Red Earth Dancer 2008 |
Did you know????
What is the purpose of the US Department of Education NASNTI grants?
Who won the 7 (of 13) NASNTI grants in 2011? Who is eligible for NASNTI grants? |
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Dear Faculty and Administrators,
This issue of GRANT NEWS is a special focus on a set of grants awarded by the US Department of Education to support institutions with a 10% or more population of Native American students, Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI at
NASNTI grants are for Native American serving nontribal institutions to assist with planning and carrying out activities to improve and expand service to Native Americans and low-income individuals. Projects may include:
- Scientific or laboratory equipment for education and research;
- Renovation and improvements in facilities;
- Faculty development and fellowships for advanced degrees;
- Curriculum development and academic instruction;
- Library books, periodicals, microfilm, and other materials;
- Funds management;
- Joint use of facilities such as laboratories and libraries;
- Academic tutoring, counseling, and student support services; and
- Financial and economic literacy of students and their families.
The NASNTI grants have been awarded for 3 years. In 2011 there were 13 awards made in the nation, 7 of which were made to Oklahoma colleges and universities! Yay, Oklahoma higher education!
Last year the NASNTI proposals were announced in April to be due in May, 2011. Mark your calendars for this request for proposals sometime in the spring of 2012.
If you have more stories or questions about Native American serving programs, be sure to let us know! 
Sincrely, Dr. Linda Mason Coordinator of Grant Writing |
Did You Know?
Oklahoma higher education institutions have the highest percentage of Native American student population in the nation. Oklahoma higher education institutions who were NASNTI-eligible or almost eligible according to the 2009 OSRHE Native American student percentages include the following 17 institutions:
East Central University 20.8%
Northeastern State University 28.1%
Oklahoma State University 8.5%
Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences 9.5%
Rogers State University 29.8%
Southeastern Oklahoma State University 28.8%
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma 18.6%
Two-Year Colleges
Connors State College 26.4%
Eastern Oklahoma State College 26%
Murray State College 19%
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College 22.5%
Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology 22.3%
Carl Albert State College 25.6%
Northern Oklahoma College 9.8%
Redlands Community College 8.6%
Rose State College 8.8%
Seminole State College 20.9%
Tulsa Community College 8.2% |

Thirteen 2011 NASANTI Awards were made to the following institutions (NOTE: 7 are Oklahoma institutions):
- AK-University of Alaska Anchorage-Kodiak College, $399,929
- CO-Fort Lewis College, $400,000
- NC-Robeson Community College, $178,514
- NC-University of North Carolina at Pembroke, $394,917
- NM-New Mexico State University-Grants, $399,760
- NM-San Juan College, $397,890
Oklahoma Awards
- OK-East Central University, $400,000
- OK-Murray State College, $377,999
- OK-Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, $399,628
- OK-Northeastern State University, $358,205
- OK-Redlands Community College, $393,867
- OK-Seminole State College, $389,063
- OK-Southeastern Oklahoma State University, $399,000
ECU - Student Academic Success for Native American and Low-Income Students
East Central University is located in the heart of Indian Country. The area is economically, geographically and educationally isolated. This isolation is even more evident among the area's Native American and low-income populations. As a result, ECU students from these populations often come unprepared or underprepared. The economic, geographic and educational factors exasperated by the identified service and infrastructure gaps contribute to Native American and low-income students experiencing significantly lower first-year retention and five-year graduation rates. To address this need, ECU will implement Strengthening the Culture: Student Success that will enable ECU to further improve and expand its capacity to serve Native American and low-income students through the development, implementation and sustainment of a targeted, student academic success program and an undergraduate research center that will increase retention and graduation rates of high-need students.
NEOA&M College - Merging Tradition and Technology to Create Access to High-Demand Careers
This project provides three program areas for distance delivery to increase postsecondary completion rates, and thus the economic advancement of Native American and low-income students and communities: Hospitality Management, Early Childhood Education, and Criminal Justice. Development of the necessary curriculum and technology infrastructure for distance delivery will create much-needed access for our students who work while attending school (84 percent). New jobs are being created by service area Tribes in these fields, but they require degrees for career advancement, so proposed articulation to local and online four-year degrees will create real opportunities for students who need or want to stay in their homes while increasing their earnings capacity. New technologies, along with faculty development, will integrate the culturally-relevant support of Native Ways of Knowing into curricula and services supporting postsecondary success. New data collection and analysis capacities will enable data-based decision making related to improving postsecondary student outcomes.
NSU - The Indigenous Scholar Development Center (ISDC)
The primary objective of the ISDC is to improve the academic performance of American Indian students and their retention rates through programming, intervention strategies, and services. The second objective relates the support of faculty and staff development to the overall success of American Indian students. Likewise, Objective Three focuses on the greater community to create an Indigenous community culture of collaboration, learning and discovery by facilitating working relationships among students, faculty/staff and community and tribal agencies. Together, these three objectives provide for a comprehensive approach to the delivery of services designed to enhance the overall postsecondary educational experience of students NSU, particularly the low-income, American Indian population. |
MSC - Improving STEM Related Programs
Murray State College will address a major problem: unacceptably low success rates for underprepared, low-income and Native American students. MSC has designed one activity with three components. The program will accomplish three major goals of increasing retention and graduation rates of underprepared students, increasing the number of courses and degree programs leading to high-demand and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) careers, and increasing the number of transfer credits for science majors. The primary components are: (1) academic programs that include an improved remedial science and math curriculum and the development of Inquiry Based Learning modules and re-designed science laboratories; (2) success and retention strategies that will improve the capacity to implement early alert, student tracking, referrals to helping services, and academic advising; and (3) faculty professional development opportunities related to Inquiry-Based Learning, retention strategies and teaching strategies designed to help Native American and low-income students succeed in college. |
SSC - Increasing Postsecondary Success and Enabling More Data-based Decision-Making
The Seminole State College NASNTI Project will improve retention and graduation rates for high need students as well as the overall SSC student population by providing more student-centered services to entering academically underprepared students. The developmental curriculum will be redesigned to include more current, proven instructional approaches and advanced technology. Faculty and staff will be provided appropriate training and professional development so they can serve SSC students more effectively. |
RCC - All Nations Business Institute 
The program will provide an All Nations Business Institute (ANBI), to include a summer bridge program to attract, retain and graduate increased numbers of Native American and low-income students using two Associate of Arts (AA) degrees (Business and Accounting) designed to meet current industry standards and articulate with four-year colleges in Oklahoma. The project will provide tutoring specific to the content areas, computer labs, and will house a Student Development Specialist specifically focused on Native American, low-income and other students from populations typically underrepresented in higher education pursuing an AA in Business Management or Accounting. The project will coordinate and manage a new summer bridge program, The All Nations Summer Symposium, designed to assist early-entry Native American students preparing for college life. Redlands will purchase, install and utilize Estudias Enterprise software from ZogoTech, Inc. to enhance data collection to make data-driven decisions about Native American students. |
UPCOMING GRANT OPP - US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE - Coordinated Tribal AssistanceSolicitation
The Department of Justice launched its Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) in Fiscal Year 2010 in direct response to concerns raised by Tribal leaders about the Department's grant process that did not provide the flexibility tribes needed to address their criminal justice and public safety needs. Through CTAS, federally-recognized Tribes and Tribal consortia were able - for the first time ever - to submit a single application for most of the Justice Department's Tribal grant programs. The Department of Justice designed this comprehensive approach to save time and resources and allow tribes and the Department to gain a better understanding of the Tribes' overall public safety needs. The first coordinated Tribal grant process launched in Fiscal Year 2010, through the collaborative efforts across many Department components, bureaus and offices, including:
- Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
- Executive Office for United States Attorneys (EOUSA)
- Office of Community Policing Services (COPS)
- Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison (OIPL)
- Office of Justice Programs (OJP)
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
- Office of Tribal Justice (OTJ)
- Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and
- Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)
The deadline for submission is in late December 2011.