Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
27th Annual Dinner & Journal Campaign
Dr. Abe Chames A"H 3rd Yartzeit
Alumnus Responds to: Coping With Tragedy
New Alumni Business - PEYD
Open House 2011
Mazel Tov!

Dinner Season is well under way. The Yeshiva has raised close to $200,000 so far. If you haven't done so yet, please place your ad to show your hakoras hatov to the Yeshiva,

As you know, Rabbi Dovid Sharfman is receiving the Harbotzas HaTorah Award. Many alumni have already RSVP'd and booked tickets. If you are coming in please let me know. If you aren't, please change your mind.


Hope you enjoy the pictures below.


Have a great Shabbos.

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator

27th Annual Dinner 

YTC/TEAM 27th Annual Dinner  


Dr. Abe Chames A"H 3rd Yartzeit  

This past Monday was the 3rd Annual Yartzeit of the Yeshiva's beloved friend and benefactor, Dr. Abe Chames A"H. Rabbi Binyomin Luban and Dr. Allan Jacob spoke to the Yeshiva in commemoration of the Yartzeit.

Click here to hear Rabbi Luban Speak.
Click here to hear Dr. Jacob Speak. 

Alumnus Responds to: "Coping With Tragedy"

(The following article appeared in last week's student-made Spotlight.) 


By Chaim Benson, 12th Grade  


Dear Yeshiva Toras Chaim Spotlight, Rabbi Palgon, Rabbi Glazer, Avidor Gerstenfeld, Chaim Benson, and all the students, staff, and faculty of Yeshiva Toras Chaim,

    As a former student of Yeshiva Toras Chaim, a previous Editor-in-Chief of the Spotlight, and a current member of Yeshiva Gedolah Ateres Shmuel of Waterbury, this article truly touched my heart.  I must say [that] to see this kind of sincerity in sympathizing for fellow Jews is truly unique and special.  Yeshiva Toras Chaim imbues in its students honesty, commitment and a level of dedication which is befitting of a ben Torah.  This article is just one example of a tradition that remains strong.  I feel a very real nechama in reading this article and seeing that my brothers in Yeshiva Toras Chaim care so much about my fellow bochurim here in Waterbury.  While I never truly got to know Dani and Eli in their short lifetimes, I can now say, after learning so much about them, that they were truly special people who came from homes overflowing with chessed. The fact that I never got to know them personally doesn't matter here in Waterbury, since we treat each other like family no matter our age, origin or personality.  Classes define our schedule; in no way do they affect our relationships.  I know and feel very strongly within my heart and soul that Yeshiva Toras Chaim is very much the same way.  I feel as if each student in Yeshiva Toras Chaim right now is a brother to me, and he will forever be that way whether he is there for one year or four years.  I feel as if my brothers in Florida are reaching out to me and telling me how much they feel my pain for the loss of my brothers here in Waterbury.  It is truly one family. In this time of difficulty and great sorrow, I sincerely appreciate the comfort that each and every one of the students, staff, and faculty of Yeshiva Toras Chaim have extended to me.  May we continue to share only with simcha.

With heartfelt love and sincerity,

Chaim Aharon Gross
     Class of 2007 


New Alumni Business - PEYD  


Alumni Pinny Ackerman and Yaakov Portnoy have recently started a new business venture with Eli Schreiber and Dudi Akerman.  Please see their flyer below and visit their website





Open House 2011  

This week the Yeshiva held an open house for prospective
9th graders and their parents. 


Mazel Tov! 


Mazel Tov !  


 Mazel Tov to our alumnus Yisroel Stegman and his wife on the birth of a baby girl.


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Shmuel Serle on his engagement to Miriam Rabovsky from Boca Raton.


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Chaim Simcha Lampert on his engagement to Meira Miller from Milwaukee.


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Dovid Milder and his wife on the birth of a baby girl.


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Netanel Chait and his wife on the birth of a baby girl.    



If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news.  



Keep in touch,


Avrohom Eliezer Friedman

Alumni Coordinator