Yeshiva Toras Chaim/Toras Emes Academy of Miami
Yeshiva Toras Chaim Alumni Newsletter
In This Issue
Rabbi Glatt - Heeding the Call to Return
Double Your Investment Campaign
School Renovations
SAT Prep
Annual Simchas Bais HaShoaiva and Hoshana Rabba Alumni Shiur
Gutten Erev Yom Kippur.

Here at Yeshiva, preparations for Yom Kippur are well underway. I wanted to keep you up to date with the latest happenings in Yeshiva before signing off before Yom Tov.

Don't forget about our Annual Simchas Bais HaShoaiva and Hoshana Rabba Alumni Shiur. Details below

Have a meaningful Yom Tov.

Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator
Rabbi Glatt - Heeding the Call to Return
The Yomim Noraim are truly inspiring here at YTC. Many talmidim joined the Yeshiva for Davening on Rosh HaShana. Many found participating in the Tefilos in their own makom Torah with their Rabbeim and chaveirim to be an uplifting and inspiring experience.

Rabbi GlattOne of the hallmarks of the Aseres Yimei Teshuva at YTC has been a session with Rabbi Gedalya Glatt. Rabbi Glatt has been inspiring our talmidim with yearnings for Teshuva before Yom Kippur for more than two decades, and this year was no different. He wove the words of Chazal and poignant vignettes into a tapestry that was delightful for the ears and stirring for the soul. He challenged the talmidim to deal with others not as they act toward us, but rather, to deal with them as Hashem acts toward us, with unbridled chessed and compassion. Rabbi Glatt's wisdom seems only to be outmatched by his wit, and we hope he continues to inspire us for many years to come.
Double Your Investment Campaign
Unable to properly celebrate the Yomim Tovim while Rabbeim in the community are still owed wages from last year, a group of Ba'alei Ba'atim in Miami decided to do something about it. They marched into the office of Yeshiva Toras Chaim shortly before Rosh Hashana and committed to match, dollar for dollar, all monies that are donated by Yom Kippur, to cover last year's salaries up to $120,000.
They immediately began urging people to contribute funds to the Yeshiva, to enable them to close out this $240,000 payroll debt. One of the Ba'alei Ba'atim, who requested to remain anonymous, said, "When the Ribono Shel Olam sees the community's mesiras nefesh to support His Torah, we hope that we will earn a year of Torah Nachas and gezunt for all of us!"

As of now - Erev Yom Kippur, the Yeshiva has been zocheh to raise over $100K of the $120K, leaving nearly 20K remaining to completely cover the Yeshiva's payroll debt.  Please click here to help with your contribution to this special campaign. Your participation in this tremendous mitzvah will help ensure the Simchas Yom Tov for our dedicated Rabbeim and their families.

School Renovation Project
New Media CenterWe await with much anticipation the completion of the current stage of our school renovation project. The imminent return to the renovated wing will provide us with a brand new science lab, newly-furnished spacious classrooms and faculty offices, a remodeled high school Bais Medrash/Auditorium and a greatly expanded Media Center and Computer Lab. The students and teachers will all benefit from the new facilities. We are especially looking forward to the availability of the new Media Center for individual and class study and computer time, and the use of our growing reference and circulation collection in both Judaic and Secular studies.
SAT Prep
Immediately after Yom Tov, all of our 10th and 11th grade students will be taking the PSAT exam. Over the past four years, at least one student per year has placed in the National Merit Scholarship Competition as a commended student, a semi-finalist or finalist. Baruch Hashem, our quality program and serious learning environment enable our students to attain significant levels of accomplishment in all areas of the curriculum.
Annual Simchas Bais HaShoaiva and Hoshana Rabba Alumni Shiur
Click to view full FlyerThe Yeshiva's Annual Simchas Bais HaShoaiva/Succos Experience will take place on Monday night of Chol Hamoed, October 5th, from 8:30-11:00 PM at the Yeshiva. (Click here to view the flyer.) While you're there, check out the Yeshiva's brand-new, spacious Succah in the back of the building.

The Yeshiva's Annual Hoshana Rabba Alumni Shiur will take place on Thursday night, October 8th.
Our Bais Medrash will be open for learning and a Shiur will be delivered by one of our Roshei HaYeshiva, Rabbi Yisroel Y. Niman Shlit"a.

Have a meaningful Yom Kippur and wonderful Succos.

Gmar Chasima Tova,
Avrohom Eliezer Friedman
Alumni Coordinator