KC Circle Garden with Roses
Saint Paul School of Theology
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Course of Study
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Top Caller Award

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Upcoming Events

July 28

Course of Study



August 19

1st Commencement

Saint Paul at OCU


September 6

53rd Opening Convocation

Kansas City Campus


September 13

4th Opening Convocation

Oklahoma City Campus


Complete Online Calendar

July 2011


Course of Study School
COS studentsJuly Classes in Session
There are 150 Course of Study students at Saint Paul this summer. The COS graduation will be held on July 28th at Blue Ridge UMC in Kansas City. This year the Della Lamb Choir will sing.


COS to Begin at Oklahoma City Campus

Beginning in the fall of 2011, Saturday School for part-time local pastors will be held at Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University.


More information on Course of Study

New Faces at Saint Paul

Administration and Staff Changes Since May

New Staff May-July 2011  
Top Telefund Caller Announced  

Student Darren Guthridge Wins Top Caller Award

Darren Guthridge

Darren Guthridge Receives Top Caller Award from Alan Herndon, Director of Development and Alumni Relations. 



As the Development Office finalized the Fiscal Year on June 30th the last Telefund gift arrived to make MDiv student Darren Guthridge the Top Caller for the 2011 Telefund. He raised $3,290.00 towards the total of $8,575.00 for the Alumni Scholarship Fund.


The Grand Prize for the Top Caller was the computer program Bible Works.