Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
Chinese Auction Discount
Alumni Gathering Recap
Yeshiva Toras Chaim - Past, Present and Future
YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker
Magnetic Bumper Sticker Sightings
Submit Your Ads for Ari Averbuch
Win $10,000 towards Tuition ANYWHERE Or A Car Lease of Your Choice
Mazel Tov!

Gutten Erev Shabbos.


We are just over one week away from our Chinese Auction. We are offering our alumni $50 more in tickets upon ordering a ticket package. See below for details.


Last Sunday's Alumni Gathering in New York was incredible. If you weren't there, you missed a great event. See below for some pictures and the video we showed at the event.


(Alumni Event random fact: Although Carlos and Gabby's delivered food for close to 200 people, we were practically out of food within the hour.) 


See below for a exciting new section in the Alumni Newsletter.


Have a great Shabbos!

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator

 Chinese Auction Discount 

 We are offering our Alumni an additional $50 of raffle tickets when purchasing any of the regular Discount Packages


There are 4 ways you can order.


1 - Call the office at 305-944-5344 to order tickets and mention the Alumni Discount.


2 - Fax your order to: 305-947-5021. Write "Alumni Discount" on the order.


3 - Email your order to and mention the Alumni Discount. 


4 - Visit our site at and place your order. 



**PLEASE NOTE** The Website will not calculate the Alumni Discount. We will recalculate the order after you submit it online. Just order the amount of tickets that you wish to purchase and ignore the amount that it says will be charged to your card. 


(If you already ordered and would like to change your order to reflect the discounts please email

 Alumni Gathering Recap

This past Sunday we held our 4th Annual New York Alumni Gathering. Over 150 alumni came together at Yoni Paritzky's house in Woodmere to reconnect with old friends, rabbeim, eat good food and have a good time. Upon leaving, all in attendance were given a YTC Alumnus magnetic bumper sticker. A huge thank you to Yoni Paritzky (Class of '95) for hosting the event. 



Partial View of the Overflow Crowd


 Mentalist David Levitan Amazed the Crowd  

Yeshiva Toras Chaim - Past, Present and Future

 Click here to see the video shown at the YTC Alumni Gathering

entitled "Yeshiva Toras Chaim - Past, Present and Future"


YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker

 Didn't get a YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker? Email your address to and we will put one in the mail for you.


Magnetic Bumper Sticker Sightings

We are starting a new section of the Alumni Newsletter - YTC Alumnus Magnetic Bumper Sticker Sightings. If you see a car driving around with a YTC Magnetic Bumper Sticker, please take a picture and send it to or text it to 305-494-2055. Please also include the location. (All license plates will be blurred.)


The following two magnetic bumper stickers were seen in Kew Garden Hills.




Submit Your Ads for Ari Averbuch

Starting this year at the Chinese Auction, we will be presenting one alumnus with this award.


This year's award will be given to Ari and Rivki Averbuch. We will be making a journal in their honor to be published in conjunction with the auction. All ads will entitle you to a corresponding auction tickets package. (For example, a $360 full page ad will give you $625 in tickets, a Bonus Gift and Free Admission; see website for details.)






The following article appeared in this weeks Spotlight


Alumnus of the Year Ari Averbuch to be Honored at YTC Chinese Auction


From Early Childhood and continuing through the Bais Medrash level, the bond formed between the students and our educators extends far beyond graduation. One particularly strong kesher that exists is with our alumni. We are proud of the B'nei Torah they have become and the impact they continue to make on their communities. For the first time, we are proud to present an "Alumnus of the Year" Award at this year's Chinese auction on Sunday, May 29, 2011. 


Receiving this inaugural award is Hollywood's Ari Averbuch. A graduate of Toras Emes, Ari spent the next six years at Yeshiva Toras Chaim learning, growing and seeing much hatzlacha from his efforts. Without exaggeration, the Miami Gardens Drive Campus would not have opened on schedule (September 2004) had it not been for Ari's technical expertise and super-human efforts, including several 18-hour days of laying wire and testing systems.


Ari was and remains a ba'al chesed whose quiet, unassuming way and calm demeanor make him a most sought after chaver. If someone has a problem, Ari doesn't just listen; he actively helps to solve the problem as if it were his own. Ari has matured and grown into the consummate mentch, and together, he and his wife Rivki have built a Bayis Ne'eman b'Yisroel with their beautiful children, Alexander and Tzipporah. While we congratulate Ari, we also wish him Tzaischem l'Sholom as he and his family prepares to make Aliyah this summer. Please join us in our expression of HaKoras HaTov to Ari by placing an ad in this first-ever Alumnus of the Year Journal. Ads placed in Ari's honor will entitle you to a corresponding auction package. Browse through the auction book and enjoy our selection of fabulous prizes, including a $10,000 tuition break or car lease of your choice, vacation packages, jewelry and electronics. Place ads and buy ticket packages by calling our office at 305-944-5344 or visiting us online at   




Sponsored by Pediatric Associates Win a $10,000 Tuition Break ANYWHERE

Win $10,000 towards a
A Car Lease of Your Choice

Other great prizes too.
To purchase tickets, CLICK HERE

Mazel Tov! 

Mazel Tov!  




Mazel Tov to our alumnus Avromi Lorkis on his engagement to Tamar Bensousson from Cleveland. 









If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news

Keep in touch,


Avrohom Eliezer Friedman

Alumni Coordinator