Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
Yeshiva Says Goodbye to Mr. Asher Perets
Alumni Breakfast Pictures
Pictures from around the Yeshiva
National Sefer Torah Campaign
Pictures from around the Yeshiva
Mazel Tovs!
Gutten Erev Shabbos.

A lot is happening in the Yeshiva these days.

Mark your calenders. On May 16th the Yeshiva will dedicate The Dr. Abe Chames High School in memory of our most beloved Dr. Abe Chames Z"L.

Hope you enjoy the pictures below.

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator
Yeshiva Says Goodbye to Mr. Asher Perets

This past Monday, the entire Yeshiva assembled to bid farewell to the YTC/TEAM Physical Plant Manager, Mr. Asher Perets. Mr. Perets has become an integral part of the Yeshiva, going way beyond the call of duty to create the optimal learning environment. He not only ensured that the facility was immaculate and in good repair, but also added flair and panache to the school. Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Mordechai Palgon and TEAM President Dr. Allan Jacob spoke in glowing terms of Mr. Perets' dedica-tion to the Yeshiva and wished him well as he and his family return to Eretz Yisroel.


YTC Alumni Logo

Alumni Breakfast Pictures


YTC Alumni Logo

Hundreds Gather to Keep Kids Safe Online

Last week Wednesday night, hundreds of concerned parents from all over South Florida came together to focus on the growing issue of Internet safety. The program, entitled The Communtiy-Wide Internet Safety Program - The Parents' Role in the Safety of our Children, was sponsored by many area Yeshivos and Day Schools, including Yeshiva Toras Chaim / Toras Emes.


The program featured three outstanding presentations from renown Jewish leaders and experts. The first presenter was Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Shlit"a, Rov of K'hal Bais Yitzchok and noted Torah personality, lecturer and author. Rabbi Goldwasser pointed out that, "on the Internet, there are many michsholim (stumbling blocks), and therefore we need great shmira (safeguard). A person needs an agency, maybe their Rov or Rebbetzin, to see what sites they are visiting. A person needs a filter as well."


Rabbi Goldwasser also remarked, "We have gone though great efforts to build homes of kedusha and tahara. We have built communities with Yeshivos and Kollelim. It had become difficult for the Satan penetrate our homes. The computer has become the way for the Satan to enter our homes, and if it isn't the computer, then it is the (cellular) phone."


Rabbi Goldwasser was followed by Dr. David Pelcovitz. Dr. Pelcovitz holds the Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair in Psychology and Jewish Education at Yeshiva University's Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration, where he is also the Special Assistant to the President. Serving for over two decades as Director of Psychology at North Shore University Hospital-NYU School of Medicine, and Clinical Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, at NYU School of Medicine, he has consulted extensively with the Jewish community in the United States, Europe and Israel on a wide range of issues facing children and adolescents.


Dr. Pelcovitz spoke about the effect that the Internet, and modern technology in general, is having on the relationships between parents and their children. "When speaking to our children, we need to give them our full attention and minimize distractions. Parents are not mechanchim (teachers), they are mashpe'im (role models). We have to be careful what we do because they are watching and learning. Have you ever spoken to someone and they're there, but not there? We need to model full-face, eye to eye contact with our children. Good communication skills are the building blocks of mature, stable relationships."


Dr. Pelcovits also spoke about the need to set limits with young children and adolescents, as well as the necessity to open up a mature dialogue with our kids as far as what is acceptable and unacceptable use of technology.

The final speaker was Rabbi Norman Lowenthal. Rabbi Lowenthal is a guidance counselor at the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore as well as a clinical social worker and psychotherapist. He gave practical advice as to how to protect our children from predators, peer victimization and cyber-bullying.


Rabbi Lowenthal also spoke about the spiritual threats that the Internet can bring into the home. He remarked that kids who are exposed to inappropriate material on the Internet may "come to feel guilt, and that guilt can lead to anger, that anger can lead to resentment, and the resentment can lead to cynicism. Today's teens may be more sophisticated than in the past, but they aren't more mature. Set limits. Talk to your kids about what they may and may not do online."


The evening ended with Rabbi Lowenthal strongly urging the crowd to take action based on what they heard, "Block Internet access for young children; install a filter and carefully monitor older children physically and with accountability software like WebChaver."


The sponsoring schools strongly urge all parents to sign up for accountability software. This simple step can go a long way in protecting families from the dangers of the Internet.


YTC Alumni Logo
National Sefer Torah Campaign
Comes to South Florida

In the last quarter century, South Florida has seen tremendous growth in Torah, in a large part due to the lifelong efforts of Hagaon Harav Henach Leibowitz, zt'l, who served as Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in Queens, NY. His life was one of focused dedication to the mission of spreading Torah.


As head of one of the largest and most prestigious Yeshivos in the country, the Rosh HaYeshiva has produced hundreds of Torah scholars who selflessly serve Klal Yisroel in rabbinic, teaching and kiruv positions worldwide. In South Florida alone, over fifty of Rabbi Leibowitz's students fill these positions. The Rabbonim of Young Israel of Boca Raton, Young Israel of Kendall and Young Israel of Bal Harbor are all talmidim of Rabbi Leibowitz zt'l. Yeshiva Toras Chaim / Toras Emes, Torah Academy of Boca Raton, Jewish Education Center of South Florida and the Jewish Upbringing Matters Program are all affiliates of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim and headed by talmidim of Rabbi Leibowitz zt'l.


Rabbi Leibowitz zt'l passed away two years ago. To create a living symbol of his memory and legacy, a National Sefer Torah Campaign was initiated by Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim. This Torah has been traveling to communities across the globe, and Jews from all walks of life, including many of our greatest Torah leaders, have inscribed letters in it.


This Sefer Torah is coming to the communities of Miami Beach and Boca Raton on the evenings of May 5th and 6th, respectively. The events will be graced with the presence of the Roshei HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, Harav Dovid Harris shlit'a and Harav Akiva Grunblatt shlit'a. The entire community is invited to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Allan Jacob at 536 West 47th Street, Miami Beach on Wednesday May 5th, and to the home of Dr. and Mrs. Yehuda Marcus at 22208 Hollyhock Trail, Boca Raton on Thursday, May 6th to participate in this special kibud. For the Rosh HaYeshiva, zt"l. Both events will begin with Mincha at 7:45 followed by the program and kesivas osiyos.

Pictures from around the Yeshiva

Dr. Pelcovitz speaks to YTC


All Work - No Play!

Rabbi Glazer's Shiur visits Jerusalem (Pizza)
Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov!

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Naftali Zions and his wife on the birth of a baby boy.

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Yisroel Meir Ackerman on his engagement to Elana Baum
                                  from Monsey.

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Avraham Portnoy on his engagement to Naamah Badian from Baltimore.

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Chananya Kramer and his wife on the birth of a baby girl. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Luban.

You can always view the latest 

 If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news.

Upcoming Weddings!

You can now view upcoming wedding dates
on our Mazel Tov page.

Simi Sosnow to Hila Hoffman
May 2nd at the Regency on Mt. Scopus, Eretz Yisroel

Benjamin Kamienny to Aviva Shafner
May 23rd

Moshe Leib Miller to Atara Lewis
June 16th in Baltimore

Keep in touch,
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator