Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
Pictures from Around the Yeshiva
Mazel Tovs!
Gutten Erev Shabbos.

Hope you enjoy the pictures below.

Have a great Shabbos!

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator
Pictures from Around the Yeshiva

Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Sruli Stegman and his wife on the birth of a baby girl.


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Moshe Gottlieb and his wife on the birth of a baby boy.  


Mazel Tov to our alumnus Jonathan Chames and his wife on the birth of a baby girl. 

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Yossi Goldman on his engagement to Ms. Esti Rokeach from Chicago. 

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Sholom Rosenson and his wife on the birth of a baby boy. 

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Bernie Vilinsky on his engagement to Ms. Stern from Detroit. 

You can always view the latest 

 If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news.

Keep in touch,
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator