Country Dancing
Now you have more chances to Country Dance. Wednesdays offer on-going Country Two Step Classes. It is a great dance of smooth motion and turns and spins.  Besides being a fun dance to learn, it will greatly improve your frame and turn technique and that transfers over into all other social dance.  Come dance with us at our monthly country dance at Kodiak Jacks.  Class time and schedule below

Kodiak Jacks
This Friday
Friday August 21, 2009,
Kodiak Jacks - Petaluma
7:00 PM Beginning Night Club 2 Step w/Yvonne & Jason

7:00 PM Line Dance Lesson
 "Mojo Ryhthm" w/ Deanna

7:45 PM Intermediate Night Club 2 Step lesson

8:30 - 11:00 Country Dance DJ Deanna Daniels
Cost : $8.00 lessons & Dance, $5.00 Dance only

Every Wednesday
WnY warehouse - Novato

8:00 PM Beg/Int Country 2 Step Lessons w/Yvonne
4 week series, learns basics, turns and technique
Cost: $40.00 per person series, $13.00 per class drop-in

Contact Us
phone: 707.694.3428