Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
Planning & Zoning Board Meeting
Have a Safe Trip!
Holocaust Survivor Speaks at YTC
Pictures From Around the Yeshiva
Gutten Erev Shabbos.

Currently the 12 graders are in Eretz Yisroel learning and touring.

If any alumni have some Purim pictures they would like included in our Purim Newsletter, please send them to [email protected].

Hope you enjoy the pictures below.

Have a great Shabbos!

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting

For all alumni in South Florida. 


We Need Your Help!


Come out and support our expansion plans

at the next City of NMB




regarding our two proposed new buildings!


Starting at 6PM on Monday, March 14th, 2011

NMB City Hall, 2nd Floor Council Chambers 17011 N.E. 19 Avenue - North Miami Beach, FL 33162

High School / Bais Medrash Helfman Residence Hall

High School / Bais Medrash Helfman Residence Hall

High School / Bais Medrash Helfman Residence Hall

Middle School and Early Childhood Educational Building

Have a Safe Trip! 

This week we wished goodbye to the

12th graders on their trip to Israel.

Holocaust Survivor Speaks at YTC  

(The following article appeared in this weeks Spotlight.)


This past week, our High School was privileged to be addressed by Mr. Leibish Rubinstein. Mr. Rubinstein spoke to the young men about his experiences in pre-war Hungary, the Holocaust and the rebuilding of Jewish life after the war.


The talmidim sat spellbound as Mr. Rubinstein painted a detailed picture of his upbringing amongst Pupa Chassidim in the city of Pesht. He spoke about his large family and the close relationship he had with his father and cousins. As Hungary became drawn into WWII, Mr. Rubinstein was drafted to serve in the Hungarian army. He recalled many of his terrifying experiences during the war, which included being interred in the Mauthhausen concentration camp.


Mr. Rubinstein vividly recalled the day his camp was liberated by the American Army. "There was shelling all night. We were huddled together saying Shma and Viddui; we thought it was our last night on earth. But in the morning, the shelling stopped. American soldiers came through the gates and one called out, 'Acheinu Bais  Yisroel, you are free.'"


He told of the panic that ensued as the starving inmates raided the camp's food stores. Thereafter, he was hospitalized for many weeks and learned the horrible fate of his entire family.


Mr. Rubinstein made his way to America and settled in Williamsburg. He married, raised a family, and helped the Pupa Rebbe to rebuild the Pupa Yeshivos, Talmudei Torah and the Pupa Chassidus in America.


Today, Mr. Rubinstein looks back and says,  "From me, one man who survived, comes now a family of over 100 people. I see the Yeshivos rebuilt, and so many children leaning Torah."


One participant was particularly moved by the upbeat spirit and zest for life that Mr. Rubinstein exuded.   "It's inspirational to see how an individual who has gone through such pain and sadness exhibits such emunah and bitachon. I feel privileged to have met him."

Pictures From Around the Yeshiva
(But mostly the Bais Medrash) 

Keep in touch,
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator