Fall 2009
Vol 2, Issue 1
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A new program year has begun, and our 2010 classes are well into their journey.  Our alumni know the real adventure begins after class - when each grad puts passion into action at home, work and throughout our community.

Please take two and complete our newsletter survey (see the link at right).  Your input will help us keep your AL experience strong!

Teri Hickel
Executive Director
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Meet The Class: AL 2010
This year's class represents up-and-coming leaders in business, non-profit and community sectors throughout Federal Way.  AL 2010 is: Alex Charoni, Dave Davis, Kathryn Dunn, Cindy Ducich, Anja Emmons, Bryant Enge, Lawrence Garrett, Noah Keables, Rick Leavitt, McKenna Leehan, Heather Lewis, Debra Lumpkin, Kelsey Martin, Nandell Palmer, AnnaMaria Pasley-Horn, Vic Pennington, Tina Piety, Robyn Richins, Lori Santamaria, Janice Siebenaler, Catriana Siver, Jodi Sutcliff, Addy Tseng, Chrislyn Johnson, Agnes Vronsky-Wooters and Chrysti Zimmerman.
AL in The News - Paper
Several AL alums are reaching our community as columnists in the Federal Way Mirror.  Read about them here, then read their columns at the Mirror's site: www.fedwaymirror.com.

Debra FeammelliDebra Feamelli, AL '09, writes "Business Buzz" to highlight Federal Way business owners and encourage readers to buy local.  As a marketing professional, she also has plenty of experience writing for other businesses; but the idea of a newspaper column devoted to introducing local business owners to the public hadn't occurred to her prior to her participation in AL.  "Advancing Leadership underscored the need for an economically vital city, " she noted.  "So, I put my curiosity and journalistic skills to work."  Her goal for the column is simply to inform the local public "about the depth and breadth of local goods and services. . . So far, I have written snippets and features about more than 40 local businesses!"  Debra can be reached at [email protected].

Amy J.Amy Johnson, AL '08, is the "Sex in The Suburbs" columnist, sharing her expertise with parents on navigating sexuality issues with their children.  Amy, who has joined our ALY staff, credits her own Advancing Leadership experience with influencing her community actions, building "priceless" connections, and seeing herself "in a leadership role regarding the column and other community work."  The major long-term effect she has noticed is that "AL helped fuel my passion for working right her in Federal Way."  In addition to the newspaper, you can also read what Amy has to say on her blog: www.diligentjoy.typepad.com.

Kelly M.Kelly Maloney, AL '08, began her first column after attending an AL class.  "I've been involved in the community for a long time," she explained.  "But it was after AL Diversity Day that I was moved toward action to continue the conversation about this universal topic."  Kelly used her AL connections to find co-authors with varied cultural and personal experiences, then posed questions to the group and published their answers as a column. "Marketing 101", her current column, reflects her professional expertise and personal interest in local economic success.  Kelly's articles are also found in the Federal Way Chamber's newsletter, and on her website blog:  www.inhousecomm.com.
Nandell PalmerNandell Palmer, AL '10, authors "Write a Blessing" for the Mirror, with a focus that aligns with his life's  work of celebrating the special people who positively impact others.  Although his degree and professional experience is in journalism, Nandell didn't set out to write a column.  He was hoping to get some publicity for a father/child event he was planning when he contacted the Mirror.  They suggested that he write an article instead, and it soon grew into a column.  His writing brought him to the attention of AL staff, who then suggested he apply.  "I truly count it a blessing," says Nandell.  "I have gained a lot of insights from people, and my involvement with the group makes me more aware." Learn more about Nandell's work at his site: www.blessingsatyourfingertips.com.

ALY Grads Get Out The Vote
SFFWS Co-chairsAs November ballots are being tallied, some new voters are already thinking about the next election.  Riley Germanis and Charlene Yamasaki, both ALY '09, are jumping into political activism as co-chairs of Students for Federal Way Schools (SFFWS), the new student branch of Citizens for Federal Way Schools (CFFWS).  Their goal is to raise awareness of the school district's upcoming technology levy.

Riley initiated the effort when his mom Audrey, CFFWS president, asked for help.  Even though he knows he'll graduate before the levy funds will be used in schools, he "thought of all the people before me who've run these campaigns to better my future.  I should do the same for the students behind me in school."

Voter education is a big job, and Riley knew he needed help.  He call Teri Hickel at AL for suggestions.  She referred him to Charlene.  Although they attend different high schools, they shared a common bond in ALY.  Charlene had never been involved in a campaign, but believed "involving students in community issues. . .will get more of the community involved in student issues."

Riley and Charlene both credit ALY with helping them leap into campaigning.  Riley was surprised at how valuable his AL connections have become.  "ALY taught me. . .ask for help and you WILL receive.  Having a connection with the Chamber also allows us to get businesses involved."

Charlene says ALY increased her awareness and confidence.  "Now I'm involved with the tech levy and the City's Diversity Commission - both opportunities I didn't even know existed for kids still in high school."

Learn more about SFFWS, ask questions about the 2010 Tech Levy and register to vote at their Facebook Group page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=117154854673.
Welcome The ALY 2010 Class
ALY 10 groupThis year's Advancing Leadership Youth class is comprised of 33 students from seven area high schools: Charles Wright Academy, Decatur High School, Federal Way High School, Federal Way Public Academy, Technology Access Foundation (TAF) Academy, Thomas Jefferson High School and Todd Beamer High School.
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