Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
Mr. Gary Yarus Addresses YTC Annual Memorial Day Awards Ceremony
Alumnus of the Year Video
YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker
Magnetic Bumper Sticker STOLEN!!
Mazel Tov to the Graduates
Graduation This Sunday
Mazel Tov!

Gutten Erev Shabbos.


This past Sunday was the Seventh Annual Chinese Auction, where we honored Ari and Rivki Averbuch with the Alumnus of the Year Award. Don't miss the video below.


This Sunday we will add 21 members to the Alumni Association as the current 12th Grade Class officially becomes the Graduating Class of 2011. See below for an invitation to the graduation. 


Have a great Shabbos!

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator

Mr. Gary Yarus Addresses

YTC Annual Memorial Day Awards Ceremony

(The following article appeared in this weeks Spotlight.) 


It has become a YTC tradition. On Memorial Day, all the  talmidim gather for a special assembly to mark the day, and acknowledge students who have excelled with special recognition awards. This year, the Yeshiva had the privilege to be inspired by Mr. Gary Yarus as well.


Mr. Yarus has more than 30 years experience in real estate, brokerage, financing, ownership and management. He inspired the talmidim to excel at whatever they choose to do. He encouraged them to find a mentor, and develop their G-d given talents.  He said, "I know each one of you here today has a specific set of talents. You need to "play your strengths." Find your special talent and pursue it with passion. By doing this, you will help the Jewish People and the world."


At the assembly, 13 students were inducted to the Yeshiva Toras Chaim chapter of the National Honor Society. They were recognized for having demonstrated excellence in scholarship, leadership, service, and character.


Numerous other academic and non-academic awards were also presented to scores of talmidim. In closing, Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Mordechai Palgon remarked, "Really, each and every student who is able to persevere despite our demanding shiurim and secular classes and challenging schedule, is deserving of recognition. Yasher Koach to you all!




Alumnus of the Year Video

 Click here to see the video shown at the 7th Annual Chinese Auction Honoring Ari and Rivki Averbuch, Alumnus of the Year. 

Alumnus of the Year - Ari and Rivki Averbuch
Alumnus of the Year - Ari and Rivki Averbuch


YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker

 Didn't get a YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker? Email your address to [email protected] and we will put one in the mail for you.


Magnetic Bumper Sticker STOLEN!!

Many people are aware that my car was stolen last week. Boruch Hashem, later that day, the police found it and returned it to me. Other then the $850 of damage they did, almost nothing was taken from inside the car.


I say almost because one of the most important things on the car was not returned. That was my YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker. (I now understand why they stole the car, although, I would have given them one had they just asked.) Luckily, I have an "in" with the Alumni Office and got a new magnet. 


Magnetic Bumper Sticker Sightings: If you see a car driving around with a YTC Magnetic Bumper Sticker, please take a picture and send it to [email protected] or text it to 305-494-2055. Please also include the location. (All license plates will be blurred.)


This picture shows my new YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker.



Mazel Tov to the Graduates 

Graduation This Sunday 

Mazel Tov! 

Mazel Tov!  


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Shmuel Chait and his wife on the birth of a baby boy. Mazel Tov to the grandparents - YTC Founding Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Bentzion Chait and his wife. 


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Johnny Weiss on his engagement to Kayla Choueke from Miami. 



If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news

Keep in touch,


Avrohom Eliezer Friedman

Alumni Coordinator