Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
Greetings! |
The dinner is approaching fast; it is in just over two weeks. The Yeshiva has raised OVER $500,000 so far. As you know, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Sharfman are receiving the Harbotzas HaTorah Award. Many alumni have already RSVP'd and booked tickets. If you are coming in, please let me know. If you aren't, please change your mind.
If you haven't done so yet, please place your ad to show your hakoras hatov to the Yeshiva and/or Rabbi Sharfman.
Ads received from alumni will be automatically raised one level.
Hope you enjoy the pictures below.
Have a great Shabbos and a Freilichen Chanukah.
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman Alumni Coordinator
27th Annual Dinner
All ads received from alumni will automatically be raised one level.
(Example: If you buy a Deluxe page, you will be upgraded to a Bronze Page.)
Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Sharfman
Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid & Shifra Sharfman
It is our great kavod to honor our esteemed Bais Medrash Mashgiach Ruchani and his Rebbetzin, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid and Shifra Sharfman, with the Harbotzas HaTorah Award. Rabbi Sharfman's awe-inspiring talents as a Rebbe are surpassed only by the love and devotion he exhibits for each and every bochur - a combination which has earned him the profound respect and admiration of his talmidim, parents and colleagues alike. Additionally, Rabbi Sharfman's highly popular Sunday morning shiur has become the "must-attend" event for many of our community's ba'a'lei batim.
Mrs. Sharfman, his true eizer k'negdo, opens her home to the talmidim of the Bais Medrash and joyfully shares in all of Rabbi Sharfman's endeavors. Professionally, Mrs. Sharfman's dedication to the children of our community in her role as a Speech/Language Pathologist has contributed greatly to their overall hatzlacha.
We wish the Sharfmans an abundance of good health and true yiddishe nachas from all their children and grandson. May they continue to inspire us all with their Avodas HaKodesh in helping to build Torah for many years to come.
Project Achim - 2nd Year Running
(The following article appeared in this week's student-made Spotlight.)
 | Mordechai Anton speaks to students about the Achim initiative. |
On Monday, December 19, the successful project "Achim" was reintroduced to the students of Yeshiva Toras Chaim. Last year, "Achim" was started by a group of three boys and the High School Mashgiach, Rabbi Dudovitz. The name "Achim" was chosen because we all need to be brothers looking out for one another, especially with the dangers of the internet all around us. To be a member of "Achim", a student must have an accountability program and/or a filter installed on his computer, ipod, or cell phone. Last Monday, students gathered at an assembly to be informed of the widely successful program. Jaime Benson and Mordechai Anton addressed the students, and explained why it's important to have internet protection, and related how the toxins of the internet can destroy lives. Rabbi Palgon, Principal and Rosh HaYeshiva of the High school, commented, "This is the greatest student venture I have [ever] seen undertaken in the world." With the idea that there is someone always watching or protecting them, students will be safer and feel more secure using the internet. Max Baumgarten currently runs the operational side of "Achim" and is always urging students to join the initiative at any given moment. He is currently working on a website in order to bring the message of "Achim" to the public. Being a member, though, doesn't come without reward: doughnuts are given every Wednesday, as well as ice cream, BBQs, and the famous "Achim" Kiddush. All that plus a special end of the year trip.
Shabbaton |
(The following article appeared in last week's student-made Spotlight.)
By Zev Sugerman, 11th Grade
One of the highlights of each school year is the class Shabbaton. Every year, students have an unique opportunity to bond with their classmates and Rabbeim over the weekend. All students, including those who live in other areas of South Florida, make their way to North Miami Beach for the Shabbaton. The students eat their Shabbos meals at their Rebbe's houseand are treated to an oneg with singing and games. The talmidim also have the opportunity to lead the Yeshiva Toras Chaim Dr. Abe Chames High School Shabbos minyan. One Rebbe commented that it is not every day that an entire grade will get together as a single unit, and that it is terrific when students who are not necessarily in the same classes are having a great time together. For example, after the 11th grade's exciting visit to the J.C.C. on Motzai Shabbos, they had a melaveh malka with an unforgettable kumzits, in which strong bonds were formed. The 10th grade played football at a private beach, and had an amazing kumzits under the starry sky. The 9th grade took time off on Sunday to play volleyball and football at Greynolds Park. One student said, "At first I didn't want to come, but my class forced me and I had such great time that I can't imagine why didn't I want to go in the first place." Many students are tired, they are allowed to get a later start the following Sunday morning.
New Alumni Business - PEYD
Alumni Pinny Ackerman and Yaakov Portnoy have recently started a new business venture with Eli Schreiber and Dudi Akerman. Please see their flyer below and visit their website.
Mazel Tov!
 Mazel Tov ! Mazel Tov to our alumnus Binyamin "Yumi" Mandel on his engagement to Racheli Klein from Monsey.
Mazel Tov to our alumnus Yehuda Goldenberg and his wife on the birth of a baby girl.
Mazel Tov to our alumnus Yossi Goldman and his wife on the birth of a baby girl.
Mazel Tov to our alumnus Ari Adler and his wife on the birth of a baby boy. If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news.
Keep in touch,
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator |