Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
Reb Dovid Leibowitz's Yahrtzeit
Alumni Gathering in New York
Rabbi Binyomin Luban's Pilpul Shiur
25th Annual Dinner
Tomchei Shabbos
Pictures from around Yeshiva
Mazel Tovs
Upcoming Weddings!
Gutten Erev Shabbos.

Invitations are in the mail for this year's Alumni Event in New York on December 27th. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Hope you enjoy the pictures below.

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator
Reb Dovid Leibowitz's Yahrtzeit
This is the Yahrtzeit Shmuess that the Rosh HaYeshiva ZT"L delivered on the 62nd Yahrtzeit of his father, Reb Dovid Leibowitz ZT"L, in 1995. This video was shown in Yeshiva on Tuesday night, 15 of Kislev, the night of Reb Dovid's Yahrtzeit.

Click to play!
Alumni Gathering in New York
Join Us!
Rabbi Binyomin Luban's Pilpul Shiur

Rabbi Binyomin Luban delivered a Pilpul Shiur on Hutrah (Lamud Hey Amud Bais).

You can hear the Pilpul Shiur on our website here, or from our Shiurim Database.

25th Annual Dinner
All ads received from alumni will automatically be raised one level.
(Example: If you buy a Deluxe page, we will give you a Bronze Page.)

Rabbi Bentzion Chait Visits YTC

Yeshiva Toras Chaim had the privilege of having Rabbi Bentzion Chait, our Founding Rosh HaYeshiva, visit Yeshiva last week.

Tomchei Shabbos
YTC Alumni Logo

The b'nei HaYeshiva had the privilege of assisting Tomchei Shabbos in creating, packing and sorting their weekly packages.

View more pictures in the Photo Gallery.



Pictures from around Yeshiva
The Newly Renovated Auditorium is Now Open

Rabbi Kaganoff's Bekiyus Shiur Making a Siyum

The Dining Room Set Up for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Mazel Tovs

Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Benjamin Kamienny on his engagement to Aviva Shafner of Ramat Beit Shemesh.

You can always view the latest
Mazel Tovs at

 If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at  [email protected] so that we can spread the good news.
Upcoming Weddings!
You can now view upcoming wedding dates
on our Mazel Tov page.

Shai Rosenthal to Tziporah Itzkowitz
December 23rd at Ateres Chynka (Brooklyn)

Avi Stern to Huvie Jacobsohn
January 3rd at Ateres Chynka (Brooklyn)

Sruli Stegmann to Chaya Kollin Srour
January 5th at Tiferes Mordechai

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman to Leah Hauser
January 18th at Hyatt Regency Columbus (Ohio)

Yaakov Yosef Weiner to Elisheva Hirshman
January 18th at Ateres Chynka

Yoey Shaps to Sora Mina Yachnes
January 21st at The Concord (Brooklyn)

Keep in touch,
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator