand~
Project 1:
!!Immediate Funding Needed!!
2012 Women's Expo
June18th - 19th - New Orleans Convention Center
Annual Cost:  $1,800.00


  • 20 Exhibitors at Southern Baptist Convention (2000 women expected)
  • Exhibit giveaways - 2,000 novelty advertising items for CJ4H Exhibit
  • Expenses for Convention (hotel, parking, food)   

Project 2:
!!Priority Funding Needed!!

Faith Channel videos created to minister and point women and ministry wives to CJ4H!  Videos posted on 4300 online newspapers and Christian Radio stations with 77 million viewers per month. 
Supporters of this project will get a first peek at all videos.  $1,000 supporters will have an opportunity to write or to give the input for a featured video devotional.  Anyone can join Diane while making videos.

Because of the recent videos we have had Pastor's Wives from Australia, Japan and
Europe join CJ4H

Cost of Faith Channel Video Project:
$7,600 yearly
26 Supporters needed
5 Supporters  - 21 out of 26 Needed

Given to date
1,000.00 by KS
500.00 by KP
Balance for this project:  $6,100.00

One time gift - $300 min.
Monthly - $15.00

Click here to give to Faith Channel Video Projects

Project 3: Give Away
Annual - June 2012-Sept.4, 2012
  2nd Annual CJ Summer Give Away. 
By simply posting to our forums the members of CJ will be entered in a drawing every two weeks.
Our prizes include:

(2) Double Cruise Packages
(2) I-Pads3
Summer Reading Bag
2 Lifeway Conference Tickets  
250.00 Gift Card
150.00 Gift Card

Sponsors given advertising on CJ4H website as well as weekly advertising with links in emails from CJ4H.  Emails go to over 1100 weekly.

7 Sponsors needed

(2) out of 7 Supporters - Tentative Pledge
We are in pending status with the donation of two (double) cruises.  Please pray.
Last year several of our giveaways were made by private sponsors or you can sponsor and we will advertise the ministry of your choice.

We need:  4 Sponsors for
1 Gift Cards Valued at $150.00
1 Gift Card Valued at $250.00 
2 Sponsor for (2) Ipad3

Besides the Cruises Sponsorship  & Lifeway Sponsorship
we need:

4 Sponsors or
Total:  $2,000.00

Project 4:Administration
The monthly cost: $300.00
Annual cost:  $3600.00 

One time gift - $300.00
Monthly gift - _______  


This includes:

  • Monthly email programing.
  • High Speed Internet Service
  • Graphic/Web retainer
  • Video conference programming
  • Office supplies, etc.   

Though not as exciting as the the other projects  - this project is the nuts and bolts of every other thing we do at Contagious Joy!



Project 5: Monthly Giveaway

CJ4H is committed to giving a little something away to the wives every month. 
Minimum value of $50.00.   
By commenting on the forums or devotional wall Pastor's Wives are entered for the drawing on the last day of the month

y Giveaway
$600.00 Yearly
12 supporters Needed for Monthly-$50.00
One Time Gift - $600.00

Giving a Hand!
Diane Nix/Founder


Hello New and Old Friends! 


I am contacting you to invite you to be a part of the ministry that I have invested my life in the last 4 years.   Many of you receiving this email know that Contagious Joy has been working to connect ministry wives since 2007.  We started with a small website and once a month email.  Now we are mailing out a weekly newsletter that includes 7 writers and monthly giveaways and a private forum for the ministry wives.  The ministry reach is literally around the world and multidenominational. Take a look at the projects!  Each of the projects are well under way.  We have grown and changed much in the last year.

We are now at the point where we really need a hand to complete the tasks before us.  That's where you come in.  When we talk about "Giving a Hand" we are not talking about a handout but an opportunity to partner with us in the incredible ministry doors God continues to open for Contagious Joy.  The highlights for the past 6 months are:
  1. Non-profit Status approved
  2. First $2,800.00  grant received
  3. Faith Channel video opportunities
  4. Over 1100 Ministry Wives in Membership   
  5. Weekly email blast to 1100 women 
  6. Second Summer Giveaway in planning 
  7. Expect 2000 attendance for Women's Expo June 2012 New Orleans

As you can imagine all of these projects require time and money.  We are giving the time but we are short on the money!  This is where you come in. We have created this email blast to inform you of our projects and to break them down so that you might partner with us and give us a hand!


Our Goal:  $14,100

Our Time:  45 Days

(May 8th and - June 16th, 2012) 


It would be a wonderful thing if we could reach our annual goal in 45 days!  With your help we can.  By clicking on the links in the project areas you will be able to donate to Contagious Joy on a safe and secure site.  You will receive a tax deduction for the year 2012 and most of all you and I will be partnering together to support minister's wives literally around the globe!


Above all else,  I covet your prayers for this ministry!  It will not and cannot be done without the empowerment and guidance from our Lord. 


Thank you and may you be filled with HIS JOY and may YOUR JOY OVERFLOW!


Joyfully Serving,

Diane Nix

John 15:5; 16:33



Click the link above to tell a friend about this ministry! 



Did You Know?
Some Statistics Concerning Pastor's

*Of 1,050 Pastors surveyed (100%)
we surveyed, every one of them had a close associate or seminary buddy who had left the ministry because of burnout, conflict in their church, or from a moral failure.

*Of 1,050 Pastors  surveyed  -948 or 90%
of pastors stated they are frequently fatigued, and worn out on a weekly and even daily basis (did not say burned out).

*Of 1,050 Pastors surveyed 935 or 89%
of the pastors we surveyed also considered leaving the ministry at one time.

*Of 1,050 Pastors surveyed 590 or 57%
said they would leave if they had a better place to go-including secular work.

*Of 1,050 Pastors surveyed - 81%
of the pastors said there was no regular discipleship program or effective effort of mentoring their people or teaching them to deepen their Christian formation at their church

*Of 1,050 Pastors surveyed 808 or 77%
of the pastors we surveyed felt they did not have a good marriage!  
Read on...

The need for support to our Pastor's Wives is great!  The mission of Contagious Joy is to offer connection with other ministry wives through weekly emails and pointing them to a forum that is a safe place for the wives to share their hearts.  Many of the men & women are in isolated, very financially challenging situations.  Our goal is to bless them and take opportunity to tangibly show them that God knows their service!

Supporting this ministry is a counter attack against the aforementioned statistics!


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116 Emerald Creek E
Abita Springs, Louisiana 70420