Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
YTC Students and Alumni Bring S.E.E.D to Columbus, Ohio
July 4th Celebration
Summer BBQ
Pictures From Around the Yeshiva
Mazel Tovs!
Gutten Erev Shabbos.

A new z'man started and once again we have a full Bais Medrash. This newsletter contains pictures from over the summer.

Have a great Shabbos!

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator
YTC Students and Alumni Bring
S.E.E.D. to Columbus, Ohio

This past July, Avrohom Luban, Nosson Yishaya Schwartz, Yerachmiel Botnick and Yosef Nimchinsky, all talmidim in YTC (2 are now alumni learning in RSA) went to Colombus, OH for 2 weeks to participate in a S.E.E.D. program. They gave Shiurim and learned with the local kids and adults every day.

July 4th Celebration
Every year on July 4th, the Chames Family sponsors a Independence Day feast for the Talmidim that stayed for Summer Zman.


Summer BBQ



Pictures From Around the Yeshiva


Dorm Getting Repainted

Gemorahs Getting Bound
Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov!

We will include a complete list of Mazel Tov's next week.

You can always view the latest 

 If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news.

Keep in touch,
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator