Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
November 10, 2011
News from the
Rohr Middle School
RMS Flame
Ignite the Greatness within Every Student!

In this Issue:
~~~ Sephardi Minyan ~~~
sephardi minyan  
This Thursday our Sephardic students joined together for their own Minyan.  Click here to view more pictures.  Below is an article written by eighth grade student Ben Buzaglo.

"The monthly Sefardi Minyan is one of the biggest highlights of my month.  Every Rosh Chodesh the Sefardic boys gather and daven together.  We add Hallel and sing our special tunes.  In addition we add special prayers that are from our Sefardi Mesorah.  I really enjoy the synergy and achdus!

My goal is for the Sefardi Minyan to take place more often.  It's nice to see how we come together in unity for a common interest.  The joy that we have is indescribable and the positive comments I received are countless. 

This Minyan, I think, is fundamental because it allows students that are more reserved to express themselves.  This occurs because this Minyan allows all the students to participate.  I am truly grateful to Rabbi Palgon for allowing this special Minyan to happen.  Attending the Minyan causes me to start off my month in a good way.  This experience will never be forgotten by anyone."

~~~ Media Center ~~~
media center   
Our sixth grade students enjoying the Media Center.  

The RMS Media center is a wonderful place that our students use to read and relax, do their homework and study.  Students can also come work on special projects of their own or that may have been assigned by their teachers. Please help our library grow.  Consider the dedication of a book to commemorate a family occasion.  Click here to view more pictures 



~~~ GAME NIGHT! ~~~
Game Night  
Yeshiva Toras Chaim / Toras Emes
27th Annaul Dinner
January 8, 2012
Our Million Dollar Campaign Up and Running! 
The excitement is mounting as we B"H close in on the first $100,000 our 27th Annual Dinner and Journal Campaign! Ad blanks will be in the mail shortly. Your prompt and generous response will be greatly appreciated. 
Please see the attached flyer in appreciation of our Harbotzas HaTorah Awardees - Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid and Shifra Sharfman, and be sure to stay tuned each week for new and exciting details! 
Upcoming Events
Nov. 13 - Second quarter begins
Nov. 14 - Parent conferences, 12:15 Dismissal
Nov. 15 - Parent conferences, 3:45 Dismissal
Nov. 17 - Mishmar
Nov. 20 - Eighth grade graduation pictures
Nov. 24 - Sunday Schedule
Nov. 25 - Sunday Schedule
Nov. 27 - Rosh Chodesh Kislev
Nov. 29 - Friend Zone; Game Night 7-9 PM

Click here to see our complete calendar.