Rural Student Services
Reach Out NewsletterDec 2011/Jan 2012
In This Issue
Happenings at RSS
Happy Holidays
RSS Alum Spotlight~Crystal Frank
PCN: Holiday Bash 2011
Student Club Happenings
Native American Heritage Month
Thank you Doyon Foundation Alum
Scholarships & Internships

December 2011/ January 2012 

Happenings at RSS


Dec 1 

1pm AISES Mtg

Dec 2
5PM Positive Connection Night ~ Holiday Bash

Dec 6
1pm ANSEP Mtg

Dec 8
1pm NABL Mtg

Dec 12
Last day of classes 

Dec 14-17  



Dec 18 

Residence Halls CLOSES


Dec 19-23

Dec 26-Jan 3 



Jan 16
Martin Luther King Jr Day ~ RSS OFFICES CLOSED

Jan 17
Residence Halls Open

Jan 19
First day of classes

Jan 19
Welcome back~ Open House Potluck at RSS

Jan 24 & 31
1pm ANSEP Mtg

Jan 26
1pm AISES Mtg 


Different Student Clubs:

ANSWA=Alaska Native Social Workers Association

ANESA=Alaska Native Education Student Association

FNA=Festival of Native Arts planning committee

AISES=American Indian Science & Engineering Society

ANSEP=Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program

NABL=Native Alaskan Business Leaders

IYDG= Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group

Troth Yeddh=Athabascan Dance Group   

NFPC= Natives For a Postive Change   

Join Our Mailing List
 RSS Offices will be closed from
Dec 19th to Jan 3rd.

Will re open with limited business hours on
Jan 4th.

Enjoy the break, be safe, and stay warm.

RSS Alum Spotlight ~ Crystal Frank

Crystal Frank is a Gwich'in from Arctic Village and Venetie.  Her clan name is Naantsaii.  Her parents are Kenneth Frank and Caroline (Tritt) Frank.  Her grandparents are Hammel Frank and Mary (Johnson) Frank and Isaac Tritt and Naomi (Peter) Tritt.  Her great grandparents are Johnny Frank and Sarah (John Vandeegwiizhii) Frank and Titus Peter and Maggie (William Khaatryaa) Gilbert.   


Crystal earned her Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Rural Development from UAF.  During her undergrad studies, Crystal always had help from RSS for advising and tutors for Math and English when she needed it.  She also went to RSS to visit with friends and "eat some good Native food."  During her graduate degree she looked to RSS for encouragement.  "The staff is very friendly and was like an extended family to me. They will welcome you and help you through school whenever you need it.  The best thing about RSS is that they believe in education.  Because of RSS I never felt lost when I first started college.  Even now, after completing my graduate degree I stop by to visit, drink tea and eat crackers.  I also work in the same building, so I'm always around.  We can smell Debbie's famous moose soup from the fourth floor."


Crystal participated in Native American Business Leaders and AISES as a student.  She suggests that if a student has time, he or she should be involved with these student clubs for opportunities of experience, volunteerism and even travel.  "It's a good opportunity to develop a network of peers and be involved with the University community.  Another interesting new student club is called Natives for Positive Change.  You can join them on Facebook."


Crystal continues to share, "I went through much of my life on a roller coaster.  I was at first peer pressured and I also thought I wasn't smart enough.  I once withdrew a whole semester and wasted a lot of money.  I hung out with a bad crowd.  However challenging, I found my path that I wanted.  I just never gave up on school."  There were times when she had to have a lot of patience.  She use to storm into Kay Thomas (my undergrad RSS advisor) office and say, "I want to quit, I don't want to go to school anymore!"  But being as kind-hearted as she is, she would tell me that I can finish.  She would encourage me and comfort me.  The next day I would forget about my little meltdown.  School for people like me was not easy, but I just never gave up.  I always showed up, took out my pen and paper and started taking notes, even when a couple of times I had no idea what was going on.  I just kept taking notes.  So when I finished my BA I thought, "Good grief I'm never doing that again."  And guess what, not even a year passed and I got bored of not going to school.  So like a maniac, I applied to graduate school."  RSS is so proud of you Crystal!


Crystal recalls, "I think my role models gave me the inspiration.  I always felt that I didn't want to be left in their dust.  I'm inspired to live a fulfilling life.  I lost so many loved ones and people I grew up with from alcohol over the years that I'm completely and utterly afraid of it.  School was my lifeline."


Crystal suggests applying to scholarships as early as you can, and even submit one daily like a chore.  Make sure that every credit counts towards your degree.  Use your school money wisely and pay off debt as much as you can before you graduate. "I've obtained a job that I enjoy and I work with an awesome team.  I've been asked to give presentations and take leadership roles and I also semi-mastered the concept of being self-sufficient. "


Crystal hopes to one day obtain a faculty or adjunct position with the University of Alaska Fairbanks.  "I'd also like to work my way up to an executive assistant and/or be a part of teaching language and indigenous leadership development to the youth in my region."


Crystal shares words of encouragement, "Believe in you.  Have goals and reach them.  No one can do it for you.  You have to work for it because you are a role model.  The staff and faculty will never give up on you.  They are always there to help and encourage you.  They are the best.   My parents with their unconditional love and support helped guide me.  My life partner Darryl Deacon stood by me. I couldn't have done it without them.  I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever have a Master's degree and yet, because I never gave up, I finished.  I constantly thought about my ancestors in this process and I really believe they helped me and guided me though my journey. "


Mahsi' choo (thank you)


RSS continues to be proud of Crystal Frank and her accomplishments.


Holiday Bash 2011!
Last Positive Connection Night for Fall 2011 Semester!

Come eat good food, play games, make crafts, and watch holiday movies at RSS on Friday, December 2nd at 5pm.

Holiday Bash Game of 2011: ESKIMO BINGO
Playing this game is a different way to exchange gifts.  First of all, you need a gift to exchange (can be no more than $10 and must be wrapped).
The rules are simple:
Sit in a circle and each person take a turn rolling a pair of dice, if you get a double, you get a wrapped gift (1 gift per person).
Student Club Happenings at RSS:
Winners of the 2011 AISES National Conference Professional and Chapter Development  Award. 
In attendance: MJ Roseberry, Jesstin Patterson, Stefan Weingarth, Rachel Dewilde, and Sterling Dewilde.

NOVEMBER was Native American Heritage Month! The kick off potluck held at EKCS on November 5th was a SUCCESS!  Thanks to all who prepared foods and assisted with the potluck.
Thank you Doyon Foundation Alums in advance for bringing snacks to RSS during finals week, December 14-16, 2011.
Come by and enjoy! 
Scholarships & Internships

Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. (APSC) is currently accepting 2012 internship applications from highly motivated college students currently attending an accredited university. Internship opportunities are available in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Valdez and Pump Stations and we are seeking students who are currently participating in a university undergraduate or graduate degree program in the areas of:

� Engineering (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical)

� Business Administration / Accounting

� Information Technology

� Project Management

� Safety

� Process Technology

� Science

� Audit

The application submission date is January 20, 2012.  You may visit APSC's website for more information regarding our Alaska Native Programs and other employment opportunities (

If you have questions, contact:

Tabetha M.Toloff, PHR

Alaska Native Program Manager


P.O. Box 196660 - MS 536

Anchorage, Alaska 99519

Tel: 907-787-8394 / Cell: 907-717-6468

Fax: 907-787-8448

*Bill Gates Announces 2012 Scholarship Program For Low-Income Minority Students*
Eligibility: Gates' non-profit organization is giving away 1,000 scholarships for the 2012 school season. Bill Gates' Millennium Scholarship
Program (GMS) will select 1,000 talented students next year to receive a good-through-graduation scholarship to use at any college or university of
their choice. Scholars will also be provided with personal and professional development through their leadership programs along with academic support
throughout their college career.
The program, funded by a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was established to provide outstanding low income minority students with an opportunity to complete an undergraduate college education in any area of interest. To date, the program has given scholarships to more than 15,000
students. Continuing scholars may request funding for a graduate degree program in one of the following disciplines: education engineering, library science, mathematics, public health or science
Contact: To apply, visit <
Deadline: The deadline for submitting an application is Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In 2012, the Udall Foundation expects to award 80 scholarships of up to $5000 and 50 honorable mentions of $350 to sophomore and junior level college students committed to careers related to the environment, tribal public policy, or Alaska Native / Native American health care. The environmental scholarships are open for all majors with an interest in environmental issues; the tribal policy and health care scholarships are for Alaska Native / Native American students who are pursuing careers in tribal affairs and tribal health.

The Udall Foundation seeks future leaders for both scholarship opportunities from across a wide spectrum of fields, including public policy; engineering; natural, physical and social sciences; education; urban planning and renewal; business; health; justice; humanities; journalism and economics.

Up to six students can be nominated by UAF to apply. Nominated students will work with Dr. Chanda Meek and our local Udall Scholarship committee to submit their applications. For more information:, and contact Dr. Meek in the Department of Political Science or Dr. Michael Koskey in the Department of Alaska Native Studies and Rural Development. The deadline to submit your pre-application to UAF is: January 27, 2012 but you must first meet with a representative.

Arctic Education Foundation 
Scholarship renewal deadline December 1, 2011
For more info, go to