
 Our Hope! 

There are many sources of hope, or at least that is what the wisdom of the world tells us. We can hope in our job, our husband, our abilities and our friends.


There are many sources of struggles too. It could be an illness that brings fear and anxiety. Or perhaps financial pressures cause you to wonder how you will ever make ends meet. And one that I think that may cause the deepest hurt and sense of hopelessness is when those you thought you could trust turn on or abandon you during these times of struggle.  Finances, family, friends, health and other endeavors all can be fleeting and disappointing.


Where can you turn for hope and security?


Donna's 2011 headshot Far too often we unintentionally get wrapped up in caring for others and ourselves to the detriment of our relationship with the One who will never let us down. Whether it is consciously or unconsciously we are placing our hope in the people and things we believe we can control and count on. We are in a constant state of motion. And then.... 


 it all comes tumbling down -  you are left feeling hopeless and alone.  But GOD is still there. He has never left.  He never will.  GOD is your source of true and lasting hope. Hope for your daily needs. Hope for healing of your broken heart and broken relationships. Hope for physical healing and strength to take on another day. Hope for wisdom to make the right choices in days to come.


Have an open and honest conversation with God. Yes I said conversation. Make your petitions to Him, tell him about your hurts.  Give Him an opportunity to speak. Don't stop there. Devour God's word. You will soon gain a clear perspective of His reality.


Psalm 33:22 "Let your unfailing love surround us, LORD, for our hope is in you alone." The image that this verse brings to mind is so reassuring. In order for you and I to experience the unfailing love we must do according to verse 18 of this Psalm.  "But the LORD watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love."  Our action, our part, is to fear Him and to rely on Him.  Meditate on Psalm 33: 18-22. Find your hope in God, rely on his unfailing love. You will find your hope for today and all your days yet to come.


  Is it ever difficult for you to "rely" on the Lord?  Let's talk about it in the devotional or in the forums!


Hopeful and Praying for you!


You were Made for Love!


Kristi Cook

In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus gave two commandments, "Jesus replied: '"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: "Love your neighbor as yourself."'" These verses alone can help us to get our priorities in order. Because, girls, it really is all about love. Love for our Father and Creator first and love for others.

            In Philip Carlson's book You Were Made for Love: Embracing the Life You Were Meant to Live, Carlson embraces the foundation we were created for. Simply put, human beings were made for love. Carlson says, "God created us with a deep need to be loved as well as a tremendous capacity to give love away. We function best, live most happily and experience the greatest satisfaction when we know we are loved."

            bookreviewmadeforlove The contents of this book are made up of three parts covering fifteen chapters.

Part One: Where Does Love Come from? 1 John 4:7-21

Part Two: What Does Love Look Like? 1 Corinthians 13:1-8; Romans 12:9-21

Part Three: How Does Love Grow? Isaiah 58:1-12

Also included in the back of the book is a Reader's Guide that can be used for personal reflection of group study.

            As we close out the month February - let's embrace the type of love that God created us for. It can't be done apart from Him but if we ask Him He will lavish His love upon us and through us!

See you in the forums!  



Wife of Dr. Jay Cook, pastor, First Baptist Church, Pascagoula, MS


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$50 Gift Card
Yes, we are giving away another $50.00 gift card!  For every post to our devotionals or to the forums - if you are a minister's wife or woman in ministry you will be entered into a drawing for a gift card.  If you need to know if you qualify to enter click below
Writer's Wanted!
2010 diane
Diane Nix, Director & Founder

Thanks for responding!  If you expressed interest in writing please check your email and get back to me with the needed information.  We are on a deadline and I would love for you to be a part of this devotional project!

It's Coming.....
June 17th & 18th
Pastor's Conference  
Monday morning Pastor's Wives Session 8:30 a.m. Exhibit Hall B and then
Tuesday noon Exhibit Hall B.

Women's EXPO Exhibit Hall B.


A key to success in Marriage

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we'reopen Ministry Wives Resources in one place. More to be added in the coming days.  Each purchase helps to support CJ4H. Click on the open sign and check us out.

Featured Book this month
From One ministry wife to another

With candid humor Susie helps us to get honest about the life of connecting and disconnecting in the life we are called to live

Every purchase helps to support Contagious Joy 4 Him 
Link to Lisa McKays Book


You can still wear cute shoes We are providing a link for you to purchase Lisa McKay's book.  (Click on the book to purchase)

Lisa is busy with her own ministry but will be helping us out with CJ4H as we strive to connect ministry wives through prayer and encouragement.  Click on the link below and Lisa (as only she can) explains better than I ever could.......So glad you are joining my crazy world - my friend! 



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Thriving Pastor


Good Resource
From time to time Lifeway Christian Resources stream Live a session just for minister's wives.  We will attempt to offer these to you in order to encourage you in your journey.  The one below is the latest and another is scheduled, May 8th, 2012.