Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
25th Annual Dinner
Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz
Mishmar with the Eighth Grade
Pictures from around Yeshiva
Mazel Tovs
Upcoming Weddings!
Update Your Information
Gutten Erev Shabbos.

Invitations are going out for this year's Alumni Event in New York on December 27th. Watch your mailbox and inbox for details.

Hope you enjoy the pictures below.

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator
25th Annual Dinner

With great kavod and excitement, the Yeshiva announces that this year's Guests of Honor will be Dr. and Mrs. Norman and Naomi Bloom.  With over sixty years of combined service to Toras Chaim/Toras Emes on the lay and professional levels, the Bloom name is synonymous with our Yeshiva.  It's hard to imagine anyone more deserving of the Yeshiva's highest honor than the Blooms.
With much HaKoras HaTov, Rabbi & Mrs. Neal & Laura Turk will be presented with the Rabbinic Leadership Award. Rabbi & Mrs. Turk have made an indelible imprint on our Yeshiva and the entire South Florida community and have always been in the forefront of efforts to support and further the goals of Toras Emes/Toras Chaim.  

The Yeshiva is also excited to announce that the Kesser Shem Tov Award will be conferred upon Mr. and Mrs. David and Chanu Goldis. Long time, loyal friends of the Yeshiva, the Goldis family has been very supportive of the school and helpful in many ways.  They are greatly admired within their community and we are fortunate to count them amongst the Yeshiva's closest friends. 

Click Here for more information or to place an ad.

PLEASE NOTE - All ads recieved from alumni will automatically be raised one level.
(Example: If you buy a Deluxe page, we will give you a Bronze Page.)
Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz

Yeshiva Toras Chaim had the privilege of having Rabbi Dovid Nojowitz, head of Torah Umesorah, visit Yeshiva last week.

Enjoy the pictures below. To see more pictures, go to the Bais Medrash Photo Gallery.


Mishmar with the Eighth Grade




Pictures from around Yeshiva
Yoni Kaye Drawing in his Free Time

The picture speaks for itself.

Reaping the Benefits of the Yeshiva Being in Miami.
Mazel Tovs

Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Max Chait on his engagement to Mimi Perla of Boro Park.

Mazel Tov to our alumnus Mr. Dovid Zohn and his wife on the birth of a baby girl.

You can always view the latest
Mazel Tovs at

 If you have a Mazel Tov or other occasion which you would like us to share with our alumni, please email us at so that we can spread the good news.
Upcoming Weddings!
You can now view upcoming wedding dates
on our Mazel Tov page.

Shai Rosenthal to Tziporah Itzkowitz
on December 23rd at Ateres Chynka (Brooklyn)

Avi Stern to Huvie Jacobsohn
on January 3rd at Ateres Chynka (Brooklyn)

Sruli Stegmann to Chaya Kollin Srour
on January 5th at Tiferes Mordechai

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman to Leah Hauser
on January 18th (Columbus, Ohio)

Yaakov Yosef Weiner to Elisheva Hirshman
on January 18th at Ateres Chynka
Update Your Information

We are trying to update our Alumni Database. Please go to and update your information. Thank you.

Keep in touch,
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator