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In This Issue
World-Wide Events
Did You Know?
Why?? Food & Beverage
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26 - 27 October, Saint Petersburg
Oil and Fat Industry, 2011, explores all the trends in this global market of agricultural raw materials and food products. The conference covers all aspects of the supply chain from oilseed yields to developments in production. NevaLab JSC, the Lovibond representative in this region, will be demonstrating the Lovibond product line and how the products are critical to the Oils and Fats process line.

14-18 November, Barcelona, Spain


Expoquimia is back in 2011, the leading event for the chemistry sector in southern Europe. The event will be putting an emphasis on the scientific side of chemicals with an ambitious programme of conferences, seminars and other activities.


This year it promises to be one of the best forums for the international chemicals sector. Come and be part of the key event for the chemicals industry of the future.


Instrumentacion Analitica S.A. is exhibiting at Palau 5 - Carrer B (Hall 5 - Street B) - STAND 230 where they will be demonstrating the Lovibond product line. If you are planning on attending this event and would like to arrange a time to visit their booth for a presentation, please contact the Lovibond Reseller directly. 



29 November - 01 December, Paris, France
Fi Europe: From simple cane sugar to 300 different sweeteners, from sea salt to sodium replacers, from eating an orange to taking vitamin supplements, the Food Industry has evolved significantly in the last 25 years! Fi Europe has been a major part of this journey, showcasing the latest developments and trends and supporting the industry throughout those years.

For the first time, Lovibond Tintometer will have its own Stand to demonstrate how the Lovibond product range is ideally suited to measure the colour of all food types from raw materials to finished goods. Visit us at Stand Number 3H37 to learn how. 
Coming Soon 
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Lovibond Scores Triple A
 Did You Know? - Dichroism 
Frequently asked Questions

The Palette 
Volume 4, 2011
Dear ,

Autumn / Fall (this is an international e-letter after all) is upon us. As usual, it heralds the beginning of Show Season and there are events happening all over the world where you can see the Lovibond products in action.


Many of these are being hosted by our dedicated team of resellers who actively promote the Lovibond brand on a regional basis. Having local representation ensures that Lovibond users have direct access to trained personnel in their own time zone and local language - an invaluable service especially when one considers the extensive training and knowledge our resellers have in colour measurement. 

If you would like to find out who to contact in your region for Lovibond support, please don't hesitate to contact us. Meanwhile, we hope you enjoy this edition of our e-letter and, who knows, maybe we'll see you at one of the many events happening these next three months.

The Editor
Did You Know?
An In-Sight into Colour Management


Did You Know? starts a new mini-series in The Palette as our team of experts here impart their experience and expertise in all things 'colour'.


Beer-Lambert Law


A sample becomes more saturated with colour as the path length or concentration increases.   

(Specifically, the relationship of the absorption of light to the properties of the material through which the light is travelling). 


The diagram below shows Platinum Cobalt solution of 500 in various path length cells:




The cells used are, from left to right:

6", 5.25", 100mm, 3", 50mm, 40mm, 1", 20mm, 10mm, 1mm.




The exact same sample in a 6" cell appears vastly different to that in the 1mm cell.  


As can be clearly seen, the saturation of the colour increases with the path length.  


The same is true when the concentration of a sample increases, then so does the saturation of the colour.


This proves the importance when communicating colour: it is essential to specify the path length of the cell and / or the concentration of the sample.   






Food and beverage processing demands a scientific, precise and certifiable means of measuring and analysing colour for quality control. Defining the colour of products and ensuring colour accuracy every time is critical to long-term success of the supply chain both in raw materials and finished goods.

Colour co-ordinates (such as CIEL*a*b*, CIEL*C*h*, XYZ), Colour Scales (FAC, EBC, Gardner etc) and spectral data allow exact standards to be communicated. There is no reliance on old and faded physical samples and rough estimates that result in painful (and expensive) miscommunications. Precise standards and acceptable variations can be agreed internally with suppliers and customers. Mutually-decided Standards ensure both parties adhere to the agreed Standard / Tolerance and costly rejects are minimised. Numbers, not opinions, count.

Using Lovibond instruments, colour communication can be made objective and independent. Readings are accurate, reliable and consistent and can be measured, stored and recalled. Light source, surface and the human observer can all be quantified, allowing clear objective assessment.


The Food and Ingredient's industry is an exciting new market for the Lovibond product range as colour measurement increasingly becomes an important part of quality control. Visit the team at Stand No 3H37 to find how Lovibond solutions are addressing these needs.


Thank you for taking the time to read this edition of The Palette. We trust you found it of interest and, of course, we welcome any feedback.


Elizabeth Wilkinson
Lovibond Tintometer
Lovibond and Tintometer are Registered Trade Marks of The Tintometer Limited. Registered in England Number 45024.