Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary:  A special place for disabled animals
Rolling Dog Ranch Newsletter
November 2008


In last month's newsletter we told you about three-legged Kasha getting a wonderful new home in Idaho. Well, this month we're delighted to report that Kasha's new family came back to adopt little Shep, our blind "pocket Shepherd"! We're also happy to introduce our newest arrival, blind Samantha. And finally, there's an online contest you can participate in that could bring in some serious money for the animals at the ranch!

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We hope you enjoy it!

Steve Smith and Alayne Marker, Co-founders

Old And Blind -- But Sweet And Happy!
Old, blind Samantha

Samantha is an old, blind girl who recently arrived from the Flathead County Animal Shelter in Kalispell, Montana. The shelter director had asked us if we could provide a home for Samantha.

The director told us that when Samantha was turned in, she was dragging a long rope that had been tied around her neck in a giant knot. Her owner had decided to drive off one day in search of a new life, and abandoned Samantha with family members. They took her to the shelter the very next day.

She is, as you can see, one very elderly girl. Look at all that gray! Samantha is totally blind, even though her eyes are perfectly clear. She's a very sweet old lady, full of kisses and just happy to get some loving. She'll fit right in here!

An Online Contest To Raise Money For Shelters
Animal Rescue Site

The Animal Rescue Site and PetFinder have launched an online contest called the "$100,000 Shelter+ Challenge," with prizes as follows:

- Grand Prize: One $25,000 grant
- Runner Up: One $10,000 grant
- State Winners: Fifty-four $1,000 state grants
- Weekly Winners: Eleven $1,000 weekly grants

Voting began on September 29th and ends at midnight (PST) on December 14th, 2008. You can vote more than once ... but "only" one vote per person per day. (Hmm.)

We currently are the top ranked shelter in Montana, putting us on track to win the $1,000 state grant at the end of the contest -- but we need your vote to make sure that happens!

Please vote early and vote often -- thank you!

Blind Shep Gets Adopted!
Blind Shep

Shep is the little German Shepherd who came to us from Afghanistan back in the spring of this year. He had survived unbelievable odds to make it all the way to our ranch in Montana.

We could not have been happier when Cristene and Duane J., who had adopted our three-legged German Shepherd Kasha a month before, told us they wanted to come back and adopt Shep, too.

Cristene and Duane offer their dogs an incredible home, and to have Shep win the proverbial lottery was more than we could have hoped for. This was a truly special adoption for a dog who had started off life in terrible circumstances -- born blind and emaciated in the mean streets of Kabul, Afghanistan.

Read about blind Shep's amazing adoption here.
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